Orgman MGT Functions

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and Management
T H E O R I E S & P R A C T I C E S
Review of
previous lesson
Definition of

Management is a scientific process

of utilizing organization's resources
efficiently and get things done
through and with people to
accomplish a stated goal.
Two Important Aspects
in management
 Management is a scientific pro-
cess of utilizing organization's
resources efficiently,

 It get things done through and

with people to accomplish a
stated goal.

Functions of Management
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

State what is a Explain the functions of

management cycle. management.

Identify two other Make a plan

important functions of demonstrating the
management in relation to planning function of
its main functions. management.
What is
management cycle?

Management cycle is the cycle of the

functions of management.
The management cycle and
management functions
The management cycle is the cycle of the management
function of :


Controlling Organizing

What is
management functions?

Management functions are

functions needed in order to
accomplish the management
process of coordinating and
overseeing the work
performance of individuals
working together in
Involves determining the or-
ganization’s goal or performance
objectives, defining strategic ac-
tions that must be done to
The management cycle and accomplish them, and developing

management functions coordination and integration ac-

tivities. Foreseeing what is ahead
and be able to establish the what,
when, where, who and the how.

Is the assigning of task, setting

apart of funds, and bringing
Involves evaluating and correcting, if
harmonious relations among
necessary, of the work performance of
Planning the individuals and work
individuals or work groups/teams in order
groups/teams in the organi-
to make sure that they are all working
towards a common goal.

Controlling Organizing

Entails influencing or motiva-

ting others to do their best so Is the filling-up with the right
their work efforts result in the person of the different job po-
achievement of organizational Motivating sitions in the organization
goals. structure.
Two other Important Functions
in the management Cycle


Controlling Organizing/Staffing


Recap of
the lesson
 Management cycle is the cycle of the functions
of management.

 Management functions are functions

needed in order to accomplish the
management process of coordinating and
overseeing the work performance of
individuals working together in the
Recap of
the lesson
 The management functions are planning,
organizing, motivating, and controlling.

 The two other important functions of

management in relation to its main
functions are decision-making and
Planning Activity

Thank You.

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