Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Fatima Ashraf
What is Hardware?
• Hardware are the physical components which make up the computer system.
• Each item of hardware have their specific roles in a computer system.
• Hardware components can either be internal or external.
1.1 Hardware and Software
Internal hardware devices
The CPU is the 'brain' of the computer. It is the device that carries
out calculations to complete software instructions.
Sound Card
A sound card is a device that attaches to the motherboard to enable
the computer to input, process, and deliver sound
Power Supply
The power supply is connected to main power sources to give
power to the computer system. The power supply connects to all
the main components of the computer system including the
motherboard, hard drive, optical drives etc.
External hardware devices
Application Software
Examples Application software are designed to allow users to
• Word Processor complete specific tasks. This may be to:
• Spreadsheet • Write a letter/Present information
• Databases
• Browse the internet
• Manipulate data in a spreadsheet or database
• Manipulate graphics, sound or video.
System Software
Examples System software are normally involved in the running
• Operating of the computer:
Systems • Operating systems to provide a user interface
• Device Drivers
• Utilities • Device drivers which allow hardware components to
(antivirus) work.
• Utility software which maintain the computer
Application Software Examples
Help to manage and
Linkers Translates a program written
maintain computer
resources and In a specific language which
performance by running Combines object files Can be understood by the
specific tasks. produced by a complier into a computer.
A single program.
Describe the central processing unit including its role
Temporary data from Applications in use are held in the Main Memory.
The CPU will first check the Cache for the required piece of the data so that it can
be processed.
If the data is not in the cache then the CPU will check the RAM and transfer data to
the CPU.
The Cache will then transfer the next piece of data from the RAM into Cache.
The CPU will again check the Cache for the next piece of data. This time the CPU will
be able to get the data from the Cache Memory.
Main Memory
The general name for these extra devices is ‘peripheral devices’. They are usually
categorised into input devices, output devices and storage devices.
An input device is a device that can pass date into the computer
Devices that take data from the computer are known as output devices.
Define secondary/backing storage
• The operating system provides the user interface which allows the user to
interact with the system. In addition the operating system provides security and
prevents unauthorized access to a system. Files and folders can be created and
organized. Furthermore the operating system allows users to load, run and store
applications also decides what should be loaded into the computer memory
(RAM). The operating system also manages the input/output/storages devices.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
• A command line interface is an older style operating system where
users type in commands using keyboard.
• Command Line Interface's do not make use of images, icons or
graphics. All the user is sees is a plain black screen like the one to the
• Because they use no graphics they require very little computer power.
• There are over 270 different commands that can be entered at the
command prompt. Commands have to be entered precisely without
spelling mistakes or else the operating system will return an error.
• Remembering commands and the exact way to enter them can be difficult
and so Command Line Interface Operating Systems are considered hard
to use.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• GUI's are visual (graphical) interfaces and they are more popular
than CLI's because they are very easy to use. The graphics do
need more computer power however.
• Instead of typing in commands, the user can use a mouse to point
and click objects on the screen.
• The main features of a GUI
are Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers. Its called WIMP.
• Windows
• The user can divide the screen into separate areas known as 'windows'. These windows can be anything from
folders to software applications.
• Windows allow you to work on several tasks at the same time.
• Icons
• Icons are 'symbols' or small images / graphics that are used to represent files and commands. Icons can be
clicked to carry out a function or open a file etc. The user operates a mouse to move a pointer over the icon and
then clicks it to activate the function.
• Icons are also used to represent folders.
• Menus
• These allow users to select functions from a list. Each item in the list will perform a different function.
• Menus usually either 'pop-up' or 'drop-down'. The navigation used at the top of this web site are examples of
drop-down menus.
• Pointers
• Pointers are little arrows that you move across the screen by directing your mouse. Pointers can be used to:
• Select and use icons
• Select options found in menus
• Reposition folders and icons on the screen.
Touchscreen Interfaces
• Portable devices such as mobile phones, PDA's and tablets (e.g.
iPad) use interfaces similar to a GUI (WIMP) where icons and
menus are used to input commands.
• However, because these devices don't have room for a mouse,
the way in which the icons and menus are used is different.
• Touchscreen technology allows people to use their fingers to
select icons and options straight from the device's screen.
Exam Question
• Discuss the difference between a CLI and GUI interface? Key Words: Windows,
Icons, Menus, Pointers, visuals aids, learn, command prompts, pre-determined
options, expert user
• The GUI (Graphical user interface) allows the users to interact with the interface by
using a pointer to select windows, icons and menu options. The GUI will have visual
aids which it make it easier for users to learn how to use the interface. On the other
hand users are required to enter command prompts to interact with the CLI
(Command Line Interface). The command prompts have to be learned by the user
and entered correctly. This would make the CLI interface more challenging to for
the user to learn. However the advantage of using the CLI for expert users is that
you are not restricted to pre-determined options which would be the case in the
GUI. This would allow for greater freedom when using the CLI.
