3.the Immune Response
3.the Immune Response
3.the Immune Response
Immune Response
• Protection of the individual from infectious
• Mechanisms fall into two categories
– Innate immunity (natural or native) – mechanisms
present even before infection and have evolved to
specifically recognize microbes
– Adaptive immunity(acquired or specific)-
mechanisms stimulated by (adapt to) microbes and
are capable of recognizing non microbial substances
called antigens
Innate Immunity
• An ancient form of immune
• Components include
– Epithelial barriers
– Phagocytic cells (macrophages,
– Natural killer cells (NK cells)
– Several plasma proteins
including the complement
Adaptive Immunity
• Generation of antigen receptors on T and B
lymphocytes by gene rearrangements
• Two types
– Cell mediated immunity – T lymphocytes (thymus derived)
– Humoral immunity – B lymphocytes (bone marrow
T Lymphocytes
• Generated from immature precursors in the
• Mature T lymphocytes are found in the blood
(60-70% of lym),lymph nodes and spleen
• Mainly act against intracellular antigens
• Each T-cell has a specific Ag receptor called TCR
• Antigen should be presented to them bound to
MHC molecules on APC (Ag presenting cell)
T Lymphocytes
• There are two types of T lymphocytes
– T-helper cells ( CD4 cells)- master regulators
• Secrete cytokines that influence other immune cells
– Cytotoxic T cells (CD8 cells)- mainly killers or
effector cells
B Lymphocytes
• Develop from immature precursors in the bone
• Mature B-cells are found in the blood (10-20%
lymphocytes), lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, GI
• After stimulation with Ags, B cells develop into
plasma cells which secrete immunoglobulin
• Usually effective against extracellular pathogens
and their toxins
• Products of differentiated B- cells (plasma
cells) which bind to and inactivate the
offending agent
• There are five isotopes (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD)
• Part of the mononuclear phagocyte system
• Macrophage functions
– Process microbes and proteins and present
peptide fragments to T cells (APC)
– Important effecter cells in both cell mediated and
humoral immune response
• Opsonization, delayed type hypersensitivity
Natural Killer Cells
• They comprise 10-15% of peripheral
• Larger than mature lymphocytes and have
abundant cytoplasmic granules
• Part of the innate immune system
• Present in nearly all forms of inflammation
and act as effectors of the innate immune
• Three types of granulocytes
– Neutrophil
– Eosinophil
– Basophil
• Inflammation – it is a protective response to
injury in a vascularized tissue
• Inflammation neutralizes and dilutes the
inflammatory agent, removes necrotic material
and establishes an environment suitable for
healing and repair.
• There are two types of inflammation
– Acute inflammation
– Chronic inflammation
Acute Inflammation
• It is a rapid response to injurious agent to deliver
mediators of host defense towards the site of injury
• Stimuli for acute inflammation
– Infection
– Trauma
– Physical and chemical agents
– Necrosis from any cause
– Foreign body
– Immune reactions (hypersensitivity)
Acute Inflammation - Continued
• Whatever the cause
inflammatory responses have
common features
• Two major components
– Vascular changes
• Alteration in vascular caliber and
increased blood flow
• Increased permeability of
– Cellular changes
• Emigration of WBC (Leukocytes)
1. Vascular Changes
• Changes in vessel caliber and blood flow
– Transient vasoconstriction
– Vasodilation of arterioles and opening of new
capillary beds
– The above results in an increase in blood flow
– Induced by the effect of mediators like histamine
and nitric oxide on vascular smooth muscle cells
Vascular Changes - Continued
• Vasodilatation is immediately followed by
increased permeability
• Results in edema formation
• Stasis due to increased viscosity
• WBC s marginate to the endothelium and
eventually migrate through the vessel wall
Increased Vascular Permeability
Mechanisms of Increased Permeability
• Steps in extravasations
1. Margination, rolling and adhesion to endothelium
2. Transmigration (diapedesis)
3. Migration in the interstitium towards the
chemotactic stimulus
Steps in Leukocyte Extravasation
• Locomotion oriented along a chemical
– Bacterial product
– Components of complement system – C5a
– Products of the lipoxygenase pathway – LTB4
– Cytokines – IL-6
• Responsible for elimination of the injurious
agents ; it involves
– Recognition
– attachement
– Engulfment
– Killing or degradation of the ingested material
• Oxygen dependent killing
• Oxygen independent killing
Morphologic Features
• Exudation – escape of fluid, proteins, and
cellular elements (Sg of exudate- >1.020)
• Transudation – escape of fluid with relatively
lower protein content (Sg < 1.012)
• Edema – excess interstitial fluid either a
transudate or an exudate
• Pus or purulent exudate – rich in WBC s, debris
of dead cells and most of the time microbes
Morphologic Patterns of Inflammation
Tissue destruction
Inappropriate response (hypersensitivity
Inflammation Outcome
Injur Inflammation
Systemic effects of inflammation
• Fever
• Endocrine & Metabolic responses
• Autonomic responses
• Behavioral responses
• Leukocytosis
• Leucopenia
• Weight loss
• Sepsis
• Most important
• Coordinated by hypothalamus & by
Autonomic response
• PR and BP increases
• Redirection of blood flow from the cutaneous
to the deep vascular bed
• Sweating.
• leukocyte count typically increases to 15,000 or
20,000 cells per μL (normal = 4000 to 11,000 The
cells per μL) but may climb as high as 40,000 to
100,000 cells per μL, a so-called leukemoid reaction.
• Leukocytosis initially results from the release of cells
from the bone marrow (caused by IL-1 and TNF) and
is associated with an increased number of relatively
immature neutrophils in the blood ("left-shift").
Weight loss
• Due to IL-1 & TNF-a
• Increase catabolism in skeletal muscle,
adipose & liver.
