1. Define fiction;
2. Identify the elements of fiction;
3. Identify the techniques and literary devices in writing fiction;
4. Write a composition exploring the key elements of fiction.
Create a story out of the series of picture. Just have fun!
Share your initial knowledge about fiction.
Fiction is a literature in the form of prose that
presents imaginary events and people.
DEFINITION Short stories and novels are the common forms of
OF FICTION fiction.
The elements of fiction are character, setting,
point of view, plot, conflict, and theme.
1. Character- This refers to individuals who take
part in the action of a story. In a fiction, there
are characters labeled as protagonists and
antagonists. Characters can be dynamic and
ELEMENTS static. A character is dynamic when he/she
OF FICTION changes as the story unfolds. On the other
hand, a character is static when he/she
remains unchanged until the end of the story.
Characterization is the development of characters
in fiction. The techniques used by authors in
developing characters. These are:
a) physical description of the character;
b) description by another character;
c) the character’s speech;
d) explanation of the character’s thoughts;
e) the character’s actions;
f) the character’s responses and reactions to
other characters or to situations.
2. Setting- This refers to the time and place in
which the events in the story happen.
The place can be real or imaginary. The time
OF FICTION can be a particular day, a period of history, a
season, or even the future.
The setting can be an important part of a story
when it is a story of local color. Local color
highlights the life and culture of the people of a
certain region or province.
ELEMENTS Other stories used the setting as backdrop to
OF FICTION establish the atmosphere.
Meanwhile, the setting becomes the main focus
of a story if it is milieu. Milieu is the literary
equivalent of tourism.
3. Point of View- This refers to the relationship
between a narrator and the events he/she narrates.
In stories where one of the characters is the
narrator, the point of view is in first person.
When the story is told to one of the characters
OF FICTION in a story, it is written from a second point of
And if the narrator is outside the action in the
story, the point of view is in the third person.
The third person point of view can be:
a) objective- the narrator simply based his/her
narration of the story based from his/her
ELEMENTS observations without giving comments
OF FICTION b) omniscient- the narrator reveals the thoughts
of the characters
c) limited omniscient- the narrator narrates the
story through the eyes of one character
4. Plot- This refers to the chain of related events
that occur in a story.
The parts of a plot are exposition, rising action,
climax, and falling action.
ELEMENTS Plots can be linear or episodic. A linear plot is
OF FICTION narrated based on the chronology of occurrence.
If the starts without the exposition, or in media
res, the beginning is presented using the
flashback technique.
An episodic plot is subdivided into episodes.
In creating the plot, it is essential to have knowledge
about fiction writing modes. Marshall (1998) names
five fiction writing modes. These are action,
summary, dialogue, feelings/thoughts, and
ELEMENTS background. Morrell (2006) listed six delivery
OF FICTION modes for fiction writing. These are action,
exposition, description, dialogue, summary, and
transition, while Selgin (2007) identified action,
dialogue, thoughts, summary, scene, and description
as modes of fiction writing.
5. Conflict- This refers to the struggle of opposing
forces in a story. Conflict can be internal or external.
ELEMENTS This can be man against man, man against nature,
man against self, man against society, man against
OF FICTION supernatural beings and man against situation. There
can be a combination of two or more types of
conflict in a story.
ELEMENTS 6. Theme- This is the central idea in a literary piece.
1. Tone and Mood- Tone is the attitude of the writer
towards the subject, while mood refers to the
TECHNIQUES emotional response of the reader. These are
AND established by the writer through his/her diction.
LITERARY 2. Symbolism- This represents an association
DEVICES between two unlike objects. For example, sunrise
can symbolize new beginning, while pen
represents writing.
3. Hints- This is an indirect way of saying
TECHNIQUES something.
4. Foreshadowing- This is a word that implies what
DEVICES would happen next.
1. Backstory- A story about past events that adds
meaning to current situation of the characters.
2. Cliffhanger- The story ends unresolved to make
NARRATIVE the audience anticipate what will happen on the
TECHNIQUES next episode.
3. Deus ex machina- This means plot manipulation.
The conflict in the story is resolved by a means
which is not related to the story.
4. Eucatastrophe- A climactic event which seems to
change the fate of the character but will not
materialize. Instead, the character will benefit from it
NARRATIVE at the end of the story.
TECHNIQUES 5. Flashback- A narrative technique that takes the
characters back to the events happened in the past.
6. Flashforward- The story moves to the future.
7. Frame story- A series of shorter stories are
connected by a main story.
8. In medias res- The narration starts in the middle of
NARRATIVE a sequence of events in the story.
TECHNIQUES 9. Narrative Hook- The beginning of the story is
well-written to hook readers.
10. Plot Twist- The outcome of the story is
11. Poetic Justice- Good deeds are rewarded, while
NARRATIVE evil deeds are punished.
TECHNIQUES 12. Self-fulfilling prophecy- A prediction which
makes itself come true.
1. Audience Surrogate- A character asks the
questions that readers may ask.
2. Author Surrogate- There are characters that
OF express the personal views of the author.
3. Breaking the Fourth Wall- The narrator or a
character directly addresses to the audience.
How Much Have You Learned?
Match the literary terms in column A to the word/words associated with them
in column B
1. point of view a. central idea
2. tone b. manner of narrating the story
3. characterization c. attitude of the writer towards his/her work
4. theme d. making characters come to life
5. plot e. time and place
f. sequence of events
How Much Have You Learned?
Match the narrative techniques in column A to the items in column B
1. Frame story a. In Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince, events in the past were narrated.
2. Deus ex machina b. An interesting opening is presented to hook readers.
3. Flashback c. In Harry Potter, Severus Snape was introduced as a villain, but in the end,
it was revealed that he has been protecting Harry Potter.
4. Flashforward d. In Arabian Nights, Scheherazade married the king and in order to
postpone her execution, she told him stories until the king fell in love with
5. Plot twist e. In Romeo and Juliet, the owner of the apothecary gave Juliet potion to
fake her death, so she could elope with Romeo
f. In A Christmas Carol, Mr. Scrooge visits the ghost of the future.
Create a plan on how you will write your composition.
Plot Rising Action
______________________________________ Falling Action
Exposition ______________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ Resolution
__________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ __________________
__________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ __________________
__________________ ___________________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
Write a short composition exploring the elements, styles and techniques of
fiction. Use the plan you made in the previous activity in writing your piece. Have
fun writing!