Warriors at Salt Creek
Warriors at Salt Creek
Warriors at Salt Creek
By Francesca Previtali
Why are our modern day As the warriors circle the sun
warriors hanging from trees? Will footprints gather in their
As they circle the sun
tides agitate the sand dunes As they circle the moon
Are we free to cut them free?
As muted tongues swell
hatchlings shriek from grassy knolls The creak of the rope is intrusive
The howl of the wind is a knife
Crows gather and walk the sand
This vision can never leave their eyes Why are our modern day warriors
hanging from trees?
The first stanza of the poem poses a powerful question that serves as the overarching
theme of the poem.
While the picture of hanging from trees alludes to the violence and exploitation that
Indigenous peoples have experienced throughout history, the usage of the term
“modern day warriors" emphasizes the ongoing struggles of Indigenous peoples in
modern times.
The second stanza is filled with vivid As they circle the sun
imagery that highlights the natural world, tides agitate the sand dunes
particularly the tides' movements and the
cries of hatchlings. As muted tongues swell
hatchlings shriek from grassy
The line gains intensity from the use of knolls
personification in "tides agitate the sand
dunes," and the contrast between the Crows gather and walk the sand
"shrieking hatchlings" and "muted This vision can never leave their
tongues" emphasizes the image of both eyes
voicelessness and vitality.
The third stanza shifts focus from the natural
world to the human world.