SPSS and Statistics
SPSS and Statistics
SPSS and Statistics
Made by
Ayubzoda Sabrinakhon 46560 Muhidinova Sayidabonu 47200
Mambetov Barsbek 49338 Ali Kazimov 49530
Aktan Toktobolotov 49342 Malika Khairulloeva 45127
Quantitative vs categorical
Central Tendency
Measures of Variability
Central Tendency
Measures of central tendency
focus on the average or middle
values of data sets, whereas
measures of variability focus on
the dispersion of data. These
two measures use graphs, tables
and general discussions to help
people understand the meaning
of the analyzed data.
Positive correlation
A positive correlation is a
relationship between two variables
that move in tandem—that is, in
the same direction
Negative correlation
A negative correlation, between
two variables, indicates that one
variable increases while the other
decreases, and vice-versa.
No correlation
A correlation of zero means there
is no relationship between the
two variables.
R-squared (R2) is a
statistical measure that
represents the
proportion of the
variance for a
dependent variable
that’s explained by an
independent variable in
a regression model.
Regression is a statistical
method used in finance,
investing, and other
disciplines that attempts
to determine the strength
and character of the
relationship between one
dependent variable
(usually denoted by Y) and
a series of other variables
(known as independent
What is SPSS
Respondent Income
The same thing
Respondent Qualification
As you can see 36 people
have graduation and 5 have
masters degree.
Company size
54.7 % is small one and
22.6 % Medium
Thank you for your attention
1. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2022/01/di
2. https://conjointly.com/kb/descriptive-statistics/
3. https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/frequency-distri
4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2015/08/co
5. https://libguides.uos.ac.uk/academic/mathematics/
6. https://statistics.laerd.com/spss-tutorials/linear-reg
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summary_statistics