Working Hours
Working Hours
Working Hours
Day Week
24 hours beginning at 7days beginning at Saturday
midnight midnight
Quarter Shift
3 consecutive months Two or more sets of workers
beginning on 1st January, 1st working during different
April, 1st July & 1st October. periods of the day
The employees shall, Employer shall,
• not impose any sanction on employees for
• record their entry and exit timings
requesting or taking any type of leaves, such
themselves electronically through
as annual, sick, maternity or other leaves , etc.
biometric system.
• provide public holidays as required under
• be entitled to take reasonable absence
National and Festival Holidays.
from work on the grounds of genuine • may provide the extra or extended holiday
incapability through illness and other for any festival, on the demand of workers by
Factory shall maintain register of adult workers and keep it available to Inspector of factories.
Working hours for Adults
Weekly hours : 48 hours in any week
Daily hours : 9 hours in any day
Interval for rest : Shall not work for more than 5 hours
continuously without interval for rest
Spread over : Shall not work for more than 10.5 hours
in any day inclusive of interval for rest.
Extra wages for overtime : more than 9 hrs a day /48 hrs a week, OT to be
paid at the rate of twice of ordinary rate of wages
Working Hours: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Lunch break: 30 mins
Weekly off: Sunday
Comp-off within 3 days if Sunday is working
OT: Voluntary and Double pay
Women employees shall not work between 7 pm -6 am.
Daily : 2 hours
Weekly : 12 hours
Quarterly : 50 hours
1 •Production department shall take approval through mail from the Management to do overtime.
2 •HR department will co-ordinate with Production department and take the consent from the workers before engaging them for overtime work.
6 hours per day including rest No work between 7 p.m and 8 a.m