Running Musharaka Profit Distrubution Method - Sample
Running Musharaka Profit Distrubution Method - Sample
Running Musharaka Profit Distrubution Method - Sample
Running Musharakah
Running Musharakah Facility Limit
Musharakah Total Investment
• Adjusted Cost of Goods
• Calculation of Musharakah Total Investment
Bank’s Investment in Musharakah
Customer’s investment in Musharakah
Musharakah Profit Sharing Mechanism
Loss Sharing and Termination of Musharakah
Risk Mitigation in Running Musharakah
Running Musharakah
The Bank and the Customer will enter into Musharakah, based on
The Bank and the Customer will invest in the identified primary
Operating Activities (or any identifiable segment thereof) of the
Customer’s business
For this the Bank and the Customer will agree on the items which
are to be included in the Adjusted Cost of Goods sold for the
purpose of Musharakah.
For Musharaka
Net Sales xxxxxxxx
Adjusted Cost of Sales '000' xxxxxxxx
Gross Profit xxxxxxxx
Bad Debts Expense
Diminution in value of stocks
Sale of waste stocks - proceeds
Insurance claim against lost goods
Musharakah Profit xxxxxxxx
Running Musharakah
Step 3:
The Bank and the Customer sign the Musharakah Agreement.
Hence Bank’s investment in this business will vary from time to time
subject to a maximum Running Musharakah Facility Limit (“facility
Running Musharakah
Step 4 (At the end of the Musharakah Tenor Qtr/S-Annual):
Due to this fact the results of the following formulae would be used
to arrive at Musharkah’s Total Investment:
Adjusted COGS
Running Musharaka Investment for the relevant Sub-Tenor (PKR) 2,101,593,336 1,568,653,625 532,939,711
Investment & Profit/ (Loss) Sharing Ratio
74.64% 25.36%
(for profit amount BELOW Profit Ceiling Amount)
Running Musharaka Profit ABOVE the Profit Ceiling Amount 11,707,266,560 117,073 11,707,149,487