15mnt of Irreg
15mnt of Irreg
15mnt of Irreg
definition “irregularity cargo adalah permasalahan yang terjadi dalam
penanganan kargo”
• Cargo is found to be damaged, either caused by miss handling or
other suspected caused
• Cargo is found to be leaked, even if the packing is found has not been
• Any other indication shows that the package was mishandled and the
content of the cargo is suspected to be damaged
flight where the cargo was manifested. Missing cargo occurs when
manifested cargo is not received at all or actual manifested cargo
receives incomplete
If the cargo already arrive at destination and shall be returned back the
origin the shipper is responsible for payment of additional charges.
point of unloading, whether it is partially or fully removed
due to various reasons
• Capacity problem
• Change aircraft
• Tail heavy Loading Priority List
• Rejected
• Commercial issue
• Etc.