Qualitative Resaerch
Qualitative Resaerch
Qualitative Resaerch
Qualitative vs quantitative methods
Research stage Qualitative Quantitative
Qualitative Research
Direct Indirect
(Nondisguised) (Disguised)
Method format:
• Standardized and structured
Observation setting
• Natural environment
• Simulated environment
• Oculometers
• Observation skills
• Flexibility of approach
• Dual moderator group: Two moderators collaborate in this type of focus group. One
moderator is in charge of asking the questions and the other makes sure the questions are
answered. It is easier for a single moderator to get distracted; having two moderators
helps ensure that participants stay on task with their discussion.
• Fencing moderator group: Also with two moderators, this kind of focus group pits one
moderator against another to explore opposing sides of an issue. By supporting alternate
viewpoints, moderators can introduce discussion points that lead respondents to consider
and draw new conclusions, prompting additional insight.
• Respondent moderator: One or more of the participants in the group takes the lead as
moderator. This is done to change the dynamics of the group and generate more varied
Types of focus groups
• Mini-groups: A focus group that consists of fewer participants – usually four
or five – which creates a more intimate group.
• Cheaper
Personal interview method
Typical Usage:
• Problem definition
• Exploratory research
• Primary data collection
Conducting the personal interview
Telephone Personal
Interviewing Interviewing