• Pinching
• This is where you pinch your fingers together across a touchscreen
to zoom into an image, application or document on your device.
• You can also move your fingers apart to zoom out.
• Rotating
• This is where you use two fingers - one finger moves up while the
other finger moves down the touch screen to rotate an object.
• Swiping
• Swiping is where you swipe your finger across the touchscreen
to scroll through a document or turn the page.
Types of Computers
Describe the characteristics of a personal/desktop computer and its uses, both as
a standalone and networked computer
Desktop/Personal Computer
Laptop Computer
Standalone Networked
Can be used for either personal • Connect to Internet
or work use. • Share resources
• Completing work • Share files
• Communication • Shared Drives
• Gaming • Central Storage
• Online Gaming
Describe the characteristics of a tablet computer and what it is used for, including
its ability to use wireless technology or 3G/4G technology
Tablet Computer
Wireless 3G/4G
Tablets are able to connect to 4G is a mobile communications
any wireless networks. standard intended to replace 3G,
allowing wireless Internet access
Users are able to use the at a much higher speeds.
internet as long as they are in
range. Would allow for internet
connection on the move.
Describe the computer characteristics of a smartphone and what it is used for in
computing terms
Smart Phone
• Smart phones can use traditional methods to make
phones calls and send messages using mobile network.
• Smart phones have operating systems which allows
them to run multiple applications.
• Like the Tablets Computers Smart Phones have many
features including:
• Touch Technology
• Internet connection (Wireless/3G/4G)
• Sensors
• Cameras
• Send and receive emails
• Browse the internet
• Voice over Internet Protocol (Voip) – voice/video calls.
• Streaming music/video content
• Communication via social networking applications
• Global Positioning System – to help navigate
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type of computer
Laptop • Its portable due to small size and weight. • Limited battery life.
Computer • Battery can be recharged. • Laptops are difficult to repair and upgrade.
• Can connect wireless to internet. • Can be stolen or lost.
• No loose cables. All components connected • Some users find it difficult to use pointing
together. device.
Tablet • High definition anti glare display. • Limited memory compared to laptops.
Computer • Wireless , 3G/4G & Bluetooth connection. • Expensive to use 3G/4G internet
• Data can backed up or synchronised with other • Typing can be more difficult compared to a
devices. normal keyboard.
• Touch screen technology • Not all files are compatible with tablets.
• Battery life longer than a mobile phone.
Smart Phone • Small in size and easier to carry around. • Small screens make it difficult to read.
• Can be used whilst on the move using wireless • Battery life is short
or 3G/4G Connectivity. • Could be misplaced or stolen
• Touch screen technology • Limited storage/memory compared to other
types of computers.
• Slow data transfer rates
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• This is a computer science that is focused on creating computer
systems that simulate human intelligence.
• The term was first used in 1956 by a computer scientist at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who was focused on
trying to make computers behave like humans.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• AI is being developed in the following areas:
• Game Playing
• Computers developed to play games against human players.
• For example: In 1997 a computer named 'Deep-Blue' defeated a world champion in the game of
• Expert Systems
• These are computers that have been programmed to make decisions based on information they
are given.
• For example: Medical expert systems can diagnose patient's illnesses based on symptoms
• Languages
• This type of AI involves computers that can understand different human languages as they are
spoken to them.
• Robotics
• Robotic artificial intelligence is where machines are programmed to imitate a human.
Impacts of AI on everyday life:
• Accurate prediction of weather:
• AI software will soon be used to sift through weather data more accurately that humans can and will be used
to predict approaching storms and automatically issue warnings.
• Safer transport
• Cars that can self-park already exist and it is predicted that cars that drive themselves will be available soon.
These could drastically reduce road accidents.
• Driverless trains already exist in some countries!
• Eye recognition:
• Eye scans analyse the iris which is the coloured ring that surrounds the pupil.
• Face recognition:
• This is where the shapes of individual's faces are analysed.
• Voice recognition:
• Pitch, tone and frequency of voices are unique and can be analysed to identify people.
• All of these parts of the human body are unique from person to person and can be used
to authenticate identity.
• Even identical twins have slightly different fingerprints and voices etc.
• Before biometric methods can be useful, people have to perform a
process known as 'biometric enrolment’.
• This is where body-part data such as fingerprints or voice patterns
are captured and stored within the system so that they can be
used to identify the person later on.
• Biometrics are beginning to be used in place of passwords and
physical locks as a means of security.
• Biometrics have advantages over these older methods as body
parts cannot be lost, forgotten or stolen as can be the case with
passwords and keys.
• Biometrics is still a very new technology and is not yet 100%
Impacts of Biometrics on everyday
• Better airport security
• Iris recognition is already in use in some airports.
