Intro NLP

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CSC 594 Topics in AI –

Natural Language Processing

Spring 2018

1.Intro to NLP

(Some slides adapted from Ralph Grishman at NYU,

Yejin Choi at UWashington, and Jurafsky and Martin)

What is NLP?
 Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field in
Artificial Intelligence (AI) devoted to creating
computers that use natural language as input
and/or output.

Why NLP?

 To interact with computing devices using human

(natural) languages. For example,
 Building intelligent robots (AI).

 Enabling voice-controlled operation.

 To access (large amount of) information and

knowledge stored in the form of human languages

Early days of NLP:
Machines that Can Speak

 HAL 9000 in “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Machines that Can Speak (cont.)
in Star Wars in Knight Rider

But Still a Sci-Fi…

 “However, as 2001 approached it became clear that

2001's predictions in computer technology were far
fetched. Natural language, lip reading, planning
and plain common sense in computers were still the
stuff of science fiction.”
HAL 9000 - Wikipedia

Test for Intelligence – Turing Test
 Alan Turing (1950) proposed a
test of a machine's capability to
perform human-like

 A human judge engages in a natural language

conversation with two other parties, one a human
and the other a machine; if the judge cannot
reliably tell which is which, then the machine is said
to pass the test.

Early Conversational Programs
• ELIZA (by Joseph Weizenbaum), 1966
– A psychotherapist
– No real understanding; simple pattern-matching
to respond to user input -> canned responses

(my ?x depresses me) (why does your ?x depress you) 5

(life ?x) (why do you say it ?x) 3
(I could ?x) (you could ?x) 2
(because ?x) (that is a good reason) 3
(?x) (tell me more) 0

>> Hello.
How do you do. Please state your problem.
>> Men are all alike.
In what way ?
>> They're alwas bugging us about something or other.
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>> They're always bugging us about something or other.
Can you think of a specific example ?
>> Well, my boyfriend made me come here.
Your boyfriend made you come here ?
>> He says I'm depressed much of the time.
I am sorry to hear that you are depressed.

Modern NLP:
NLP in the Days of Big Data
Three trends:
1. An enormous amount of information is now
available in machine readable form as natural
language text (newspapers, web pages, medical
records, financial filings, product reviews, discussion
forums, etc.)
2. Conversational agents are becoming an important
form of human-computer communication
3. Much of human-human interaction is now mediated by
computers via social media

Speech and Language Processing - Jurafsky and Martin 10

NLP Applications
• Three prominent application areas:
 Text analytics/mining (from “unstructured data”)
 Sentiment analysis
 Topic identification
 Digital Humanities (“new ways of doing scholarship that
involve collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally
engaged research, teaching, and publishing.”)
 Conversational agents
 Siri, Cortana, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant
 Chatbots
 Machine translation

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Text Analytics
• Data-mining of weblogs, microblogs, discussion forums,
user reviews, and other forms of user-generated media.

Text Analytics (cont.)
• Typically this involves the extraction of limited kinds of
semantic and pragmatic information from texts
– Entity mentions
– Concept identification
– Sentiment

Speech and Language Processing - Jurafsky and Martin 13


• Sentiment Analysis with Python NLTK Text Classification


• Tweet Sentiment Visualization Tool


• Concept Extraction

Conversational Agents
• Combine
– Speech recognition/synthesis
– Question answering
• From the web and from structured information sources (freebase,
dbpedia, yago, etc.)
– Simple agent-like abilities
• Create/edit calendar entries
• Reminders
• Directions
• Invoking/interacting with other apps

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Question Answering
• Traditional information retrieval provides
documents/resources that provide users with what they
need to satisfy their information needs.
• Question answering on the other hand directly provides
an answer to information needs posed as questions.

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IBM Watson

Machine Translation
• The automatic translation of texts between languages is one of the
oldest non-numerical applications in Computer Science.
• In the past 15 years or so, MT has gone from a niche academic
curiosity to a robust commercial industry.

