Lecture 3 - FT RVD Site Selection For Aquaculture

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a. To know sites where to practice aquaculture
b. To identify and discuss the various factors considered in selecting
a site for land based aquaculture (ie Pond aquaculture)
c. To identify and discuss the various factors considered in selecting
a site for water based aquaculture (ie Cage farm aquaculture)
1.Sites where to practice Aquacultural production

Sites for practicing aquaculture Type of aquacultural production

Lakes Cage Culture, ( CC) Pen Culture ( PnC) Kariba,


River Pond Culture( PC) , CC, PnC Kafue

Dams/Reservoirs CC, PC, PnC

Swamps PC
Coastal areas PC, CC, PnC

Bays, Estuaries, Lagoons CC

Mangrove Swamps Oyster culture
(1) Factors considered in selecting a
site for land based aquaculture
(ie Earthen Pond aquaculture)
Before one embarks on land based aquacultural production
(LBAP) in an earthen pond/concrete pond, there is need to assess
Ecological factors, Biological factors and Socio-economic factors
at the proposed site.
Under ecological factors asses the following:
1.Water quantity (supply )
2.Water quality
3.Soil Characteristics
6.Hydrology characteristics
1.1 Water quantity

 Its availability for aquacultural production in

terms of quantity must be assured
 Irrigation canals, rivers, creeks, reservoirs or
dams, lakes, springs, streams, rainfall runoff,
deep wells, boreholes and to some extent
seepage water could be used as sources of
water for land based aquaculture.
The individual sources of water for land based fish
farming must have enough water to:
Compensate loss of water from the fish pond through
Compensate loss of water from the fish pond arising
from seepage.
Add extra fresh water to increase levels of DO in
where DO in the pond has depleted or is very low.
Add extra fresh water in case the fish pond is
polluted to reduce the effect of pollution on the fish.
Estimate of water quantity

If one embarks on tilapia farming, water quantity

from the water sources for land based aquaculture
could be estimated based on the following
Tilapia takes an average of 6 months to grow
to harvest size.
 It is then possible to grow Tilapia 2 times
/cycles per year. This means the pond must be
filled twice per year.
 However, for planning purposes
prepare to fill pond at least 3 times
volume of water required in the pond.
 The extra water is for compensation
of seepage, evaporation, remedy
DO reduction/depletion and pollution
Thus there is need to estimate the total of amount
of water required to:
1. Fill the pond for the two (6 months each)
production cycle.
2. Compensate water loss through evaporation
3. Compensate water loss through seepage
4. Add to the pond to increase levels of depleted
Dissolved Oxygen or reduce the effect of
 Loss of water through evaporation depends on
the temperature and wind.
 Loss of water through seepage depends on soil
structure. ( see table on seepage rate)
 Pollution effects and DO depletion are not
given any rates but are remedied accordingly
by adding fresh water.
Table on Seepage Rate

Soil Structure Seepage (cm/day)

Sand 2.5
Sand loam 1.3
Loam 0.8
Clayey loam 0.25
Loamy Clay 0.025
Clay 0.125

 Calculate an estimated yearly water

requirement in litres for 1000m square
pond whose average depth is 1m. You
are given that loss of water by
evaporation is 1cm/day and loss via
seepage is 1cm/day
Steps to water quantity estimation

Step 1: Find Volume of water to fill the pond

in 1st cycle
(Area of pond (m2)x depth of pond (m)
(1000m 2 x1m= 1000m3)
Step 2:Find Volume of water to fill the pond
in cycle no. 2
(Area of pond (m2) x depth of pond ( m)
(1000m2 x1m= 1000m3)
Step 3: Estimate water loss due to Seepage
0.01m x 1000m2 x 365 days = 3650 m3
( Seepage rate x size of pond x no days in a year)

Step 4: Estimate water loss due to evaporation

0.01m x 1000m2 x 365 days = 3650m3

(Evaporation rate x size of pond x no days in a year)

