Theory and Concepts in Microfinance
Theory and Concepts in Microfinance
Theory and Concepts in Microfinance
• POVERTYALLEVIATIONTHEORY Microfinance is provision of a broad range of financial services such as
deposits, credits, payment services to the poor and low-income households
and their micro enterprises.
The two mechanisms for the delivery of financial services to such clients are:
Competitive neutrality
Proportionality e.g., Achieve the
best result at low-cost
capacity needs to be built at all levels.
because of lack of strong retail financial intermediaries.
⦁ The government role is as an enabler, not as a direct provider of financial services. National government play an important role in the
setting a supportive policy environment that stimulates the development of financial services.
⦁ The importance of financial and outreach transparency. Accurate, standardized and comparable information on the financial and social
performance of financial institutions.
THEORI 1. Institutional theory
• Has a long history and has been popular
ES in the discipline of economics, social
theory and political theory.
• It shares much with legitimacy theory.
• It states that institution must interact with
its surrounding social system.
• Comprised of regulative, normative,
cultural –cognitive elements that together
with associated activities and resources,
provide stability and meaning to social
The element 1.Regulatory pillar – Rules, laws and the associated
2.Normative pillar – These are the norms and values that
permeates through the institution and give it its ethics. Its
individuality, its personality, expectations of proper way to
behave and perform are maintained through systems of
education and professional development.
2. Decoupling
All learning tasks should be meaningful and self-contained activities
Training materials and activities should provide for error recognition and recovery
There should be a close linkage between the training and actual system.
The critical idea of minimalist theory is to minimize the extent to which instructional
materials obstruct learning and focus the design on activities that support learner-
directed activity and accomplishment.
Minimalist theory is based upon studies of
people learning to use a diverse range of
computer applications including word
processing, databases, and programming.
Principles of Minimalists
Theory include:
Up and down.
Theoretical reduction – one theory subsumed in
1.Social learning
2.Social bonding
Poverty is the state of being poor, not having enough money to meet the
basic needs of life such as food, clothing and shelter.
Roots of poverty
Unsupporting Government
• Group lending: MFIs often use group lending models where a group of borrowers collectively take
responsibility for repaying loans. This reduces the cost of loan processing, monitoring, and collection.
• Simplified loan products: MFIs offer simplified loan products with fewer requirements, which reduces the time
and cost of loan processing.
• Technology: MFIs use technology to reduce the cost of loan processing, monitoring, and collection. For
example, digital platforms can be used to reduce the need for physical documentation and enable faster
• Shared infrastructure: MFIs may share infrastructure and resources such as offices, staff, and equipment,
reducing the cost of operations.
• Local knowledge and staff: MFIs employ staff who are familiar with the local context and language, reducing
the cost of training and communication.
• Referral networks: MFIs may establish referral networks with community organizations, which can help identify
potential borrowers and reduce the cost of marketing and outreach.
. Institutionalism theory suggests that entrepreneurs do not operate in a
vacuum, but are instead influenced by the broader social, cultural, and
economic institutions that exist within their environment
One of the key insights of institutional theory is that entrepreneurs
How is
must navigate a complex web of norms, rules, and regulations that are
established by various institutional actors, including governments,
important to For example, institutional norms and expectations may influence the
types of ventures that entrepreneurs pursue, the organizational
entrepreneurs? structures they adopt, and the types of products and services they offer.
Overall, institutional theory provides an important lens for
understanding the complex interplay between entrepreneurs and the
institutions that surround them.
Welfarist theory is a philosophical and economic framework
that emphasizes the importance of promoting the well-being of
individuals and society as a whole. In rural households, this
theory can have a significant impact on the way people live and
What are the the policies that are implemented to support them.
One of the main principles of welfarist theory is the idea that
impacts of everyone deserves access to basic necessities, such as food,
How do we
measure the • Identify clients below the poverty line: The next step is to identify clients
who are below the poverty line. This can be done by collecting
absolute information on clients' income, consumption, and household assets.
poverty in terms • Calculate poverty rate: Once the clients below the poverty line are
of identified, the poverty rate can be calculated as the percentage of clients
who fall below the poverty line.