Global Strategy
Global Strategy
Global Strategy
Strategy Implementation
● LICENSING the licensing firm grants rights to another firm in the host country to produce and/or sell a product.
The licensee pays com- pensation to the licensing firm in return for technical and sometimes marketing expertise.
● FRANCHISING the franchiser grants rights to another company to open a retail store using the franchiser’s
name and operating system. In exchange, the franchisee pays the franchiser a percentage of its sales as a royalty.
● JOINT VENTURE Forming a joint venture between a foreign corporation and a domes- tic company has been
one of the most popular strategies used to enter a new country.7
● ACQUISITIONS A relatively quick way to move into an international area is through acquisitions—purchasing
another company already operating in that area.
● GREEN-FIELD DEVELOPMENT If a company doesn’t want to purchase another compa- ny’s problems
along with its assets, it may choose green-field development and build its own manufacturing plant and distribution
● PRODUCTION SHARING Coined by Peter Drucker, the term production sharing
gen- erally refers to the process of combining the higher labor skills and technology
available in developed countries with the lower-cost labor available in developing
● TRUNKEY OPERATIONS are typically contracts for the construc- tion of operating
facilities in exchange for a fee. The facilities are transferred to the host country or firm
when they are complete. T
● BOT CONCEPT The BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) concept is a variation of the
turnkey operation. Instead of turning the facility (usually a power plant or toll road) over
to the host country when completed, the company operates the facility for a fixed period
of time during which it earns back its investment, plus a profit.
Stage 3
Primarily Company with International Div.
Research tells us that between 20% and 45% of expatriate assignments are failures
with managers sent abroad return- ing early because of job dissatisfaction or difficulties
in adjusting to a foreign country. Of those who stayed for the duration of their
assignment, nearly one-third did not perform as well as expected. within one year of
returning home—often leaving to join a competitor
market share,
ROI, budget analysis, safety/ environmental, productivity, public
and historical energy efficiency, and image, employee
comparisons testing procedures. morale, and relations
with the host country