Group 2
1. Nature, Maslow - Jenish Jung Karki
2. MCguire Cognitive Preservation Motives & Cognitive growth motive - Shalin
3. Affective Preservation Motives & Affective growth motive - Rikesh
4. Marketing Strategies - Bishnu & Sumi
a. Basic intro
b. Discovering Purchase Motives
c. Marketing Strategies Based on Multiple Motives - Bishnu Dai
d. Motivation and Consumer Involvement
e. Marketing Strategies Based on Regulatory Focus
f. Marketing Strategies Based on Motivation Conflict - Sumi Amatya
● Motivation is the reason for behaviour.
● This is because when a consumer feels a gap between a desired state and his or her
actual current state, a need is recognized and experienced as a drive state referred to
as motivation.
● Needs and motives influence what consumers perceive as relevant and also influence
their feelings and emotions. For example, a consumer who feels hungry is motivated
to satisfy that need, will view food and ads for food as personally relevant, and will
experience negative emotions prior to eating and positive emotions after eating.
Model of the motivation process
Basic Categories of Needs
❖All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social
❖The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are
❖As the basic motives become satisfied, more advanced motives come into play.
McGuire’s Psychological Motives
McGuire first divided the motivation into two main categories using two criteria:
● Affective motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals.
● Preservation oriented motives emphasize the individual as striving to maintain equilibrium, while growth motives emphasize development.
These four main categories are then further subdivided on the bases of source and objective of the motive.
3. Is this behaviour actively initiated or in response to the environment?
4. Does this behaviour help the individual achieve a new internal or a new external relationship to the environment?
● The third criterion distinguishes between motives that are actively or internally aroused versus those that are a more passive response to
circumstances. The final criterion is used to categorize outcomes that are internal to the individual and those focused on a relationship with
the environment.
● McGuire’s 16 motives and their implications for marketing are briefly described in the following sections.
Cognitive Preservation Motives
Need for Consistency (active, internal)
● Cognitive dissonance is a common motive of this type. For example, making a major purchase is not consistent with the need to save money.
This inconsistency motivates the individual to reduce it.
● Understanding the need for consistency is also important for structuring advertising messages relating to attitude change.
● A need for internal consistency means consumers are reluctant to accept information that disagrees with existing beliefs. Thus, marketers
wishing to change attitudes must use highly credible sources or other techniques to overcome this.
Need for Attribution (active, external)
● Deals with our need to determine who or what causes the things that happen to us and relates to an area of research called attribution theory.
● Need for attribution is extremely relevant to consumer reactions to promotional messages (in terms of credibility).
For example: Our friend recommending certain products is likely to be believed more than a salesperson’s efforts.
● Marketers use a variety of means to overcome this. One approach is to use a credible spokesperson.
● The need for attribution can drive consumer motivation when consumers experience positive or negative outcomes after purchasing a product or
● For example, if a consumer has a positive experience with a product, they may attribute it to the quality of the product or the effectiveness of the
brand’s marketing campaign. Similarly, if a consumer has a negative experience, they may attribute it to the poor quality of the product, the lack
of customer service, or other factors.
● These attributions can then drive future purchasing decisions, as the consumer may either seek out or avoid similar products or brands based on
their attributions.
Need to Categorize (passive, internal)
● People have a need to categorize and organize the vast array of information and experiences they encounter .
● The need to categorize plays a role in consumer motivation because it can help consumers make sense of the products and services they
● Prices are often categorized such that different prices connote different categories of goods. Automobiles over $20,000 and automobiles under
$20,000 may elicit two different meanings because of information categorized on the basis of price level.
● