VVIT EEE Research Center PPT 4-7-2022
VVIT EEE Research Center PPT 4-7-2022
VVIT EEE Research Center PPT 4-7-2022
Research Centre
Inspection Committee
Department Profile
Infrastructure Facilities
Programs Offered
2007 60
2012 120
2018 180
2012 18
(PE & ED)
2021 9
Student Details
I-B.Tech 150
II-B.Tech 176
III-B.Tech 199
IV B.Tech
Total 720
2017-21 2016-20 2015-19
Number of distinction 61 48 54
2017-21 2016-20 2015-19
Total no of final year students( N) 139 121 139
No of students placed in companies / govt
80 78 75
sector (X)
No of students admitted to higher studies
with valid qualifying scores ( Y) 12 8 11
Total (X+Y+Z) 93 86 86
Percentage : (X+Y+Z)/N 66.91 71.07 61.87
Year of Inception Number of Students
Mr.K Sunil of II EEE got one Gold Medal and one Silver Medal in JNTUK inter college
Athlets meet at Aditya group of institutions,Kakinada
Name of the Student Status Name of the Course
1 Rama Bhargavi V Completed
2 Gona Stanley Completed
3 Kunta Jothi Srikar Completed
4 V.Balaram Sai Gopal Completed
5 Holy Grace Completed
Electric Vehicles - Part 1
6 Rajeswari Gopu Completed
7 B Tirumala Kumar Completed
8 G.Chaitanya Sai Completed
9 A S Rehaman Completed
10 A.Seetha Lakshmi Completed
11 Narendra Kumar Completed
Introduction to Programming in C
12 Margani.Rupaksai Completed
13 Kanapala Priyanka Completed Introduction to Smart Grid
Programming, Data Structures and algorithms
14 Using Python
J Hari Krishna Completed
15 Problem solving through Programming In C
Rama Bhargavi V
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering 8/29/23 13
Students Activities
1. Student Activity Council (SAC)
Activities :
5. Placement Interaction
No. of Faculty 27
Professors 5
Associate Professors 4
Assistant Professors 18
Supporting Staff 11
Elected as Joint Honorary Secretary of IE(I) Young scientist award from IOSRD
Elected as State Electrical Engineering (EL) division Visvesvaraya award from QISCET
Committee Member to the IE(I) Young researcher award from QISCET
Elected as Fellow of Institution of Engineers India Authored one book.
AICTE-STTP of Rs.2,96,667 sanctioned.
IE (I) Young Engineers National Award
AICTE seminar grant of Rs.1,00,000. Dr. D. Srilatha :
Best paper award in Int. Conf. IEEE-ICAESM
AICTE-FDP of Rs.4,80,667 sanctioned.
& IMME17 (NIT-Tiruchirapalli).
Research Excellence award from PEC
Best paper award in National Conference
Authored 3 books.
Dr.Ch.V.Suresh :
Dr.P.Lakshman Naik :
AICTE-GOC of Rs.5,00,000 sanctioned.
Best researcher award from JNTUK Received Dr.Vikram Sarabhai life time achievement
One National Patent National Award.
Two students awarded Ph.D. under his guidance
Teaching excellence award from VVIT
DST-SERB sponsored ECRA project of Dr.I.L.J.Baktha Singh:
Research Excellence award from IEAE, Received Chatrapathi award from Shivaji youth
Bangalore. foundation, Ministry of Defiance..
DST-SERB sponsored seminar grant of
Academic Journals Conferences
International National International National
2021-22 23 - - - 23
2020-21 47 - 3 5 55
2019-20 25 - 4 1 30
2018-19 38 - 9 - 47
2017-18 39 1 4 - 44
No.of FDP’S
S.NO No.of Faculty Attended
Year Internal External Total
1 2021-22 - 6 6 28
2 2020-21 3 16 19 96
3 2019-20 2 9 11 66
4 2018-19 1 24 25 62
5 2017-18 2 8 10 67
1 Dr.A V Naresh babu The Joy of computing program using Python Top Mentor
Top 5%
2 Mr.Sk.Rasululla Control Engineering
Top 5%
5 Mr.P.M.Khan Electrical Machines –I
Name of the Faculty Name of the Course Status
Dc Microgrid Elite
14 Ms.A.Sai Anusha
Advance Power Electronics and control Elite
15 Mr.Sk.Mabu Subhani Dc Microgrid Elite
16 Mr.M.Rajesh Design of Photovoltaic Systems Elite
S.No Funding Investigators Month&
Project Title Scheme requested
. Agency Year
Design and Waste DST Dr.D.Srilatha (PI) November 65,00,000
Development of Manageme Dr.Ch.V.Suresh 2020
Solar PV based nt System (Co-PI)
1 Waste Plastic and (TPN/
Biomass Pyrolysis 59518)
Extraction of Waste DST Dr.P.Lakshman November 48,15,013
Electrical Energy Manageme Naik (PI) 2020
2 from Agricultural nt System
Straw Stubble Waste (TPN/
Development of Device DST Dr. K Giri Babu October, 35,96,000
MEMS based Developme (PI) 2020
electrical pulse nt Dr.Ch.V.Suresh
3 induced intelligent Program (Co-PI)
wireless biosensors (DDP)
for clinical and non- (TPN/
clinical applications 57657)
S.No Funding Investigators Month&
Project Title Scheme requested
. Agency Year
Designing and Research AICTE Dr. K Giri Babu (PI) December 24,00,000
Development of Promotion Dr.Ch.V.Suresh (Co- 2020
Wireless based Bio Scheme PI)
4 sensors for health
IP India,
An AI abetted green energy
5 Dr. D. Srilatha 20214101221 2021
generating systems
Mr. P. Nagarjuna
Three-port Converter For IP India,
Mrs. T.Vasavi Prathusha,
7 Induction Motor Drive 20214103904 2021
System 2
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering 8/29/23 37
Photographs of the Physical Resources in the Department
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering 8/29/23 40
Siemens Centre Of Excellence (COE) Labs - EEE
1.Basics of PLC
Automation Lab
3. 2.SCADA
3.HMI and Networking
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering 8/29/23 41
Research & Development Lab
Guest Lecture
Industrial Visits