Embodiment Design

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Embodiment Design

Erwin, ST., MT.

Engineering Design G. Pahl & W. Beitz (Springer-2nd Edition)


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Steps of Embodiment Design Checklist for embodiment Design Basic rules of Embodiment Design

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Principles of Embodiment Design

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Preliminary layouts & form design (Layout awal & form perancangan)
Phase 1 (Informasi) Phase 2 (Informasi) Phase 3 (Informasi)

Concept (Konsep perancang an)

Identify embodiment -detemining requirement (Mengidentif ikasikan dan menentukan bentuk & persyaratan)

Produce scale drawings of spatial constrains (Menghasilkan gambar dengan skala dari ruang terbatas)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Phase 4 (Definisi)

Phase 5 (Definisi) Phase 6 (Identifikasi)

Develop prelimanary layouts & form Identify design for embodimentembodimentdetermining main determining main fuction carriers function carriers (Identifikasi bentuk (Mengembangkan dalam menentukan layout awal & form perancangan untuk fungsi utama ) menentukan fungsi utama)

Select suitable preliminary layouts (Memilih layout awal yang layak)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Phase 7 (Penciptaan)
Develop preliminary layouts & form designs for the remaining main fuction carriers (Mengembangkan layout awal dan form perancangan untuk fungsi pendukung utama)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Detailed layouts and form design (Layout detail & form perancangan)
Phase 8 (Penciptaan)
Phase 9 (Penciptaan)
Develop detailed layout & form design for the main function carriers ensuring compatibility with the auxiliary function carriers (Mengembangkan layout detail dan form perancangan untuk pembawaan fungsi utama & memastikan keselarasan dengan fungsi pelengkap)

Phase 10 (Penciptaan)
Develop detailed layout & form design for the auxiliary function carriers and complete the overall layouts (Mengembangkan layout detail dan form perancangan untuk fungsi pelengkap dan melengkapi layout secara keseluruhan)

Search for solutions to auxiliary function (Mencari solusi untuk fungsi secara lengkap)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Phase 11 (evaluasi) Phase 12 (Keputusan)

Evaluate against technical & economic criteria (Evaluasi kriteria teknis dan ekonomis)

Preliminary layouts (Layout persiapan)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Completion of checks (Pemeriksaan keseluruhan)
Phase 13(Penciptaan)Phase 14 (Evaluasi)Phase 15 (Evaluasi)

Optimise & complete form design (Mengoptimal kan dan melengkapi form perancangan)

Check for errors and disturbing factors (Periksa kesalahan dan faktor gangguan)

Prepare preliminary parts list & production documents (Persiapan daftar komponen awal dan dokumen produksi)

1. Steps of Embodiment Design

Phase 16 (Keputusan)

Definitive layout (Layout pasti)

2. Checklist for embodiment design Embodiment design is characterised by repeated deliberation and verification
Though individual factors may be closely interrelated, designers can derive important checklist headings from the general objectives & constraints wich, moreover, provide them with a useful procedural order & a systematics check on each step. The checklist thus not only provides a strong mental impetus, but also ensures that nothing essential is forgotten in embodiment phase.

3. Basic rules of embodiment design

Fulfilment of the technical function

Economic feasibility

Individual & environmental safety

The basic rules of clarity, simplicity, & safety are derived from the general objectives

3. Basic rules of embodiment design

In what follows we shall be applying the basic rule of clarity to the various headings of the checklist

For technical application the word simple means not complex, easily understood and easily done

Safety consideration affect both the reliable fulfillment of technical function & also the protection of humans & the environment. Direct safety method achieve safety through systems or components actively involved in the performance particular task. Indirect safety method involve the use of special protective systems & protective equipment.

4. Principles of embodiment design

Force & strength

Force transmission


1. Principles of Force Transmission

Balance force

4. Principles of embodiment design Flowlines of force & the principle of uniform strength
The problem solved in mechanical engineering generally involve forces and/or motions and their connection, change, variation or channelling, and involve the conversion of energy, material & signals. The generally applicable function channel force includes the application of load to, the transfer of force between, and the transmission of forces through components and devices.

4. Principles of embodiment design Principle of direct & short force transmission path
In agreement we consider the following princile of great importance : If a force or moment is to be transmitted from one place to another with the minimum possible deformation, then the shortest and most direct force transmission path is the best This principle, which leads to the minimum number of loaded areas, ensures : Minimum use of materials (volume, weight) Minimum deformation

4. Principles of embodiment design Principle of matched deformation

The principles of mathced deformations state that related components must be designed in such a way that, under load, they will deform in the same sense and if possible, by the same amount.

4. Principles of embodiment design Principle of balanced force

Those forces and moment that serve the function directly, such as the driving torque, the tangential tooth force and the load torque in a gearbox, can, accordance with the definition of a main function, be described as functionally determined main forces.

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