Phagocytic - Nutrition
Contractile - Osmoregulation
Secretory – Release of Enzymes/Toxins
Cilia and flagella
No real morphological distinction between the
two structures although cilia are usually shorter
and more abundant and flagella fewer and
Protein spoke
Dynein motor
Basal body
Movement in Protozoa:
Pseudopodia are chief means of locomotion of
amebas but are also formed by other protozoa
and ameboid cells of many invertebrates.
Sub-Phylum Mastigophora
Sub-Phylum Sarcodina
Amoeboid protists.
Pseudopodia are the locomotory organelles.
Present in Fresh / Marine water, and Soil.
Mostly Pleomorphic, internal structures also not
fixed and shift as the organism moves.
Reproduction by Binary fission.
Many can form Cysts, some complex ones (e.g.
Arcella) may form TEST.
Generally Free living. Some are Mutualistic or
Commensals (many Endamoeba and Entamoeba
Some cause Opportunistic infections in humans or
animals (e.g. species of Acanthamoeba and
E. histolytica, is Parasitic.
2. Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
Small phylum with Spindle shaped or Spherical
Cultured Salmon
7. Phylum Ciliophora
Largest phylum with >8000 species, ranging from 10-
3000 micrometers in size.
Cilia are locomotory organelles and the members are
known as Ciliates.
Cilia arranged in Rows or Spirals.
Variation in shape among different species.
Some species use movement of CILIA around
Cytostome, some have TENTACLES while others
release TOXICYSTS for catching prey.
Undigested material is released through Cytoproct.
Possess Two types of nuclei;
The Micronucleus:
• Diploid.
• Involved in Sexual reproduction (Conjugation).
• Divides by Mitosis and Meiosis.
The Macronuceus:
• Polyploid, Derived by complex steps.
• Divides by Elongation and Constriction.
• Maintains routine cellular functions and controls
Asexual reproduction is by Transverse Binary
Sexual reproduction is by Conjugation.
Mostly Free-living, e.g. Paramecium.
Some Commensals, e.g. Entodinium (in Cattle) and
Nyctotherus (in Frog) species.
Some are Parasitic, e.g. Ichthyophthirius (in Fishes)
and Balantidium coli (in Humans).