DR Asim Ahmad PT
Today's content
❑ Pulley combination.
❑ A single fixed pulley
The line of action of a force may be changed by
means of a pulley.
A force acting in downward direction, is used to
move a weight in an upward direction.
When pulleys are fixed , they do not provide any
mechanical advantages to the force but only
change its direction. E.g. cervical traction.
A single fixed pulley is often used in
strengthening exercise.
🠶 Definitions:
🠶 Angle of Pull: angle between muscle insertion and bone on which it
🠶 Components of Force
🠶 Rotary component: force of a muscle contributing to bone's movement
around a joint axis; greatest when muscles angle of pull is
perpendicular to bone (i.e. 90 degrees).
🠶 Stabilizing component: degree of parallel forces generated on the lever
(bone and joint) when the muscles angle of pull is less than 90 degrees.
🠶 Dislocating component: degree of parallel forces generated on the lever
(bone and joint) when the muscle's angle of pull is greater than 90
Anatomical Pulleys
• Composed of 5 annular
ligaments + 3 cruciform
• To hold the underlying tendons
at a fixed distance to the
• Gliding mechanism of long
Class III