Jaudian,Johannie M.
Goay,Christian Dave C.
Logronio,Jessabelle G.
Stratification and Its
Impact to Social Inequality
Political Stratification
• Is the defined as a systematic categorization
of individuals and institutions in society
based on power relations and status of power
in the state.
Social Stratification
• Is defined as a systematic categorization of
individuals and institutions in a society
based on roles or functions and statuses.
Lesson 1:
Social Desirables and
• According to Max Weber's theory of
stratification,a person is status ,or position
with a stratified social system,is determined
by his or her relative power,perstige,and
• Wealth is encompasses the properties owned
by an individual as well as or her material
assets and investment capital like money.
• Power is defined as the capacity to influence
or control the behavior of individuals and
institution,wether by persuasm or coercion.In
the context of social stratification,power is a
potent element that strongly causes or
contribute to Inequality.
• Prestige is defined as esteem,respect,or
approval for culturally valued acts or
qualities.Many individuals gained power and
wealth through their popularity as celebrities
or for their achievements that earned
extreme adulation and administration from
their fans and followers.
Lesson 2
Social Mobility
• Is the movement of
individuals,families,households,or other
categories of people within or between
social strata on society.
Open Society
• Is a term coined by French philosopher
Henri Bergson in 1932 and describes a
dynamic system inclined to moral
Closed Society
• Is one in which an individuals role and
function can theoretically never be
changed,as in the traditional hindu caste
Lesson 3
Social Inequality
• This phenomenon exist every time
individuals and institution are categorized or
differentiated into classes or distinct groups
or socially constructed as disparate entities.
Social Inequality Based on Sex and
• Member of society are socialize into being
boys or girls and men or women.
• Sex roles dictate gender roles as well
• Sexism also result to social
inequality.Sexism is a system of
beliefs,rooted in the assertion that men and
women are naturally different.
• Sexist ideas contruct the image of a male as
strong and superior and treats the female as
weak and inferior.
• Gender inequality occur mostly in a
patriachy or male-dominated society
Social Inequality Based on Race and
• This occurs when the inborn biological
features of people (such as their skin color,hair
texture,and eye shape)are used as a basis of
their social status.
• Ethnicity is grouping of people whose common
identity is determined according to their
nonbiological traits like language,cuture,history
Social Inequality Based on Disability
• There is a high probability that people with
disabilities live in poverty.
• They are likely socially excluded or
marginalized;they are likely living in
improverished areas,have low employment
participation ,and low level of education.
• They are likely to suffer from
violence,discrimination,and lack access to
health care (WHO and World Bank
Global Inequality