Wordstress Group 1

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Word stress

Group 1
Trần Thanh Phương - 453129
Nguyễn Đức Anh - 453132
Nguyễn Phương Uyên - 453131
Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung - 453130
Phạm Bình An – 453133
Table of contents
01 Definition and 03 How to 05 The
role of word pronounce importance of
stress in word stress word stress

02 Types of word 04 Rules of word 06 Homework.

stress stress

Definition and the role of word

The importance of
What is word stress ?
word stress.
What is word stress ?

Definition :
Stress is relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to
certain words on a phrase or sentence.
In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one
word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong,
important) and all the other syllables very quietly.
The importance of word stress.

Word stress is not an optional extra that you can add to the English language if
you want. It is part of the language! Fluent English speaker use words stress to
communicate rapidly and accurately, even difficult conditions. Here are some
reasons why word stress is very important:
 Native speakers rely on stress to process what they hear and use it to identify words

 Word stress affects the sounds of the vowels in the word.

 Learners who know where to stress words are more confident in speaking and reading

 Missconmmunication between non-native speakers and native speakers of English can be

the result of incorrect word stress patterns by the non-native and reading English.
 Knowing about word stress helps learners to identify words when listening.

 Knowing the stress pattern of word can help you remember the pronunciation
of new words.

 Knowing stress rules will help you pronounce new words that you come

 Once you know which syllable to stress in a word, it will be much easier to
apply vowel reductions.

Types of word stress

Tonic stress stress

Contrastive information
stress stress
Emphatic stress

For example:
• That was a difficult test. - Standard
If you decide to emphasize something,
you can change the stress from the
• That was a difficult test. - Emphasizes
principal noun to another content word
how difficult the test was
Tonic stress

Here are some examples of intonation

Tonic stress refers to the syllable in a units with the tonic stress bolded:
word which receives the most stress in an • He's waiting
intonation unit. An intonation unit has • He's waiting / for his friend
one tonic stress. • He's waiting / for his friend / at the
Contrastive stress

For example:
• I think I prefer this color.
Contrastive stress is used to point • Do you want these or those curtains?
out the difference between one • He came to the party yesterday. (It
object and another. was he, not someone else.)
• He walked to the party yesterday. (He
walked, rather than drove.)
New information stress

For example:
• Where are you come from? - I come
When asked a question, the requested from Seattle, in the USA.
information is naturally stressed • What do you want to do? - I want to
more strongly. go bowling.
• When does class begin? - The class
begins at nine o'clock.

How to pronounce
word stress
When a syllable is stressed, it is pronounced

Longer in duration Higher in pitch Louder in volume


Rules of word stress

-The stress is on the first syllable for most Nouns

with 2 syllables.
Examples: KNOWledge, PROduct, MOther,
WEAther, etc.
Exceptions: poLICE, hoTEL, moTEL, etc.
- The stress is on the first syllable for most
Adjectives with 2 syllables.
Examples: HAPpy, LUCky, CLEver,
HELPful, etc.
Exceptions: poLITE, exTREME, preCISE, etc.
Rule#2 :

The stress is on the last syllable for most

Verbs with 2 syllables.
Examples: proNOUNCE, apPLY,
reQUIRE, exPECT, arRANGE, etc.
Exceptions: ENter, ANswer, FOLLow,
VIsit, OFFer, ORder, etc.

The stress is usually on the second last

syllable for the words ending in -TION, -
Examples: eduCAtion, techNIcian,
perMISsion, geoGRAPHic etc.
Exceptions: TElevision, POlitic.
Rule# 4:

The stress is on the third-from-last syllable for

words that end in -CY, -TY, -PHY and -GY, -AL.
Examples: deMOCracy, unCERtainty, geOGraphy,
radiOLogy, exCEPtional, CRItical, etc.
Rule# 5:

The stress is on the first syllable for three-

syllable Nouns (except words with long
vowel sound: engiNEER).
Examples: GENeral, GOVernment, etc.

The stress is on the first syllable for

three-syllable Adjectives (except words
with long vowel sound: VietnaMESE).
Examples: EXcellent, GEneral,
DELicate, etc.

The stress is on the first syllable for

three-syllable Verbs (except words with
prefixes: reMEMber, conTINue).
Examples: ORganize, DECorate, etc.

The stress is on the first and part of the

compound Nouns and on the second part
for compound Verbs or Adjectives
Examples: HAIRbrush, TOOTHpaste,
CARsick, etc.
Examples: underSTAND, overCOME,
overCOOKed, etc.

The stress is on the actual suffix of words

(including the first consonant before the
suffix) ending in -ADE, -EE, -ESE, -IQUE
and -ETTE, -OO, OON.
Examples: lemoNADE, intervieWEE,
anTIQUE, cigaRETTE, bamBOO,
carTOON, etc.

The important of word
The important of word stress
● First of all : Correct primary stress helps the listener to understand your speech.

If you slightly mispronounce a word, but the primary stress is correct, you can often
communicate its meaning. So, stress is important, especially for words you use often.

● Identify a word is a noun : Almost all two-syllable nouns have stress on the
first syllable

● Identify a word is a verb : Most two-syllable verbs have stress on the second
The important of word stress
Some suffixes also affect the stress.
Here are a few

Words ending with the -ese and –ee have stress on

that syllable

Words ending with -tion, -ic or -logy have stress on

the syllable before

Words ending with -ate, -ity or -ous have stress two

syllables before

1.How many syllables are there in each of these words for
describing places?
● Pleasant 2
● Dynamic 3
● Flat 1
● Peaceful 2
● Cramped 1
● Bungalow 3
● Detached 2
● Overpriced 3
2. Identify which word does not belong to each set of words below:

1. Pretend also although repair

2. Interest social special offend

3. Quality radio example comedy

4. Exactly expensive advantage certainly

5. Depend remote open creat

6. Unpleasant fabulous specialize operate

7. Intend cancel prefer reply

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Our presentation ends here

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