Text Mining Applications – Unsupervised
• Text clustering • Trend analysis

Trend for the Term “text mining” from Google Trends

Cluster Comment Key Words
1 1, 3, 4 doctor, staff,
friendly, helpful
2 5, 6, 8 treatment, results,
time, schedule
3   2, 7 service, clinic, fast

Text Mining Applications – Supervised
– Many typical predictive modeling or
classification applications can be
enhanced by incorporating textual data in
addition to traditional input variables.
• churning propensity models that include
customer center notes, website forms, e-
mails, and Twitter messages
• hospital admission prediction models
incorporating medical records notes as a
new source of information
• insurance fraud modeling using adjustor
• sentiment categorization (next page)
• stylometry or forensic applications that
identify the author of a particular writing
Sentiment Analysis
• The field of sentiment analysis deals with categorization (or
classification) of opinions expressed in textual documents

Green color represents positive tone, red color represents negative tone, and
product features and model names are highlighted in blue and brown, respectively.

Structured + Text Data in Predictive
• Use of both types of data in building predictive

ROC Chart of Models With and Without Textual Comments

NLP Tasks
• NLP applications require several NLP analyses:
– Word tokenization
– Sentence boundary detection
– Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
• to identify the part-of-speech (e.g. noun, verb) of each word
– Named Entity (NE) recognition
• to identify proper nouns (e.g. names of person, location,
organization; domain terminologies)
– Parsing
• to identify the syntactic structure of a sentence
– Semantic analysis
• to derive the meaning of a sentence

1. Part-Of-Speech (POS) Tagging
• POS tagging is a process of assigning a POS or lexical
class marker to each word in a sentence (and all
sentences in a corpus).

Input: the lead paint is unsafe

Output: the/Det lead/N paint/N is/V unsafe/Adj

2. Named Entity Recognition (NER)
• NER is to process a text and identify named entities in a
– e.g. “U.N. official Ekeus heads for Baghdad.”

3. Shallow Parsing
• Shallow (or Partial) parsing identifies the (base) syntactic phases in
a sentence.

[NP He] [v saw] [NP the big dog]

• After NEs are identified, dependency parsing is often applied to

extract the syntactic/dependency relations between the NEs.
[PER Bill Gates] founded [ORG Microsoft].
found Dependency Relations
nsubj(Bill Gates, found)
dobj(found, Microsoft)

Bill Gates Microsoft

4. Information Extraction (IE)
• Identify specific pieces of information (data) in an
unstructured or semi-structured text
• Transform unstructured information in a corpus of texts
or web pages into a structured database (or templates)
• Applied to various types of text, e.g.
– Newspaper
– Scientific
– Web pages
– etc.

Source: J. Choi, CSE842, MSU
Bridgestone Sports Co. said Friday it had set up a joint venture in Taiwan with a
local concern and a Japanese trading house to produce golf clubs to be supplied
to Japan.
The joint venture, Bridgestone Sports Taiwan Co., capitalized at 20 million new
Taiwan dollars, will start production in January 1990 with production of 20,000
iron and “metal wood” clubs a month.
template filling

Relationship: TIE-UP Activity: PRODUCTION
Entities: “Bridgestone Sport Co.” Company:
“a local concern” “Bridgestone Sports Taiwan Co.”
“a Japanese trading house” Product:
Joint Venture Company: “iron and ‘metal wood’ clubs”
“Bridgestone Sports Taiwan Co.” Start Date:
Activity: ACTIVITY-1 DURING: January 1990
Amount: NT$200000000

But NLP very is hard..
• Understanding natural languages is hard …
because of inherent ambiguity
• Engineering NLP systems is also hard …
because of:
– Huge amount of data resources needed (e.g.
grammar, dictionary, documents to extract
statistics from)
– Computational complexity (intractable) of
analyzing a sentence

Ambiguity (1)

“Get the cat with the gloves.”

