Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Definition of some types of solid wastes
Refuse: is a general name given to all wastes
except liquid waste. includes all Putrescible and non
Putrescible wastes.
Garbage: Putrescible wastes resulting from the
growing, handling, processing, cooking and
consumption of food. E.g. Vegetables, fruits, bones,
bread, injera etc.
Rubbish: represents all non Putrescible wastes except
I. Combustible - organic in nature and includes items such as
paper, cardboard, wood yard clippings, bedding, plastics etc.
II. Non-combustible: - are inorganic materials, which include
metals, glass, ceramics, and other minerals.
Special wastes: are wastes from residential and
commercial sources that includes.
Bulky items (large worn out or broken household,
commercial, and industrial items like, Furniture, lamps,
bookcases, filing cabinets, etc.)
Consumer electronics (includes worn-out, broken, and
other no- longer wanted items such as radios, stereos, TV sets.
White goods (large worn – out a broken household,
commercial, and industrial appliances such as stoves,
refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers)
Organic waste: Food waste, paper, cardboard,
plastics, textiles, rubber, leather, wood, yard wastes.
Types of solid wastes
Source Typical facilities, activities,
locations where wastes are
Composition of solid wastes and their
is described as an individual components that make
up the solid waste stream and their relative
distribution, usually percent by weight.
Physical composition of solid wastes
Knowing physical composition is important:-
for the selection and operation of equipment and
to assess the possibility for resource of energy
to design and analyze disposal facilities
Ways for physical composition Analysis
Individual component study
Sorting and separation of each and every component is
ƒSamples each of the heterogeneous refuse of municipal
solid waste
ƒ Should be representative (at all seasons of the year)
Statistical produces (representativeness and randomization)
1. Moisture content
The moisture content of solid waste is usually
expressed in one of two ways
1. In the wet – weight method of measurement: the
moisture in a sample is expressed as a percentage
of the wet weight of material
2. Dry-weight method: it is expressed as a % age of
the dry weight of the material.
Wet- weight Moisture content is expressed as
Table 2.1: Typical data on moisture content of municipal solid waste
To obtain the dry weight, the solid waste material is dried in
an oven at 77oC for 24 hours.
For most industrial solid wastes, the moisture content will
vary from 10 – 35 percent.
The moisture content of municipal solid waste vary
depending on:-
a) Composition of the waste
b) The season of the year
c) Humidity
d) Weather condition esp. rain
Example: Estimate moisture content of a solid waste sample with the
following composition based on 100 kg of Sample
Component % By weight
Food wastes 15
Paper 45
Card board 10
Plastics 10
Garden trimming 10
Wood 5
Tin cans 5
Total 100
Step 1 Calculate dry weight
For food waste 100 -70= 30
15/100*30= 4.5
Step 2 Determine the moisture content using the
= 100-79/100=0.21
= 0.21*100=21%
• Step- 1 set up a computation table to determine the dry
mass of the solid-waste sample using the given data.
Component % By weight M.C (%) by weight Dry weight (kg)
• Food wastes 15 70 4.5
Paper 45 6 42.3
Plastics 10 2 9.8
Garden trimming 10 60 4
Wood 5 20 4
Total 100 79
Assignment: Estimate the moisture content for a waste sample
with the following composition:
Component % by weight
Food wastes 12
Paper 40
Card board 8
Plastics 4
Garden trimming 15
Wood 5
Inert(Misc) 16
2. Density
Under physical composition of solid wastes density is one of the
important parameters.
Density is defined as the weight of the material per unit volume.
helps to assess the total mass and volume of waste that must be
The densities of solid waste vary markedly with:
1. Geographic location
2. Season of the year
3. Length of time In storage
3. Field capacity
The field capacity of solid waste is the total amount of
moisture that can be retained in a waste sample subject to
the downward pull of gravity.
Chemical composition
Information on the chemical composition of solid wastes is important in
evaluating alternative processing and recovery options.
For example, the feasibility of combustion depends on the chemical
composition of solid waste.
If solid wastes are to be used as fuel, the four most important properties
to be known are:
A. Proximate analysis: Proximate analysis for combustible components of
municipal solid waste includes the following tests
Moisture (loss of moisture when heated to 105º c for 1h)
Volatile combustible matter (additional loss of weight on ignition at
9500c in a covered crucible)
Fixed carbon (combustible residue left after volatile matter is removed)
Ash (weight of residue after combustion in an open crucible)
B. Fusing point of ash:
• is defined as the temperature at which the ash resulting from the
burning of waste will form a solid (clinker) by fusion and
• Typical fusion temperature for the formation of clinker from
solid waste ranges from 1100 to 1200oc.