Step 5: Estimated Yearly water requirement of the
STEP 1 + STEP 2+ STEP 3+ STEP 4 = STEP 5
1000m3 +1000m3 +3650m3+3650m3 = 9300m3

In litres:1 m3 =1,000 litres: 9,300m3 x1000 litres=

9,300,000 litres
In general yearly water requirement is 9 times the
volume of the water in the pond at one time; You can
also convert the above in litres based on this: i.e 1m3 =
1.2 Water quality

Quality of water is one of the most

significant factors to be considered in site
 Take a number of water samples from the
proposed water source for analysis to
define Physical, Chemical, and Biological
properties of water.
Reasons for investigating/monitoring water quality
variables in Aquacultural Production

i. Cultured organisms depend upon the

environment ( fresh , brackish, Marine
water) in which they are reared.

ii. All living organisms have tolerable

limits of water quality in which to
perform optimally.
i. Optimum production of aquaculture organisms
depends on quality of water.

iv. Any sharp drop or increase within limits has

adverse effects on body

V. It may bring problems such as poor growth,

reduced feeding, inability
to reproduce, increase/outbreak of disease,
parasites and mortality
What to investigate

 Physical properties of water which include :

Temperature, colour,odour, turbidity, transparency,
suspended solids.
 Chemical properties of water which include pH,
dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, salinity, dissolved solids,
ammonia, also whether pollutants of agricultural or
industrial origin are present, and if so, to what extent.
 Biological properties which include: Quality and
density of plankton.
Examples of measuring common water quality parameters
before and during culture period

. (See checklist on the tables )

Parameter C/P General Measurement

P Critical in growth and reproduction 25 to 32oc, Water kit

Temperature reproduction, Thermometer
PH C i. Measure of how acidic or alkaline a 0-14 scale, PH meter
ii. PH affects metabolism and other physiological
processes of cultured organisms.
iii. At PH 4= fish die.
iv. At PH 5= Slow growth no reproduction,
v. At PH 6,7,8 = good growth and reproduction,
vi. At PH 9,10= slow growth and no reproduction .
vii. At PH= 11,12,13,14 fish die

viii.Tilapia can survive wide range: PH 5 to 10 ie

PH 4 and PH 11 Critical. Grow best at PH 6 to
PH 9 water that is near neutral or alkaline
Factor C General Measurement
DO i. Most important WQ variable in Aquaculture. DO results fluctuation Measurement
C is from 3 factors;
ii. Not very soluble so water limited capacity to hold it., ( ltd solubility) DO meter e.g in Research
iii. Rate of DO use is high, by Plankton and other organisms living in and commercial farms
water, ( rapid Use) explain process , PH Kit
iv. DO diffuses slowly from atmosphere to undisturbed water ( slow
replenishment) The above cause rapid changes
Sources of DO: ATM and Photosynthesis, Inflowing water
Losses of DO: Over application of manure

DO needs for Fish: Tilapia Eggs 8mg/l, Adults: 2mg/l to 8mg/l.

Common Carp adult minimum 3mg/l maxi 5mg/l, African catfish adult
min 1mg/ l or less, Preferred 3mg/l

Ammonia i. Nutrient that contains Nitrogen, and Hydrogen, NH3 ( Unionized) Nestles method
C and NH4 + ( Ionized) TA sum of both of the above.
ii. Causes stress, damages gills and other tissues even in small amounts.
iii. It is toxic to fish even in small amounts
iv. By product of protein metabolism
Physical General How to measure

Turbidity General term that describes mudness, cloudness of Use a seich disk to
water due to presence of suspended particles in the determine
water arising from soils, minerals organic matter transparency
Soil Turbidity: Caused by high content of silt or clay
particles, water may be light brown or reddish

Plankton Turbidity: caused by high content of micro

plants and animals. Water may haves shades like
brown , green, blue green, yellow green depending on
spp present.
Humas Turbidity : caused by presence of humas bring
about excess organic matter. Reduces effect of light
and limits photosynthesis, affecting fish breathing
organs, can harm food sources zooplankton
In pond aquaculture Soil must be assessed in terms of
its quality, by analyzing its chemical and physical
Soil is important for pond farms.
i. It has influence on productivity and quality of
overlaying water
ii. Is essential for building dike/walls of a pond .
iii. Influences ability of pond to retain required
Therefore there is need to carry out investigations on
soil when selecting sites for pond farms.

