TCS Unit 1 Introduction

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Theoretical Computer Science

Prof. Manisha Tiwari

(Computer Engineering Department)
MPSTME, NMIMS University
Introduction to Theory of Computation (TOC)

• ‘TOC’ : Study of ‘mathematical’ machines or systems called automata

• Study of computational problems that can and cannot be solved using these machines, i.e.
what is the extent to which a problem is solvable on a computer.
What is automata theory?
Automata: A self operating machine

“Automatically follow a predetermined sequence of operations, or respond to predetermined


An automation theory (a mathematical model) is an abstract machine (considered as hardware

or software) i.e. computer system constructed to allow a detailed analysis of how the computer
system works.
Who discovered automata theory?

Turing Test: computer is capable of thinking like

a human being

When the task is computable?

Let’s watch a small video !!

ICA (50 M internal and 50 M external)
Text Books/Reference Books

1. Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 4e, Peter Linz, Narosa

2. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, 3e, J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman, Motwani, Pearson
Edu., 2008.
3. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, J.C. Martin, TMH, SIE, 2007
Unit Description Duration
1 Introduction to Automata theory: Basic concepts of symbol, alphabet, String, Language, Grammar and 3
Automata, Application of the subject in complies construction.
2 Finite State Machine & Regular Set: Concept of DFA, NFA, Epsilon NFA, Converting NFA to Minimized 8
DFA, Regular Expressions, DFA to R. E Conversion, Regular language, Closure properties & Pumping
Lemma for regular sets
3 Moore and Mealy machine: examples of Moore & Mealy machines, converting Moore machines to Mealy 3
machines, converting Mealy machines to Moore machines.
4 Context Free Grammar: Basic concept of Context Free Grammar and Language, Ambiguous CFG, 5
Simplification of CFG, Chomsky's Normal Form, Griebach Normal Form
5 Push Down Automata: Elements in PDM, Power of PDA over FSM. Design of PDA for CFL, Closure 5
Properties of CFL, Pumping Lemma for CFLs.
6 Turing Machine: Turing Machine Definition, Turing machine as acceptor and generator, Examples of TM 6
designing, Types of Turing machine, Universal Turing machine, Church Turing Hypothesis, Halting
problem,Power of TM over PDA
Unit 1 : Introduction to Automata theory

• Basic concepts of String

• Formal languages

• Chomsky hierarchy

• Grammar and its type – Type 0, 1, 2 and 3

• Derivation Tree

• Application of the subject in complier construction

Formal Language
Language “This is my book”

Proper use of grammar

formed by strings

Words Strings : this, is, my, book

Composed by
letters : ‘t’, ‘h’ ,‘I’, ‘s’, ‘I’ ,‘s’,
letters ‘m’,’y’, ‘b’,’o’,’o’,’k’

Proper use of rules to form a string that is acceptable by machine is called formal languages
Formal Language and Automata Theory

(Infinite strings)

“ Design a machine which takes input a, b and produce output strings starts with b and ends with a”

Letters: {a, b, 0, 1}
Input (alphabets) : a,b
Strings: a,b,ab, aab, baa, bbaa, bbbbba, baaaab. baba………
Language (L) : baa, baba, bbaa, bbbbba…

Symbol: A symbol is a user-defined entity.

Alphabet: An alphabet is a finite set of symbols denoted by Σ in automata. Alphabets are a set of symbols used
to construct a language. Example, {0, 1} is binary alphabet, {A…, Z, a…z} is the alphabet set for the English

String: A string is defined as a sequence of symbols of finite length. A string is denoted by w in automata.
Example, 000111 is a binary string.

(Length of a string w is denoted by |w|. For the previous case, |w| = |000111| = 6).
Chomsky Hierarchy
Applications : Vending Machines using ToC
Application :GAME
Applications of TOC in Compiler Construction
Grammar in TOC

Grammar in theory of computation is a finite set of formal rules that are generating syntactically correct

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