Lecture 3 - FT RVD Site Selection For Aquaculture
Lecture 3 - FT RVD Site Selection For Aquaculture
Lecture 3 - FT RVD Site Selection For Aquaculture
a. To know sites where to practice aquaculture
b. To identify and discuss the various factors considered in selecting
a site for land based aquaculture (ie Pond aquaculture)
c. To identify and discuss the various factors considered in selecting
a site for water based aquaculture (ie Cage farm aquaculture)
1.Sites where to practice Aquacultural production
Swamps PC
Coastal areas PC, CC, PnC
Ammonia i. Nutrient that contains Nitrogen, and Hydrogen, NH3 ( Unionized) Nestles method
C and NH4 + ( Ionized) TA sum of both of the above.
ii. Causes stress, damages gills and other tissues even in small amounts.
iii. It is toxic to fish even in small amounts
iv. By product of protein metabolism
Physical General How to measure
Turbidity General term that describes mudness, cloudness of Use a seich disk to
water due to presence of suspended particles in the determine
water arising from soils, minerals organic matter transparency
Soil Turbidity: Caused by high content of silt or clay
particles, water may be light brown or reddish
Clay 1-5
Clay loam 5-10
Silty loam 10-20
Sand 30-100
Pond soil must retain water. Soils with a low
infiltration rate are most suitable for fish
eta mil C 3 .1
Biological Factors
Before a site can be selected for an aquaculture project,
the following should be ascertained:
Species to be cultured be known: Ascertain availability
of stocking materials (spawners/fry /fingerlings) eg Tilapia
Operational factors
Type of project: (i) small-scale rural project (ii) large-scale
rural project(OF)
System of Culture: Extensive, Semi intensive,
3 Social – Economic factors