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Essential Summer Health Tips

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, but the heat

can take a toll on your health if you don't take the
necessary precautions.
2. Dress for the weather
1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids is critical to

staying cool and hydrated. Water is
the best option, but you can also Light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made
have sports drinks and coconut of breathable fabrics, such as cotton or
water to replenish electrolytes. Avoid linen, can help you stay cool. Avoid dark
caffeinated and sugary beverages as
colors that absorb heat.
they can lead to dehydration.
3. Stay Indoors 4. Take cool showers or baths

Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day,

usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you must Taking a cool shower or bath can help
go out, try to plan your activities early in the lower your body temperature and make
morning or late in the evening when it's cooler. you feel more comfortable. You can also
use a damp towel or cloth to cool off your
neck, face, and arms.
5. Eat light and healthy 6. Stay active
but avoid strenuous activity

Heavy, greasy meals can make you feel

Physical activity is essential for
sluggish and hot. Opt for light, refreshing
maintaining good health, but it's crucial to
meals such as salads, fruit, and
smoothies. Foods with high water content, avoid strenuous activities during the
such as watermelon, cucumber, and hottest part of the day. Try to exercise
strawberries, can also help keep you early in the morning or late in the evening
7. Wear a hat and sunglasses 8. Take care of your skin

Wearing a hat and sunglasses can protect The sun's UV rays can damage
your face and eyes from the sun's rays. your skin and increase your risk
Opt for a wide-brimmed hat that covers of skin cancer. Use sunscreen
your face, ears, and neck. Polarized with an SPF of 30 or higher and
sunglasses can also reduce glare and reapply every two hours. Wear
protect your eyes. protective clothing, such as a
hat and long-sleeved shirt, and
seek shade whenever possible.
Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness

The following are listed from least to most dangerous.

Heat Rash (prickly heat): Heat rash includes clusters of small blisters on the skin. In order to treat
a heat rash, try to stay in a cool, dry place. Applying baby powder to the area may lessen any

Sunburn: Just because sunburn is common, does not mean it isn’t dangerous. Sunburn results in
painful, red and warm skin that can blister and peal. If you are experiencing sunburn, try to stay
out of the sun, put on cool clothes, and apply moisturizing lotion. Be sure not be break any
Heat Cramps: Heat Cramps are painful muscle spasms that appear with heavy sweating during
exercise. Stop physical activity right away and move to a cool place, drinking water regularly. Call
for medical assistance if the severe cramps last for longer than one hour, you’re on a low-sodium
diet, or if you have a history of heart problems.
Staying hydrated, protecting your skin, staying
cool, eating healthy, staying active, practicing
safe sun exposure, staying informed, being
mindful of insect bites, getting enough sleep, and
practicing stress-reducing activities are all
actionable tips for maintaining optimal health
during the warm weather.

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