Source: Marti Hearst, i256, at UC Berkeley 31

Ambiguity (2)
Find at least 5 meanings of this sentence:
“I made her duck”

1. I cooked waterfowl for her benefit (to eat)

2. I cooked waterfowl belonging to her
3. I created the (plaster?) duck she owns
4. I caused her to quickly lower her head or body
5. I waved my magic wand and turned her into
undifferentiated waterfowl

Source: Jurafsky & Martin “Speech and Language Processing” 32

Ambiguity (3)

Some ambiguous headlines

• Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

• Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
• Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
• Bush Wins on Budget, but More Lies Ahead
• Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors

Source: Marti Hearst, i256, at UC Berkeley 33

Ambiguity is Pervasive
• Phonetics
– I mate or duck
– I’m eight or duck
– Eye maid; her duck
– Aye mate, her duck
– I maid her duck Sound like
“I made her duck”
– I’m aid her duck
– I mate her duck
– I’m ate her duck
– I’m ate or duck
– I mate or duck

Source: Jurafsky & Martin “Speech and Language Processing” 34

• Lexical category (part-of-speech)
– “duck” as a noun or a verb
• Lexical Semantics (word meaning)
– “duck” as an animal or a plaster duck statue
• Compound nouns
– e.g. “dog food”, “Intelligent design scores …”
• Syntactic ambiguity

“I saw a man on the hill with a telescope”

• [But semantics can sometimes help disambiguate]

“I saw a man on the hill with a hat”

The Bottom Line
• Complete NL Understanding (thus general
intelligence) is impossible.
• But we can make incremental progress.
• Also we have made successes in limited domains.

The Big Picture Approach
All of these applications operate by exploiting
underlying regularities in human languages.
Sometimes in complex ways, sometimes in pretty trivial

Language Formal Practical

structure models applications

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Topics: Linguistics
• Word-level processing
• Syntactic processing
• Lexical and compositional semantics
• Discourse structure

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Different Levels of Linguistic Analysis
• Phonology
– Speech audio signal to phonemes
• Morphology
– Inflection (e.g. “I”, “my”, “me”; “eat”, “eats”, “ate”, “eaten”)
– Derivation (e.g. “teach”, “teacher”, “nominate”, “nominee”)
• Syntax
– Part-of-speech (noun, verb, adjective, preposition, etc.)
– Phrase structure (e.g. noun phrase, verb phrase)
• Semantics
– Meaning of a word (e.g. “book” as a bound volume or an
accounting ledger) or a sentence
• Discourse
– Meaning and inter-relation between sentences

Topics: Techniques

• Finite-state methods
• Context-free methods Supervised machine
• Probabilistic models learning methods
• Neural network models

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Process Pipeline
• Phonology Each kind of knowledge has
• Morphology associated with it an encapsulated
• Syntax set of processes that make use of it.
• Semantics Interfaces are defined that allow
• Pragmatics the various levels to communicate.
• Discourse This often leads to a pipeline

Morphological Syntactic Semantic

Processing Analysis Interpretation

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But Problem..
• Remember our pipeline...

Morphological Syntactic Semantic

Processing Analysis Interpretation

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It really looks like this

Syntactic Interpretation
Syntactic Interpretation
Syntactic Interpretation
Syntactic Interpretation
Morphological Analysis
Syntactic Interpretation
Syntactic Interpretation
Processing Analysis
Syntactic Interpretation
Analysis Interpretation
Analysis Interpretation

Speech and Language Processing - Jurafsky and Martin 43

Dealing with Ambiguity
Four possible approaches:
1. Formal approaches -- Tightly coupled
interaction among processing levels;
knowledge from other levels can help decide
among choices at ambiguous levels.
2. Pipeline processing that ignores ambiguity as
it occurs and hopes that other levels can
eliminate incorrect structures.
3. Probabilistic approaches based on making
the most likely choices
4. Don’t do anything, maybe it won’t matter

Source: Jurafsky & Martin “Speech and Language Processing” 44

Models and Algorithms
• By models we mean the formalisms that are used to
capture the various kinds of linguistic knowledge we
• Algorithms are then used to manipulate the knowledge
representations needed to tackle the task at hand.

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Various Models
• Finite state machines
• Rule-based and logic-based approaches
• Probabilistic models
• Neural network models

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Various Algorithms
• In particular..
– State-space search
• To manage the problem of making choices during processing
when we lack the information needed to make the right choice
– Dynamic programming
• To avoid having to redo work during the course of a state-
space search
– CKY, Earley, Minimum Edit Distance, Viterbi, Baum-Welch
– Classifiers
• Machine learning based classifiers that are trained to make
decisions based on features extracted from the local context

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