• Travelers have their eyes and iris scanned into a system and this data is later matched up when
the person is performing airport checks.
Note: humans cannot visit these environments due to lack of oxygen and high pressure / heat levels.
• Repetitive manufacturing
• E.g. production lines, packing and welding etc.
Note: these jobs can also be performed by humans but robots can do them much faster and more
This could mean more time spent at work or for more enjoyable activities such as socialising.
This means that companies can make more products at less cost and this means greater business
• Loss of jobs
• Due to higher and cheaper productivity, robots are taking over the manufacturing jobs that used to be
carried out by humans.
This means that humans are missing out on employment on assembly lines and factory work.
For example: spraying cars with toxic paint, defusing bombs on battlefields and search and rescue
operations in buildings destroyed by earthquakes.
Quantum Cryptography
• Quantum cryptography (encryption) is an emerging technology that
allows messages and data to be sent with complete privacy.
• Encryption is where digital data and files are scrambled so that
only authorised people are allowed to read it.
Some banks are already using quantum cryptography for the purposes of securing money transfers.
NOTE: Most word-processors allow the user to select the language in which to spell-check.
Translated text is built-up in the database's memory and can be accessed by other translators in order to speed
up their translation jobs.
The software will then search through a large collection of translation memory databases to try and find a
match with the text entered into the search engine.
This makes accessing other languages much easier than in the past and makes it easier for people
to learn these new languages.
NOTE: Google's new 'Voice Search' facility allows users to actually speak into a tablet or mobile phone
and Google will automatically translate (and speak) the words or phrase in almost any language.
They are especially useful in places like embassies where a wide-range of foreign visitors may need to
communicate with local officials about problems or ask for advice etc.
3D and Holographic Imaging (aka
• This is a technique where images are made to appear three-
dimensional and to actually have depth.
• Holograms work by taking two regular two-dimensional images of
the same object and laying one on top of the other.
NOTE: Forgeries don't usually include a hologram as they are difficult and expensive to reproduce.
NOTE: 3D movies require the viewer to wear special glasses for the effect to take place. The glasses
project two images shot at different angles (one in each eye) and your brain puts them together as one 3D
Companies have already produced discs that use holographic layers that each have the potential to hold a
massive 3.9 terabytes.
• As they walk around the virtual environment users will experience things in a similar
way to the real world. For example:
• Objects get smaller as you walk away from them (and bigger as you move closer)
• The direction of sounds change as you move around
• Objects in the virtual world appear the same dimensions as they would in the
real world (for example dogs are smaller than us but elephants are bigger).
Virtual Reality
• Equipment needed to create the virtual reality experience includes the following:
• Eye Goggles
• These produce the 3D images that make up the artificial world.
The goggles project slightly different views into each eye and this fools your brain into thinking that the scene is 3D. Virtual chairs
look solid and so on.
• Special Gloves
• The gloves detect your hand and finger movements which are input into a computer and processed. As users touch or use
items in the virtual world, the computer can carry out these commands and make them happen.
This allows the user to interact with the virtual world and perform tasks such as moving objects or switching on lights etc.
• Headphones
• These control what users hear in the virtual world.
For example: Distant sounds will be quieter than sounds that are close by.
• Powerful Computer
• A very powerful computer is needed to create the virtual environment and to process/output data sent into the system by the
user's actions.
For example: The computer produces graphics that appear as walls, outdoor scenes and objects such as trees.
• Virtual reality is still a developing technology and graphics produced are not very realistic yet.
However, experiences in the virtual environment can seem very real.
Impacts of Virtual Reality on
everyday life
• Improved medical surgeons
• Surgeons can be trained using virtual patients. This allows them to practice over and over until they have perfected a
particular surgery without risk to a real patient.
For example: Imagine a new surgeon performing surgery on you and accidentally cutting off your leg!!.
Virtual buildings will also be able to be tested against factors such as earthquakes to see what effects they would have on
the current design.
This allows architects to modify designs quickly and cheaply and will, potentially, allow for the development of
much larger and safer buildings than we currently have.
People can experience a tame, controlled version of what they are afraid of. Slowly the person becomes used to the
situation and can relax.
For example: Someone might be terrified of spiders and so they could be gradually introduced to larger and larger
virtual spiders (the virtual spiders would be controlled by the therapy team as well).
• Training in dangerous situations
• VR can be used for training in dangerous situations where it is impossible to practice the real thing.
For example: A large fire in an office building could never be set up in reality, but it could in a virtual environment. This
will allow workers to practice emergency evacuation in a safe environment.
For example: Astronomy students can learn about the solar system by engaging with the objects in the virtual
environment. They could look around stars, move planets and track the orbits of comets.
This approach is likely to allow students to retain knowledge much better than reading text out of a book.