Were the first called American ethical codes and those in the
1980’s were considered “legalistic” and more likely to talk
about ethics or the reputation of the company”(Benson, 1980,
p. 308); they showed concern over issues like affirmative
These are indeed the three key principles that are essential in
the practical and successful management of ethics at the
organizational level. But some leaders and members of
cultures of defiance may or may not know what is right, but
they certainly neither value nor do what is right.
Leaders of cultures of compliance, from this same
perspective, know what is right and even do what is right ,
but do not value what is right. Consequently, members of
these firms may be tempted to bend or break the rules
when opportunities occur and may even be surreptitiously
rewarded by their supervisors and peers for doing so. In
cultures of neglect, there may be a conscious effort to
know, value, and do what is right, but-through some (often
unconscious) flaw in the culture – this effort flags through
lack of diligence, resulting in a breach of moral standards
Finally, in cultures of character, positive moral
values are ingrained throughout the organization
such that all of its members strive without fail to
know what is right, value what is right, and do
what is right. This is an organizational culture
grounded in moral character. A culture of character,
thus, is the type of organizational culture in which
positive moral values are ingrained throughout the