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10.1 Computer Forensic Tools
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics CHAPTER TEN
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
Introduction to Computer Forensic Tools
10.1 Computer Forensic Tools
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics
• Computer forensics tools are continuously being
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
industrialized, modernized, repaired, and reviewed. Hence,
Tools checking vendors’ websites regularly to look for new features
10.4 Tasks 1 and enhancements is significant.
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
• Many GUI forensics tools are resource concentrated and
demand computers with more memory and faster processor
Needs of Computer Forensics Tool

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

10.2 Needs of Computer The objective is to discover the best value for as many features as
Forensics Tool
possible. Some questions to ask when assessing tools comprises of
the following:
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
1. On which OS does the forensics tool run?
Tools 2. Is the tool versatile? For example, does it work in Windows 98,
10.4 Tasks 1 XP, and Vista, and produce the same results in all three OSs?
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic 3. Can the tool analyze more than one file system, such as FAT,
NTFS, and Ext2fs?
4. Can a scripting language be used with the tool to automate
repetitive functions and tasks?
5. . Does the tool have any automated features that can help reduce
the time needed to analyze data?
6. What is the vendor’s reputation for providing product support?
Types of Computer Forensics Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

Computer forensics tools are classified into two major categories:
1. Hardware
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics
2. Software
Tool • Hardware Forensics Tools
10.3 Types of Computer Hardware forensics tools range from simple, single-purpose components
Forensics Tools to complete computer systems and servers. Some samples of complete
systems are:
10.4 Tasks 1
1. Digital Intelligence F.R.E.D. systems
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic 2. DIBS Advanced Forensic Workstations
Tools 3. Forensic Computers Forensic Examination Stations and portable
• Software Forensics Tools
Software forensics tools are clustered into command-line and GUI
applications. Some tools are dedicated to perform one task, like
SafeBack, a command-line disk acquisition tool from New
Technologies, Inc. (NTI).
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

All computer forensics tools, both hardware and software, execute
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics specific functions.
Tool 1. Acquisition:
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics Acquisition, the first task in computer forensics investigations, is
making a copy of the original drive. Subfunctions in the acquisition
category comprises of the following:
10.4 Tasks 1 • Physical data copy
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic • Logical data copy
Tools • Data acquisition format
• Command-line acquisition
• GUI acquisition
• Remote acquisition
• Verification
Some computer forensics software suites, like AccessData FTK and
EnCase, provide discrete tools for obtaining an image.
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics 2. Validation and discrimination:
Two concerns in dealing with computer evidence are critical. First is
guaranteeing the integrity of data being copied (i.e., the validation
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics process). Second is the discrimination of data, which includes sorting
Tools and searching through all analysis and research data. . Many forensics
10.4 Tasks 1 software vendors propose three methods for discriminating data values.
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
These are the sub-purposes of the validation and discrimination
Tools • Hashing
• Filtering
• Analyzing file headers
Validating data is done by obtaining hash values.
The primary purpose of data discrimination is to take away good data
from suspicious data.
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

3. Extraction:
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics The extraction function is referred as the recovery task in a
Tool computing investigation and is the most stimulating of all tasks to
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics master. Recovering data is the first step in analyzing an investigation’s
data. The following subfunctions of extraction are used in
10.4 Tasks 1 • Data viewing
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic • Keyword searching
Tools • Decompressing
• Carving
• Decrypting
• Bookmarking
Many computer forensics tools comprises of a data-viewing
mechanism for digital evidence.
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools 4. Reconstruction

The purpose of having a reconstruction feature in a forensics tool is to
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics
recreate a suspect drive to display what happened during a crime or an
Tool incident.
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics These are the subfunctions of reconstruction:
Tools • Disk-to-disk copy
10.4 Tasks
• Image-to-disk copy
• Partition-to-partition copy
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
• Image-to-partition copy
Tools There are several ways to recreate an image of a suspect drive.
The following are some of the tools that perform an image-to-disk copy:
• SafeBack
• SnapBack
• EnCase
• FTK Imager
• ProDiscover
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools

5. Reporting:
10.1 Computer Forensic Tools To complete a forensics disk analysis and examination, you need to create a
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics report.
Tool Newer Windows forensics tools can generate electronic reports in a variety
of formats, like word processing documents, HTML Web pages, or Acrobat
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
PDF files. These are the subfunctions of the reporting function:
Tools • Log reports
10.4 Tasks 1 • Report generator
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic As part of the validation process, often you need to document the steps you
Tools took to obtain data from a suspect drive.
. The following tools are some that offer report generators displaying
bookmarked evidence:
• EnCase
• Ilook
• X-Ways Forensics
• ProDiscover
Study of Digital Forensic Tools
10.1 Computer Forensic Tools
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics A number of Digital Forensic Tools/suites are available for
investigators to conduct digital forensic investigation .The sleuth
Toolkit EnCase and FTK are readily acquired digital forensic tools
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
that are emerging to abide with the increase in demand of forensic
Tools tools. The main aim of this section is to provide an overview of top 25
10.4 Tasks 1 digital forensic tools. The following digital forensic tools are
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic explained:
1. Sleuth Kit Autopsy
• Autopsy is a digital forensics platform that with efficiency analyses
smartphones and hard disks.
• It is easy-to-use interface, processes data quick and is cost-efficient.
• Sleuth Kit is a collection that consists of command line tools and a
C library permitting the analysis of disk images and file recovery. It
is used at the back end within the Autopsy tool.
Study of Digital Forensic Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics
Key features of autopsy include:
1. Timeline Analysis—Advanced interface for graphical event
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics 2. Hash Filtering—Flags known bad files and overlooks known good
Tools files
10.4 Tasks 1
3. Keyword Search—Indexed keyword search makes file search
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
4. Web Artifacts—Extracting bookmarks, history, and cookies from
Tools web browsers.
5. Data Carving—Recovering deleted files from unallocated space by
using hyperlink “”.
6. Multimedia—Extracting EXIF from pictures and watching videos.
7. Compromise Indicators—Scanning a computer using STIX.
Study of Digital Forensic Tools

10.1 Computer Forensic Tools

• Pros: Good documentation and support
• Cons: It requires special user skills because it is based on Unix.
10.2 Needs of Computer Forensics • About Disk Analysis:
Tool Once the right steps are taken to secure and verify the disk image, the actual
10.3 Types of Computer Forensics
contents of the image should be analyzed for suspicious or criminative proof.
• About Kali Linux Sleuth Kit and Autopsy:
Tools The following features are available through Autopsy/Sleuth Kit:
10.4 Tasks 1 1. Timeline Analysis: Graphical event viewing interface.
2. Hash Filtering: Flag known bad files and ignore known good files.
10.5 Study of Digital Forensic
3. File System Forensic Analysis: Recover files from most common formats.
Tools 4. Keyword Search: Indexed keyword search to find files that mention relevant
5. Web Artefacts: Extract history, bookmarks, and cookies from Firefox,
Chrome, and IE.
6. Multimedia: Extract EXIF from pictures and watch videos.
7. Email Analysis: Parses MBOX format messages, such as Thunderbird.
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