Septic Arthritis
Septic Arthritis
Septic Arthritis
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routes of inoculation
direct inoculation from trauma or surgery
hematogenous seeding
extension from adjacent bone
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Neisseria gonorrhea
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Physical exam
range of motion
severe pain with passive motion
unwillingness to move joint (pseudoparalysis)
examine adjacent joints
must rule out adjacent joint involvement
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• I:2 The clinical photograph reveals a right septic hip resting in a
position of flexion, abduction, and external rotation to maximize
joint volume
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Kocker Criteria
Probability of septic arthritis ranged as high as 99.6% when
all four criteria below are present :
WBC > 12,000 cells/μl
inability to bear weight
fever > 101.3° F (38.5° C)
ESR > 40 mm/h
• CRP > 2.0 (mg/dl) is an independent risk factor (not included in
studies of the previous 4 criteria) .
• CRP > 2.0 (mg/dl) in combination with refusal to bear weight yields a
74% probability of septic arthritis
findings :
may be normal, especially in early stages of disease
often see widening of the joint space, subluxation, or dislocation
in infants, prior to ossification of the femoral head, widening of joint
space can be seen by lateral displacement of the proximal femur
may see bone involvement with associated osteomyelitis
Ultrasound :
• may be helpful to identify effusion
• can be used to guide aspiration
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• If a joint is suspected of being infected, aspiration with a large-bore
needle should be done before antibiotic therapy is initiated.
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• Empirical antibiotic therapy should be given until culture and
sensitivity results are available, at which time definitive treatment is
• If no organism is isolated, empirical therapy should be continued. In
general, the decision regarding duration of therapy is left up to the
physician and depends on the type of infecting organism, the
condition of the patient, and the response to therapy.
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