23 mei 2023
[email protected]
Foto: Computable
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Virtual Research Environment
The virtual research environment provides online data analysis workspaces for
research projects and academic courses. Its goal is to facilitate education and
experimentation that require programming and complex data analysis. In addition, it
will satisfy the increasing computational needs of researchers which are currently
limited by what their personal machine can offer.
Review Team DO 2
In many larger research collaborations there is an unmet need
for research engineers that can build custom software, arrange
deployments of dedicated tools and instruments for data
collection and build and customize databases and the population
thereof. At the HU there is a support team that has experience in
supporting individual researchers and smaller projects. How
would we do this at scale? What can we think of together to
solve/meet this unmet demand?
Review Team DO 3
DevOps skils
DevOps skills
• Cloud Computing Platforms: SURF Research automate the software development, testing, and
Cloud & Microsoft Azure. Understand key deployment processes
services, deployment models, and features. • Configuration Management: Explore
• Infrastructure as Code (IaC): enabling configuration management tools like Ansible.
automated provisioning, deployment, and These tools enable you to automate the
scalability. configuration and management of your cloud
• Containerization: knowledge about technologies resources, ensuring consistency and scalability.
such as Docker & Kubernetes. Containers enable • Monitoring and Logging: Learn about
easy deployment and management of monitoring tools. These tools provide insights into
applications across different environments. the performance, availability, and health of your
• Continuous Integration and Continuous cloud infrastructure and applications. Familiarize
Deployment (CI/CD): Understand CI/CD yourself with logging frameworks.
concepts / CodePipeline. These tools help
DevOps skills
• Cloud Computing Platforms: SURF Research automate the software development, testing, and
Cloud & Microsoft Azure. Understand key deployment processes
services, deployment models, and features. • Configuration Management: Explore
• Infrastructure as Code (IaC): enabling configuration management tools like Ansible.
automated provisioning, deployment, and These tools enable you to automate the
scalability. configuration and management of your cloud
• Containerization: knowledge about technologies resources, ensuring consistency and scalability.
such as Docker & Kubernetes. Containers enable • Monitoring and Logging: Learn about
easy deployment and management of monitoring tools. These tools provide insights into
applications across different environments. the performance, availability, and health of your
• Continuous Integration and Continuous cloud infrastructure and applications. Familiarize
Deployment (CI/CD): Understand CI/CD yourself with logging frameworks.
concepts / CodePipeline. These tools help
Software tools
Software tool
• Version Control Systems: Use version control collaboration and communication tools such as Slack,
systems like Git to manage your source code and Microsoft Teams, GitHub to coordinate with your
collaborate with other researchers or developers research team, share progress, and track tasks.
effectively. Platforms like GitHub/GitLab provide hosting • Continuous Integration/Delivery Tools: Employ
and collaboration features. CI/CD tools like GitHub/GitLab CI/CD, to automate
• Development Environments: Set up integrated building, testing, and deploying your software
development environments (IDEs) such as Visual applications in cloud environments.
Studio Code or Eclipse, with appropriate plugins and • Testing Frameworks: Depending on your
extensions to support cloud development workflows. programming language and application, explore testing
• Scripting and Programming Languages: Familiarize frameworks for automated testing to ensure the quality
yourself with scripting languages like Python, as well as and reliability of your software.
programming languages like Java or C#. These
languages are widely used in cloud development and
automation tasks.
• Collaboration and Communication Tools: Utilize
Software tool
• Version Control Systems: Use version control collaboration and communication tools such as Slack,
systems like Git to manage your source code and Microsoft Teams, GitHub to coordinate with your
collaborate with other researchers or developers research team, share progress, and track tasks.
effectively. Platforms like GitHub/GitLab provide hosting • Continuous Integration/Delivery Tools: Employ
and collaboration features. CI/CD tools like GitHub/GitLab CI/CD, to automate
• Development Environments: Set up integrated building, testing, and deploying your software
development environments (IDEs) such as Visual applications in cloud environments.
Studio Code or Eclipse, with appropriate plugins and • Testing Frameworks: Depending on your
extensions to support cloud development workflows. programming language and application, explore testing
• Scripting and Programming Languages: Familiarize frameworks for automated testing to ensure the quality
yourself with scripting languages like Python, as well as and reliability of your software.
programming languages like Java or C#. These
languages are widely used in cloud development and
automation tasks.
• Collaboration and Communication Tools: Utilize
Software tool
• Version Control Systems: Use version control collaboration and communication tools such as Slack,
systems like Git to manage your source code and Microsoft Teams, GitHub to coordinate with your
collaborate with other researchers or developers research team, share progress, and track tasks.
effectively. Platforms like GitHub/GitLab provide hosting • Continuous Integration/Delivery Tools: Employ
and collaboration features. CI/CD tools like GitHub/GitLab CI/CD, to automate
• Development Environments: Set up integrated building, testing, and deploying your software
development environments (IDEs) such as Visual applications in cloud environments.
Studio Code or Eclipse, with appropriate plugins and • Testing Frameworks: Depending on your
extensions to support cloud development workflows. programming language and application, explore testing
• Scripting and Programming Languages: Familiarize frameworks for automated testing to ensure the quality
yourself with scripting languages like Python, as well as and reliability of your software.
programming languages like Java or C#. These
languages are widely used in cloud development and
automation tasks.
• Collaboration and Communication Tools: Utilize