End of inflammation
Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity
• Hypersensitivity – Exaggerated immune
response which becomes damaging to tissue
• May be evoked by:
– Exogenous environmental antigens
– Endogenous tissue antigens
• Classified on the basis of immunologic
mechanisms that mediate the disease
1. Type I (Immediate) hypersensitivity
2. Type II (antibody mediated) hypersensitivity
3. Type III (immune complex mediated)
4. Type IV (cell mediated) hypersensitivity
1. Type I Hypersensitivity
• Rapidly developing immunologic reaction
occurring within minutes
• Antigens bind to antibodies on the surface of
mast cells
• Occurs in individuals who are previously
sensitized to the antigen
• May occur as a systemic disorder or as a local
• Mast cells are central
• They are bone marrow
derived cells with
cytoplasmic granules
containing active mediators
like histamine
• Activated by cross linking of
IgE Fc receptors on their
Mast Cell Activation
Type I Hypersensitivity
A. Systemic anaphylaxis
• Vascular shock, widespread edema and
difficulty in breathing
• Follows administration of foreign proteins,
hormones, polysaccharides, drugs (penicillin)
• Itching, hives, skin erythema, contraction of
respiratory bronchioles, laryngeal edema,
shock and even death
Immediate Hypersensitivity
B. Local Immediate Hypersensitivity
• Could be evoked by pollen, animal dander,
house dust, food
• Diseases include
– Urticaria, angioedema, allergic rhinitis, Asthma
• Usually have two phases
– Immediate (initial) response
– Second (late phase) reaction
Phases in Type I hypersensitivity
1. Immediate-
vasodilation, vascular
muscle spasm,
glandular secretion
2. Late phase-
infiltration with
nutrophils, basophils,
CD4 cells, with tissue
2. Antibody Mediated (Type II)
• Mediated by Ab’s directed against antigens
present on cell surfaces or extracellular matrix
• Antigen may be intrinsic to the cell or
exogenous Ag absorbed on the cell
• Mechanisms of injury
– Opsonization and phagocytosis
– Complement or Fc receptor mediated inflammation
– Antibody mediated cellular dysfunction
Diseases Caused by Type II Hypersensitivity
Disease Target Antigen
Autoimune hemolytic anemia RBC memb proteins
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura Platelate memb proteins
Pemphigus vulgaris Proteins in intracellilar junction of
epidermal cells
Good pasture syndrome Basement memb proteins in glomeruli
and alveoli
Acute rheumatic fever Strept cell wall Ag which cross reacts with
myocardial Ag
Myastenia gravis Acetylcholine receptor
Grave’s disease TSH reseptor
Insulin resistant Diabetes Insulin receptor
Pernicious anemia Intrinsic factor of gastric parietal cells
Acute Rheumatic Fever/RF
• is an acute, immunologically mediated, multisystem
inflammatory disease that occurs a few weeks
following an episode of group A streptococcal
• Suspected that acute rheumatic fever is a
hypersensitivity reaction induced by group A
• Antibodies directed against the M proteins of certain
strains of streptococci cross-react with glycoprotein
antigens in the heart, joints, and other tissues
Rheumatic Fever
• Typically occurs 10 days to 6 weeks after an episode of
pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci in about 3% of
• RF is characterized by a constellation of findings that
includes as major manifestations
(1) migratory polyarthritis of the large joints,
(2) carditis,
(3) subcutaneous nodules,
(4) erythema marginatum of the skin, and
(5) Sydenham chorea, a neurologic disorder with involuntary
purposeless, rapid movements.
Graves Disease
• Is an autoimmune disorder in which a variety of
antibodies may be present in the serum, including
antibodies to the TSH receptor
1. Hyperthyroidism owing to hyperfunctional, diffuse
enlargement of the thyroid
2. Infiltrative ophthalmopathy with resultant exophthalmos
3. Localized, infiltrative dermopathy, sometimes called
pretibial myxedema, which is present in a minority of
Graves Disease
3. Type III Hypersensitivity
• Immune complex mediated
• Ag-Ab complexes produce tissue damage mainly
by initiating inflammation at sites of deposition
• Ag could be endogenous or exogenous
• Immune complexes formed in the circulation
can deposit in tissue or immune complexes can
be formed in the tissue over previously
deposited Ag
Type III Hypersensitivity
• Generalized – immune complexes formed in the
circulation are deposited in many organs
• Localized – immune complex deposition in
kidney (glomerulonephritis), joint (Arthritis),
small blood vessels in the skin (vasculitis)
• Examples – Systemic lupus erythematosus,
polyarteritis nodosa, post streptococcal
glomerulonephritis, serum sickness, Arthus
Acute Serum Sickness
• Seen after administration of immune serum from
horses used for passive immunization/diphteria
1. A week after exposure formation of immune complex
in the circulation takes place
2. Deposition of immune complex in various tissues
3. Around 10 days after exposure inflammatory reaction
at sites of immune complex deposition results in the
clinical manifestations like fever, urticaria, arthralgias,
lymph node enlargement, and proteinuria
Serum Sickness - Continued
• Favored sites of immune complex deposition
– Renal glomeruli – glomerulonephritis
– Joint – arthritis
– Skin – vasculitis
– Heart –myocarditis
– Small blood vessels – vasculitis
– Serosal surfaces – pericarditis, peritonitis, plurisy
4. Type IV (cell mediated) Hypersensitivity
1. Bacterial pneumonia
– Can occur in immune competent individuals but risk is
increased 6X among HIV patients
– Most common etiologies Streptococcus pneumonea,
Heamophilus influenzae
– Clinical presentations- sudden onset of cough, sputum
production, chest pain, fever and SOB