Investigations vary from Visual to detailed subsurface

exploration and laboratory tests ( Large farms) for
Physical Characteristics and Chemical Characteristics

To determine nature of soil examine soil profile. Dig a pit,

use soil Auger if available or use modern instruments
To Examine physical nature of
Examine: 1. Soil Texture:
Texture is relative proportion of participles such as
Sand ,and Clay in the soil : This can be done by touch
and Feel method in the field in field,
 Because of Cohesive properties fine textured soils like
Clay Silt Clay, Clay loam, Silt, Clay loam and sandy are
suitable for pond farms:
 These soils can absorb more nutrients and retain them
for organic production in ponds. Less subject to
erosion or damage
Examine 2. Soil structure
Structure is arrangement of soil particles
which determine compactness and
therefore porosity of soil. Preferred soils are
Clay, clay loam, Silt clay Silt loam , sandy
clay loam, Sandy clay roam best for diking
Table 1. Infiltration rates of different types of soil (Stern, 1979

Soil type Infiltration rate (mm/hr)

Clay 1-5
Clay loam 5-10

Silty loam 10-20

Sandy loam 20-30

Sand 30-100
Pond soil must retain water. Soils with a low
infiltration rate are most suitable for fish

The best soils for our purpose are the

impermeable clay which can be easily
compacted and made leak proof.
Examine Chemical Properties of Soil

Subject soils to laboratory analysis to test for

its chemical compositions such as PH, and
Mineral Content levels such as NPK, Na, Ca,
Mg etc (Major and minor elements). A
chemical analysis of the soil should be conducted
by using representative samples from the different
layers found in the test pits.
Soil Testing Methods
i.Use Touch and Feel method to examine soil
ii. Use Pit Method to test whether soil retains
water or not I
iii. Use lab analysis to test chemical
iv Do detailed subsurface exploration and
laboratory tests for large fish farms
 A general and convenient field test for the soil
quality is to take a handful soil from the test
holes at the proposed site, moist it with water
and compress it into a- firm ball.
 If the ball does not crumble after a little handling,
it indicates that it contains sufficient clay for the
purpose of pond construction.
i. General rule is that soils must contain high
amount of Clay or 25% Clay. Clay has minimum
ii. Avoid sites with sand soils
iii. Fine textured soils (e.g. Clay Silt Clay, Clay
loam Silt, Clay loam and sandy ) are cohesive
and therefore are suitable for fish pond farms
 For production purposes, a chemical analysis
of the soil should be conducted by using
representative samples from the different
layers found in the test pits.
 Chemical Parameters such as pH, available
nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium,
organic carbon and nitrate, etc., are
determined by chemical analysis of soil.
 Examine physical parameters such as Soil
Texture and Soil Structure
Topography/ Ground elevation/Land

(a) Topography: Shows features on the land:

Check if the land has hills, mountains, plains,
dambos, streams, rivers, forests, rocks, etc
If the site has small streams, plains/flat land,
springs, dambos, swamps the site is suitable.
If site is rocky, mountainous, hilly, has thick
Jungle, big trees etc, it is unsuitable.
( b) Ground elevation

(b) Ground elevation

Terrain of the land: Is the land sloping gently

or steeply ( e.g.valleys)
If site/land has gentle slope of between 1%_
6% fills. It is suitable because the ponds will it
will fill and drain by gravity

If the site/land has a slope of less than 1% it

(floods) or over 6% (too steep) It is unsuitable.
( c ) Land

Land/Site should be free from flooding.

