Marksmanship. Lesson 3
Marksmanship. Lesson 3
Marksmanship. Lesson 3
After completing this lesson, the students should
also be able to:
a. Position
b. Grip
c. Breath Control
d. Sight Alignment
e. Trigger Control
f. Follow-Through
a. Position/Stance
It refers to the way the shooter holds his/her body when
firing a shot. When approaching the firing line, the shooter
should assume a comfortable, steady firing position.
During the integrated act of dry-fire training, he/she must
learn how to maintain steady position. The best judge of
the quality of his/her position is the shooter. The position
should be relaxed, balanced, and properly aligned with the
The types of firing position are the following:
a. Standing
b. Kneeling
c. Prone
Three types of standing positions
1. Isosceles Stance
2. Weaver Stance
3. Fighting Stance
Kneeling Position
Elements of kneeling position:
• Face the target while standing with your feet shoulder-
width apart.
• Lower yourself to the ground by bending the firing side
knee and keeping the support side foot flat on the
• Ensure that the firing side knee is 45 degrees offset from
the heel of the support side foot, and that the legs form a
90-degree “L” shape.
• Sit on the firing side heel, which should be under the
meaty portion of the gluts.
• The toes on the firing side are either curled under or flat
against the ground.
• Lean forward and hook the flat of your support side
elbow in front of your support side knee, keeping your
elbow as close to the rifle as possible.
• The rifle, the assisting hand, the assisting elbow, the
assisting knee, and the assisting foot must all be in the
same vertical plane.
Prone Position
Setting up in prone position
• Spread your feat apart and relax your feet so that the
inside of your foot make full contact with the ground.
• Legs are relaxed and slightly wider than shoulder-
width. This, along with your feet, forms a very stable
anchor, preventing you from losing your position due
to recoil or movement upfront.
• Your stomach should be resting on the ground and you
should be able to breathe comfortably. If you cannot
breathe comfortably in this position, switch to the bent-
leg prone position, as you will be inaccurate and
fatigue over time.
• Your shoulder should be level while resting your arms at
the elbows.
• Your dominant hand should grip the rifle at the rifle grip
comfortably so you have maximum trigger control.
• Your off-hand ideally should stabilize the rifle at the
stock or further up front.
b. Grip
This refers to the manner by which the pistol is grasped
and held on the hand.
The shooter must maintain a firm, uniform grip on the
The goal of good grip is consistency and neutrality.
Two ways of gripping the pistol:
1. One-Hand Grip
2. Two-Hand Grip
Correct support hand angle
The support hand is responsible for at least 60% to
70% weight in gripping the gun while the shooting hand
takes at least 30% to 40%.
Thumb positioning
The thumb of both hands should be automatically
positioned on the pistol’s weak side. Thumb should be
placed next to each other, thumb should never be
placed on the handgun’s rear(backstrap). Crossed
thumbs are more vulnerable to injury.
Grip Alignment
c. Breathe Control
to achieve accuracy, the shooter must learn to properly
hold his/her breath at any point during the breathing cycle,
while aiming and squeezing the trigger.
Why do you think breath control is important in
This is to minimize body movement while shooting, the
breath cycle must be interrupted.
A complete respiratory cycle lasts 4-5 seconds (inhaling
and exhaling), with a 2-3-second pause between each cycle.
This pause can be extended for up to 10 seconds without
any additional discomfort. The shooter should fire the shot
during this pause between breaths.
Breath control firing at the single target