Session 1 - Introductory
Session 1 - Introductory
Session 1 - Introductory
Rationale of studying Money, Banking, and Financial Markets: Reasons of studying Financial
Institutions and Banking, Reasons of studying Money and Monetary Policy
Financial markets
Financial markets, markets in which funds are transferred from people who have an excess of
available funds to people who have a shortage.
• Financial markets such as bond and stock markets are crucial to promoting greater economic
efficiency by channelling funds from people who do not have a productive use for them to those
who do.
• Well-functioning financial markets are a key factor in producing high economic growth and poorly
performing financial markets are one reason that many countries in the world remain desperately
• Activities in financial markets also have direct effects on personal wealth, the behaviour of
businesses and consumers, and the cyclical performance of the economy.
Money is defined as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.
Money is linked to changes in economic variables that affect all of us and are important to the health of the economy.
Because money can affect many economic variables that Fiscal policy involves decisions about government
are important to the well-being of our economy, spending and taxation. A budget deficit is the excess
politicians and policymakers throughout the world care of government expenditures over tax revenues for a
about the conduct of monetary policy, the management particular time period (typically a year), while a
of money and interest rates. The organization budget surplus arises when tax revenues exceed
responsible for the conduct of a nation s monetary policy government expenditures.
is the central bank.