A turning point came when, in his early twenties, Liszt heard the
virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini perform so he decided to dedicate
himself im becoming a virtuoso pianist. He was known for his
symphonic poems where he translated great literary work into
musical compositions. He also made piano transcriptions of operas
and famous symphonies. Many of his piano compositions technically
challenging pieces.
One of the famous Romantic composers that
beautifully combined music and words is Robert
Schumann. He was a composer and music critic.
He spent most of his time with musical and
literary circles thru the effort of Friedrich Wieck
who took some time to teach Schumann how to
play the piano. It was in 1834 when Schumann
foundes a music journal wherein, he edited and
wrote music criticism for his
publication.He wrote numerous write-ups and one of which was the
performance of Federic Chopin in Paris, France. In his journal,
Schumann often wrote under
two pseudonyms - Eusebius (his sensitive, lyrical side)
and Florestan(his fiery, stormy side).