Characters in Act 4 Scene 2 and 3

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1. What is the purpose of Act 4 Scene 2 in Julius Caesar?

In this scene, Cassius accuses Brutus of wronging him. Brutus fights

back, accusing Cassius of bribery and reminding him that they killed
Caesar to stop him from being corrupt, not to become corrupt

2. What is the root of Cassius and Brutus argument in Act 4 scene 3?

The root of Cassius and Brutus' argument comes out: Brutus has
condemned a man, Lucius Pella, for taking bribes from the Sardians.
Cassius wrote a letter saying Pella shouldn't be punished, but Brutus
ignored it. He accuses Cassius of being dishonorable for suggesting
they let bribery slide.
3. What is the significant about Sardis in Julius Caesar?

Sardis: The site of Brutus' army encampment prior to the battle with

Antony and Octavius.

Philippi: The site of the final battle between Brutus and Cassius' army
and Antony and Octavius' army.
Characters in Act 4 scene 2

Lucillius is an officer in Brutus's army. Highly loyal, he pretends to be

Brutus on the battlefield in the hopes of being killed and thereby giving
Brutus a chance to live. Though this fails, the time spent in his capture and
recognizing him does by Brutus time to flee.
flee run away from a place or situation of danger.
You use thereby to introduce an important result or consequence of the event or action you have just 
[Pindarus is a slave who helps his master Cassius kill himself to avoid being
taken prisoner by Mark Anthony. He is loyal to his master to the end, saying
he would trade his freedom for Cassius to still be alive.
Characters in Act 4 scene 3

Messala is Brutus' friend, and he is an officer in Brutus' army. Brutus and

others are opposing Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus. Antony's army is seeking
revenge against Brutus and the other conspirators for assassinating Julius

Titinius is an officer in Cassius's army. Sent to see whether an approaching

troop is friendly or not, he returns with good news to Cassius only to find the
latter dead. A true Roman loyalist, he commits suicide to join his commander.
Characters in Act 4 scene 3

Lucius is Brutus' young servant in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

Lucius' role as an innocent young helper to the cruel and deceitful Brutus
helps to offset and soften Brutus' character. The audience first meets Lucius
when he is sent to light candles for Brutus in the middle of the night.

Varrus is a sentry in Brutus's army, charged with guarding Brutus's tent at
night. A sentry is a soldier who guards a camp or a building.
The sentry would not let her enter. 

A sentry is a soldier who guards a camp or a building.

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