C. Ultimate analysis:
involves the determination of the percent of C, H O , N , S and
ash. The results of the ultimate analysis are used to characterize
the chemical composition of the organic matter in municipal
solid waste.
Table 2-2: Typical data on ultimate analysis of the combustible components in municipal solid
waste Percent by weight (dry basis)
D) Energy content: the energy content of the organic
components in municipal solid waste
can be determined;
By using a full scale boiler as a calorimeter
By using a laboratory bomb calorimeter
By calculation if the elemental composition is known.
Table 2- 3: Typical data on inert residue and energy content of municipal solid wastes
• Example: Estimate the energy content of a solid waste sample with the
composition given in example2.
Step -1)set up a computation table to determine the total as discarded energy
content of the solid waste sample using the data in table 2.3
Step 3)Determine the energy content on a dry basis
a) Moisture content is 21.0 percent (as calculated)
b) The energy content on dry basis is :
• If energy values are not available, approximate energy
values for the individual waste material can be determined
by using the equation known as “modified Dulong formula
& the data on tables 2.2
C) Biological properties of MSW
Excluding plastic, rubber, and leather components, organic fraction
classified as
1. Unload a truck load of wastes in a controlled area away from other operations
2. Divide the waste load into four
3. Select one of the quarters and quarter that quarter
4. Select one of the quartered quarters and separate all of the individual components of
the waste into pre-selected components
5. Place the separated components in a container of known volume and measure the
volume and mass of each component. The separated components should be
compacted tightly to simulate the conditions in the storage containers from which
they were collected.
6. Determine the percentage distribution of each component by mass and as- discarded
Future Changes in Waste Composition
Food Waste
The quantity of residential food waste collected has changed
significantly over the years as a result of technical advances and
change in public health
Food processing and packaging industry and the use of kitchen food
waste grinders have effected the quantity of food waste
Future Changes in Waste Composition
if the U.S. postal rate for bulk mail were increased to first class mail, a significant
reduction would occur in the amount of paper collected for disposal
Yard Wastes
The percentage of yard waste has also increased significantly, due primarily to
passage of laws that prohibit burning of yard wastes.
By weight, yard waste currently accounts for about 16 to 24 percent of the waste
Environmental conditions such as droughts have also affected the quantities of yard
wastes collected in certain locations
Future Changes in Waste Composition
The percentage of plastics in solid waste has increased significantly
during the past 50 years
Source , types & properties of Hazardous wastes found in
municipal solid waste
• Hazardous wastes are defined as wastes or combinations of wastes that
pose a substantial present or potential hazard to humans or other living
organisms since such wastes:
- are nondegradable or persist in nature
- Can be biologically magnified
- Can be lethal
- May otherwise cause or tend to cause detrimental cumulative effect
• Any substance or mixture of substances having properties capable of
producing adverse effects on health and safety of a human beings
and/or environment.
• Properties of waste materials that have been used to assess whether
a waste is hazardous are related to questions of safety and health.
• When dealing with the hazardous waste materials found in MSW,
municipalities have most commonly used the following properties to
define a hazardous waste:
- Ignitability
- Corosivity
- Reactivity
- Toxicity
- Carcinogenicity
• At present, different regulatory agencies adopt variety of classification
systems and priority lists to define a hazardous waste.
• The U.S. EPA has published and refined definitions for
- RCRA hazardous waste
- Priority pollution
• Categories of RCRA hazardous waste
1. Listed
- Nonspecific sources
- Specific sources 3. Other hazardous wastes
- Commercial chemical products(acutely) - Mixtures(haz and nonhazardous)
- Commercial chemical products (non acutely) - Residues derived from treatment of
2. Characteristic
- Ignitable
- Corrosive
- Reactive
- toxic
Priority pollution
The U.S. EPA was required to prepare a list of toxic pollutants
proven to be harmful to human health.
Four criteria were used to classify the pollutants.
1. Actual or potential damage that a water discharge of these materials may
create by virtue of certain toxicological properties. These properties include
bioaccumulation, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, or high
acute toxicity.
2. Seriousness of discharge or potential discharge of the pollutant by point
3. The setting of effluent standards for point source discharges.
4. Overall environmental effect of the control measures available.
The initial list of priority pollutants contained 65 classes of pollutants,
comprising a total of 129 specific substances.
• Other agencies having hazardous waste classifications:
- International Agency for Research on Cancer
- National Cancer Institute
- EPA – Carcinogen Assessment Group
Sources and Types
Sources and Types
Typical HW From commercial sources
- The hazardous wastes produced by commercial establishments are
related primarily to the services provided.
- Typical examples include:
- Inks from print shops
- solvents from dry cleaning establishments
- Cleaning solvents from auto repair shops
- Paints and thinners from painting contractors
Quantity of HW in MSW
• Although the exact distribution between residential and commercial
sources is quite variable, approximately 75 to 85% present of the
hazardous wastes found in MSW are from residential sources.
Significance of HW in MSW
• The occurrence in MSW of small amounts of solid, semisolid, and
liquid hazardous wastes and gaseous compounds derived from these
wastes influences :
Recovery materials
Conversion products (e.g. compost)
Combustion products
• Long-term persistent
- The environment persistence of these hazardous compounds in one of
the critical issues in their long term management.
- Often, hazardous wastes are classified as either non persistent or
Significance of HW in MSW
• The half-life concept can be used to characterize and compare the relative
environmental persistence of various hazardous wastes.
• At the relatively low concentrations encountered in MSW, the decay of an
individual hazardous waste constitute can be described adequately as first-
order function as follows:
Physical transformations
The principal physical transformations that alter the form of the
hazardous constituents found in MSW are
A. Volatilization (easily evaporated at normal temperatures)
B. Phase distribution
A. Volatilization
hazardous wastes can occur in the gaseous state as a result of three
related processes:
1. Volatilization of chemical wastes
2. Volatilization of liquid chemical wastes in water and lecheate
3. Volatilization of chemical wastes adsorbed in soil or other solids
Liquids with a high vapor pressure will tend to evaporate easily, while
liquids with a low vapor pressure will evaporate slowly.
When the Henry’s law constant (KH) is high, the resistance of the
liquid phase dominates over the gas phase and these compounds are
highly volatile. 49
Physical transformations
B. Distribution of waste between phases
The distribution of a substance between two immiscible
phases or liquids is defined by the distribution coefficient
which is the ratio of the concentrations in each phase.
Knowledge of the amount of a waste in each phase is
important in developing waste management plans.
Chemical Transformations
The organic hazardous waste constituents in MSW can be
transformed by a variety of chemical reactions, some of which
1. Chemical reactions in combustion
Under ideal conditions the combustion process is an
effective means of destroying the hazardous organic
constituents found in municipal solid waste.
If the combustion process is not ideal, the product of
incomplete combustion can be quite varied and in many
cases, toxic.
E.g. The combustion of chlorobenzene with oxygen
C6H5CL + 7O2 6CO2 + 2H2O + HCL
Chemical Transformations
2. Chemical reactions in landfills
The principal classes of chemical reactions that can occur to
alter the composition of the hazardous waste compounds found
in MSW include:
Simple substitution
Management of HW in MSW
• The most effective way to eliminate the small quantities of
hazardous wastes now found in municipal solid waste is to
separate them at the point of generation.
• The number and type of hazardous components separated will
depend on the hazardous waste:
treatment and
disposal facilities provided by the community.
Management of HW in MSW
Handling and storage of HW at residential dwellings
Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or
reactive ingredients are considered to be "household hazardous waste"
or "HHW."
The handling and storage of household hazardous wastes depend on
the nature of the product.
The disposal of HHW is at present, unregulated in most states. As a
consequence, many of the products within the various generic
categories are often stored and, once used, disposed of improperly.
The only effective way to deal with HHW is to educate citizens about
the proper use, storage, and disposal of HHW and to provide them with
convenient options for the disposal of these wastes.
Management of HW in MSW
Household hazardous waste collection programs
- To minimize the improper disposal of HHW
- product exchange programs (paint exchange programs, major portion of HHW)
- special collection days(adequate promotion and education is critical)
- permanent collection sites (fire stations, landfills, city & corporation yards)
have been established by a number of communities.
Elimination of HW from commercial sources
- To reduce the toxicity of commingled MSW, most communities have
sought to eliminate all discharges of hazardous wastes from commercial
- The key to the elimination of hazardous wastes from commercial activities
is the availability of community or regional facilities for handling and
processing hazardous wastes.
• Mention examples of HHW
Mismanagement of HW
• Ground water pollution
• Pollution of streams, rivers, lakes, and other surface waters
• Killing aquatic life
• Destroy wildlife
• Cause respiratory illness, skin diseases, elevated levels of toxic
materials on the blood and tissue of human and domestic livestock.
• Resulted in fires, explosives, the generation of toxic gases that have
killed or seriously injured workers and firefighters.