Lect02 (MT 353)
Lect02 (MT 353)
Lect02 (MT 353)
• Range: The range of the sensor is the maximum and minimum values of
applied parameters that can be measured.
• In other words, if exactly the same value were measured a number of times, an ideal sensor
would output exactly the same value every time. But real sensors output a range of values
distributed in some manner relative to the actual correct value.
• The accuracy can be expressed either as a percentage of full scale or in absolute terms.
• Linearity: The linearity of the transducer is an expression of the extent to which the
actual measured curve of a sensor departs from the ideal curve.
• Active transducers are the transducers which do not use any external power
for the measurement of process variable.
• These transducers are self generating devices which operate under the energy
conversion principle.
• In other words, active transducer produces its own equivalent electrical output
in response to the physical quantity to be measured.”
• The function of a thermopile is to transfer the heat radiation emitted from the
object to a electrical voltage output. The output is in the range of tens or
hundreds of milli-volts.
• Photo Voltaic transducer or Photo voltaic cell (sometimes known as solar cell)
is also an active transducer which generates electric voltage or current when
exposed to sun light.
• In simple words, we can say it converts solar energy into electricity. This
phenomenon is known as photo voltaic effect.
• “Passive Transducers are the transducers which require external power for the
measurement of process variable or processing of output from primary sensing
element (Sensor).
RTD (Resistance
– detects change in temperature and convert into change in resistance
Temperature Detector)
Photo Resistor or LDR – detect light intensity and results as change in resistance
Diaphragm capsule – detects pressure, differential pressure and convert into change in capacitance
• Primary transducers also called as primary sensing elements, are the first and foremost
requirement for the measurement and control.
• The primary transducer is the first element which is directly exposed to the process
variable to be measured that senses physical changes or any change in its surrounding
and produces an equivalent functional output which is detected by next stage or a
second stage.
• Bimetallic thermometer, liquid filled thermometer, manometer etc. are some examples
of primary transducers.
• The magnitude of the output signal depends on the input mechanical signal. Some
examples of Secondary Transducers are LVDT, Piezo electric crystal, pinion gear
arrangement etc.
• Analog transducer is the transducer which provides output signal in analog form (of
voltage or current) i.e. a continuous function of time in response of input quantity to be
measured. Potentiometer, LVDT, thermistor, RTD, thermocouple etc. are some
examples of analog transducers.
• Digital transducer is the transducer which provides output electrical signal in digital
form i.e. discrete signal in response of input quantity to be measured. Here Output is in
the form of square pulses and having two states (high and low); hence it is called a
digital transducer.
• Examples- Shaft encoder, limit switch, pressure switch, digital tachometer, digital
resolver etc.
• These are also called as electrical transducers. Potentiometer, LVDT, thermistor, RTD,
thermocouple etc. are some examples of electrical transducers.
• In other words, Inverse transducer is called as output transducer because they convert
an electrical signal into non-electrical output. For Analog Ammeter, The oscilloscope
etc. are some inverse transducers.
• Electrical Transducer is specified as the sensing device which is used to detect or sense a non electrical
physical quantity or magnitude and convert into electrical output signal such as voltage or current
proportional to the input being measured. Potentiometer, LVDT, RTD, Thermocouple, Strain Gauge, Piezo-
electric crystal etc. are some examples of Electrical Transducer.
• Optical transducers are based on optical transduction of light signals and rays and utilize optical properties
for measurement and analysis. Mostly optical transducers convert light and rays into electrical quantity. So
these are also called as opto-electric transducers or photo-electric transducers. Optical transducer uses the
property of light such as heat, absorption, adsorption, reflection, emission, radiation and so on.