The Life Cycle of A Butterfly
The Life Cycle of A Butterfly
The Life Cycle of A Butterfly
- To n y -
The life
cycle of a
The life cycle of a butterfly begins
with an egg. After the female
butterfly mates with the male
butterfly, the female butterfly
chooses plants that the butterfly
larvae (caterpillars) can eat and
The eggs will hatch into larvae
(Caterpillars) after 3 - 6 days
depending on the ambient
temperature. In most butterflies,
after hatching, caterpillars will eat
eggshells because they contain many
nutrients needed for caterpillars to
develop, then they will eat leaves to
g r o w. D u r i n g t h e i r d e v e l o p m e n t ,
they have to go through several
molts. After each molt, the
After about two weeks, the caterpillar
will weave a cocoon and attach it to the
underside of a leaf or stem, where it
hangs and molts one last time to pupate.
The pupal stage is when internal
transformation occurs most intensely,
although it cannot move and eat during
this time. It focuses on rebuilding the
body through biochemical processes that
Once the transformation is
complete, the butterfly will rest in
the cocoon, which lasts about 10
days. When the time is right, the
adult butterfly will come out of
the cocoon on its own. For the
first few hours it will pump blood
into the veins in the wing to widen
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