NMS Configurations MPLS TP
NMS Configurations MPLS TP
NMS Configurations MPLS TP
NMS Provisioning
Please create the Topological link (TL) first after the physical connection using fiber is done.
It can be done after topology view is launched. Select the nodes And then Click on Create TL , and then
select the ports and capacities.
For all MPLS-TP provision, tunnels have to be created first and then psuedowire on top of tunnels.
Service Tunnel
To begin with we create tunnel group (TG), every tunnel group can have work and protect tunnel
depending on the protection mode selected.
If protection mode is selected as ‘none’, tunnel group will only contain work tunnel (i.e unprotected TG).
If protection mode is selected as 1:1, tunnel group will contain both work and protect (i.e Protected TG).
Mention the MD level from the drop down and specify a name to the Maintenance domain.
Support adding protection: if checked, there is an option of adding protection tunnel later to the tunnel group.
Click on next.
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Creating unprotected tunnels contd…
Click on add.
Select two end nodes(starting and ending point of the tunnel).
If this box is checked, NMS will automatically select one tunnel after clicking on find path.
• If this box is unchecked, user can select the tunnel manually after clicking on
Manual path.
Make sure all the underlying tunnels are created first on all the multiple NNI ports where traffic needs to flow.
All the other steps remains same as ELINE service as mentioned in slides 14 to 17.
In case of the protection scenarios make sure there are already multiple paths and tunnels availabilities.
The service switches to the protect path of the underlying tunnels using Hierarchical protection.
Create the ELAN service.
Once Activated the ELAN service is also pushed to the respective nodes.
To check the health of the tunnel, Ping and trace route can be performed.
Double click on the tunnel, click on icon.
Message type: Ping or Trace route can be selected.
Path type: Ping/trace route can be performed either on
Work or on protect tunnel, which has to be mentioned here.
Source MEP: select any one of the end node.
TTL: Time to leave, can be 255.
Number of packets: Number of ping packets user wish
to send for verifying the path.(Max 50).
Payload side: Frame size of the ping packets.
Interval: Time between two ping packets
Click on create.
Check the refresh box on the top right corner.
Ping result will be displayed in the same page after few seconds. If the link is fine, Rx packets will be equal to Tx packets.
Get inside the tunnel/service, click on trigger external command icon, select the command from the dropdown and
click on Go.
From the created service user can check tunnel the service is taking and also there is an option to see the ethernet
links involved in the tunnel creation.
Double click on the service created.
Click on pseudowire tab, check show tunnel path box.
Point to the link, Port number of the link are shown.
If the UNI port is down on the other end, Remote MEP interface down alarm is raised on the local end in the service.
Under CFM configuration all the port in the service path will be shown. Select the UNI ports of the service one by one
and click on Add MEP. MEP creation window is opened, click on the PLUS icon and create a maintenance Domain.
Consider two nodes setup for creating UP MEP, Select the maintenance domain from drop down.
Consider an example, Where there is a single link between two nodes in the network, there is no extra link to provide
tunnel protection.
User has no option but to create unprotected tunnel. In future if in case extra link is added between the nodes, user can
add protection to the existing tunnel without deleting the tunnel and services on them.
This is possible by checking the support adding protection box while creating tunnel.
Select the protect tunnel path from the topology and activate the tunnel .
If the OAM is not enabled for, while creating a tunnel, there is an option to enable it later.
Double click on the tunnel, click on Enable OAM option.
Protect path
Dual home
Backup node
1.Service type is ELine to create a dual home-
eline service. To create a dual home-elan sevice
type is Elan and Mesh type is Hub and Spoke.
2. OAM has to be enabled on the dual home
Click on Add link and select the L2 link between primary and backup node.
Node Augmentation is the process of adding a new midpoint between two already existing end nodes with
end to end tunnels between them
Few things to be taken care while doing node augmentation are:
1. Node augmentation is done to add only midpoint. Not applicable for end nodes
2. This midpoint node can have only pass through tunnels. No end tunnels should be configured on it
3. LLDP should be disabled on the links connecting the original two nodes
This can be verified by checking the tunnels for the midpoint node
Go to Topology view Network view (Switches)
Select the midpoint and then click on icon. Select Tunnels from the drop down and click OK
Tunnels for the selected switch (midpoint node here) will be displayed as shown below
This option is useful when one more tunnel has to be created which takes the same path as the tunnel which is already
present in the NMS.
User don’t have to search again for end points and links from topology view.
Click on select the tunnel, right click on the selected tunnel, select create tunnel using select tunnels
While selecting end nodes, click on ADD, Only two nodes will be shown( this information is taken from
already existing tunnel).
While selecting the path for tunnel, NMS will show the path taken by the already existing tunnel.
This option is useful when one more service has to be created which takes the same path as the service
which is already present in the NMS.
User don’t have to search again for end points and links from topology view.
Click on select the service, right click on the selected service, select create service using select
This is achieved by giving Ingress and Egress vlans on node A and C, match ingress and egress vlans like how it is
shown in the figure.
At B node, create an Eline service which includes both 100 and 101 tags.
From the figure above, third party cloud is placed between node TJ1400_52_R1 and TJ1400P_72_R1.
Steps to create tunnels remain same but one addition step would be mentioning the vlan tags(ingress and Egress vlan)
in the Path Details step.
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