Tools of Analysis in Community Organization
Tools of Analysis in Community Organization
Tools of Analysis in Community Organization
Jayvee Baclig
Mary Rose Bitamog
Geraldie Dichoso
Dinckie Ulep
Edhesa Vicente
We will talk about.
- Gender analysis
- Class and structure analysis
- Problem tree analysis
- Conscientizing inquiry
- SWOT analysis
Gender Analysis
-is a systematic way of examining the differences
in roles and norms for women and men, girls and
boys; the different levels of power they hold; their
differing needs, constraints, and opportunities; and
the impact of these differences in their lives.
Gender Analysis
Sex -refers to the biological differences between
males and females, as the genitalia and genetic
Gender -refers to the socially constructed roles,
behaviour, expressions and identities of girls, women,
boys, men.
What gender analysis will
● Analysis of the division of labor and access and control of
● Understanding of gender relations and their implication for
development policy and implementation.
● Specific gender disaggregated statistics.
● A review of women’s Priorities, Women’s Practical needs and
strategic interests and ways to address them.
● A review of social, economic, political power dynamics.
When to conduct a Gender
Can be undertaken at any stages of a program/ project cycle including:
1. Identification of project
3. Implementation
Middle Class
Lower Class
The Social Work Approach to
Class Issues
● For Mary Richard, founder of the Charity Organization
Society (COS), the goal of social workers was for their
clients to achieve self- reliance and to enhance their
capacity to be productive and to integrate in their own
social class group.
Structural Analysis
Problem Tree Analysis
● This method is used by groups to determine the extent to
which an organization’s program activities address the root
causes of the problems it seeks to alleviate and to verify that
these programs can achieve the desired impact.
● Simple yet effective tools for community groups to use to
properly identify problems and determine what the most
effective intervention are
Problem Tree Analysis
● Helps to illustrate the linkage between a set of complex issues or
relationship by fitting them into hierarchy of related factors. It is used for:
1. Link together the various issues or factors which may contribute to an
institutional problem
2. Help to identify the underlying or root causes of an institutional problem
● The major assumption underlying the problem tree is the hierarchical
relationship between cause and effect
Elements of a Problem Tree
How to use it?
● Identify the major existing problems/ issues based
on available information.
● Select one focal problem for the analysis
● Develop the problem tree beginning with the
substantial and direct causes of the focal problem
● A key concept in Freire`s approach
is conscientization, meaning the ways in which
individuals and communities develop a critical
understanding of their social reality through reflection
and action. This involves examining and acting on the
root causes of oppression as experienced in the here
and now.
Three different levels of
political awareness:
Magical Consciousness Critical Consciousness Naïve Consciousness
-People experience - This idea refers to achieving an - A person can distinguish
themselves as completely in-depth understanding of the between himself and the
unable to control the things world, and one’s place in the outside world. Life does not
that happen to them, and world, allowing for the perception just happen to a person.
are unable to change their of and exposure to social and There is a sense that things
personal or socioeconomic political contradictions and then are within the reach of that
situation taking action in one’s life against person, yet some things are
the oppressive elements that are only attainable with someone
● Threats
● Opportunities –refers to factors that have the potential
–refers to a favourable external factors to harm an organization
that could give an organization a
competitive advantage
Thank you!