Local people, may need to give information about the
heights of floods on the land.

Land/Site that has a regular shape has room for

future expansion. It is ideally suitable for a fish farm.

Land/Site should not be adjacent to a heavily

populated area, there is likely to be risk of pollution.
Land/Site not suitable for agriculture or other
direct use, may be selected for aquacultural
production. eg in dambo or water logged areas.
The cost of the land will be low.
Land configuration can be determined by eye
estimation for smaller ponds and contour
survey farms(using mordern instruments) for
bigger ponds/commercial fish
Check type and density of vegetation on the land
The type and density of vegetation, its size and the
root systems of trees determine the method of
clearing the site and therefore, the construction
time and cost.
Check if land is covered with grass, is
abandoned, has paddy fields, has an open
woodland or has low shrubs and bushes: This
allows cheaper construction than land with very
thick jungle or swampy areas with high trees.

 Climate
eta mil C 3 .1

 Assess climate of the site for Aquacultural Production.

 For large scale aquaculture, obtain information on climatological
factors from the meteorological station nearest to the site for
aquacultural production:

Some climatological factors of importance include to assess

i. mean monthly temperature
ii. mean monthly rainfall
iii. mean monthly evaporation
iv. mean monthly wind speed and direction
In addition incidence of high winds, heavy
storms or cyclones, should be considered.

The incidence and amount of damage caused

by storms or earthquakes in the project area
should also be noted.
Hydrological data
In commercial pond aquaculture
hydrological data for the site selected
should cover aspects of floods, water
elevations of existing water sources (rivers,
irrigation channels, reservoirs, springs, etc.).
Water Affairs Departments or other Water
Authorities can help in this.
2.2 Biological and Operational factors

Biological Factors
Before a site can be selected for an aquaculture project,
the following should be ascertained:
Species to be cultured be known: Ascertain availability
of stocking materials (spawners/fry /fingerlings) eg Tilapia
Operational factors
Type of project: (i) small-scale rural project (ii) large-scale
rural project(OF)
System of Culture: Extensive, Semi intensive,
3 Social – Economic factors

Assess the following social-economic factors:

1) Development plans for the project area
2) Ownership of the land, availability of land, land
regulations and rights, as well as any legal
restrictions relating to land.
3) Proximity to all-weather road connections
4) Availability of electricity, (unit power cost)
telephone/radio connections,
5) Availability of equipment, services and supplies
needed for running the project
6) Availability of construction materials
7) Location of markets for the produce and
determine demand
8) Availability of organic and artificial
fertilizers, drugs and chemical materials
9) Availability of supplementary feeds
10) Costs of equipment, materials, feeds, etc.
needed for running the project
11) Availability of suitable transport facilities
12) Availability of ice for use in marketing
13) Availability of staff with adequate experience of
pond management
14)Availability of skilled and semi-skilled laborers
15) Reasonable amenities for permanent staff, for
example, schools, shopping facilities, hospital, etc.
16) Information on the local financing methods or credits
17) Political will in the area
Site must have a suitable depth where to
place and protect cages from strong winds and
rough weather.
 Ensure there is sufficient depth under the
cage to maximize water exchange and avoid
oxygen depletion:
Site for cages should not be near navigation
routes as waves created from passing vessels
may pose physical damage to cage
Cage sites should be far from waste disposal
site of industries, municipal and industrial
agriculture runoffs.
Waste disposal sites could allow accumulation
of debris and build up of toxic gases generated
by decomposition of depleted wastes.
Sites with pathogenic organisms prior to
establishment of the farm should be
Bays, inland seas are ideal sites for Cage
culture especially if protected from winds and
rough weather
 Water parameters in selected cage sites
should be in optimal range to provide life
support and growth of selected cultured spp
 Assess likely legal requirements, security, and
management strategies for the site .

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