Food and Production Assignment Group 9
Food and Production Assignment Group 9
Food and Production Assignment Group 9
GOOD EATING HABITS – This is the act of eating healthy by following eating patterns that includes , a variety of
nutritious foods and drinks. It also means , getting the number of calories that is right for the body ( not eating
too much or too little).
BAD EATING HABITS – This is the act of under eating or over eating , not having enough of the healthy foods we
need each day , or consuming too many types of food and drinks , which are low in fiber and high in fat , salt, and/
or sugar.
FUN EATING- is eating any food that you love to eat that does not necessarily give you anything back. In other words, food that tastes great and you enjoy but does not offer any real nutritional value ( ie . Cake ,
wine, potato chips, candy etc.) . You would want to pay careful attention when eating fun foods .
FOG EATING- is anything you eat without awareness . For instance , you are munching on your friend’s biscuits and peanut butter while making lunch , you finish off a whole box of biscuits before you even
realize how much you ate and you don’t even remember what it tasted like .Fog eating is not enjoyable or purposeful, it is an unconscious munch that we are not aware we are doing.
STORM EATING – is also known as binge eating or eating out of control . It usually anytime you cant stop yourself from eating , you are fully aware that you are eating but you cant stop ,even if you want to .
This happens if we let ourselves get too hungry and sometimes it happens when we do not want to feel or have and overwhelming emotion . Many at times. It is done in private or in hiding and it is usually
followed by regret .
TIME- Time plays a major role in our food choices because, the reality is that most of us do not have the
time to prepare healthy meals and would purchase whatever we can get our hands-on. The busier we
get, the less time there is to cook and prepare meals in our homes, hostels etc. so many people rely on
fast food or meal delivery services .
EDUCATION- Education also influences our choice of food and the more education we have regarding
the nutritional value of foods, the more likely it is that we will make informed choices when it comes to
our meals.
CONVENIENCE AND ACCESS- Most people will buy food available in stores close to their homes
because it is convenient and will select foods that the store has in stock. Food choices are often entirely
based on what is available , which can sometimes make it hard to eat nutritionally-balanced meals
COST- People will purchase products they can afford so that they will factor in the price of food and their
income. Many people will not have much choices due to these factors and will have to select foods
within their budget regardless of how unhealthy they may be . You must know how to work with a tight
budget to purchase healthy food.
PASSION FOR COOKING- Some people love to cook others do not . The
passion for cooking influences food choices ,as those who enjoy cooking will
put more thought and effort into their food choices , whiles those who do not
enjoy cooking will rely more on processed or package foods.
Race is the categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct
within a given society.
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION- the climatic conditions of place will also determine the type of food that can be cultivated, for example,
the climate in Bono , Ahafo and Ashanti regions makes it possible to grow foods such plantain , cassava, palm fruits, maize, cocoyam,
etc. whiles, the climate in the Northern parts of the country being dry, makes it possible to grow foods like, guinea corn and millet. This
climate conditions determines what the land can produce the food habits of the people within the areas mentioned.
SUPERSTITION- some foods are forbidden because of cultural beliefs . In some cultures , certain foods are considered unholy whiles
others are considered right . For example , the Krobos do not eat snails because they believe they will get rashes meanwhile, the
Ashantis eat snails to their satisfaction. Muslims also do not eat meat such as beef or lamb that has been slaughtered by the halal
method. In some other cultural beliefs , children are not allowed to eat too much meat and eggs because they believe they will grow
up to become thieves.
RELIOUS BELIEFS – food plays an important part in many religious rituals. For example , while the Islam community prevents its
members from eating pork, the Catholic churches also prevents its members from eating meat during lent. Islam also calls for the
slaughtering of cows and goats according to a particular ritual for the animal to be killed and considered as clean meat , some people
too are lacto vegetarians, they eat fresh fruits vegetables , cereals, and eggs, but not meat and fish. Orthodox Jews and some
conservative Jews follow dietary laws known as the kosher diet to enhance spiritual health.
HINDUISM- Hinduism also promotes vegetarianism among some , but not all , of its followers. The goal of Hinduism and Buddhism is to reach “enlightenment” or
“nirvana” , in which the soul transcends ego and unites with the cosmos’ higher state of consciousness. It is believed that souls who do not reach this stage are
reincarnated . So it is against their belief to injure or kill a person or animal. Thus, strict Hindus reject poultry, eggs , and the flesh of any animal but yet still the dairy
products from cattle is accepted and even considered as spiritually pure .
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH- A vegetarian diet is recommended but not required for the members . About 40% of its members are vegetarians , the majority of
them are lacto-ovo-vegetarians , meaning that they allow milk and egg products . Consumption of between –meal snacks , hot spices , alcohol, tea, and coffee is
discouraged .
CHURH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS ( MORMON CHURCH)- The Church of Jesus Church of Latter Day Saints discourages the consumption of alcohol,
coffee, and tea.
JUDAISM- The kashruth is the list of dietary laws adhered to by orthodox Jews . The kosher dietary laws focuses on the major issues ;
ISLAM-The Koran , the divine book of Islam , contains the halal dietary food laws recommended for Muslims that described Halal (permitted) or Haram ( prohibited) foods.
The five major areas addressed by the halal follow:
• Animals not allowed
• Blood not allowed
• Improper slaughtering method not allowed
• Carrion (decaying of carcass) not allowed
• Intoxicants not allowed
Many of the halal dietary laws are similar to the kosher laws. They slaughter their meat in a way all the blood will be drained. Halal meat is also defined as any meat from
approved animals processed according to Muslim guidelines . Most meat allowed except pork, carnivorous animals with fangs , birds with sharp claws , land animals
without ears etc . , alcohol , wine vinegar tea and coffee are also discouraged .
CHRISTIANS – More than 85% of the Americans and some of the Blacks claims to be Christians , and their bread (wafers) and wine served by various denominations during
communion symbolizes the body and blood of Christ . A traditional holiday meal with a turkey or ham as the main entrée is usually served at Christmas and/ or easter . The
eggs used at easter symbolizes new life and were originally painted to represent Christ's blood . Early Christians exchanged these eggs to recognize each other . Another
food used among the Christians is fish, with for many Catholics , until recently , was served on Fridays instead of meat .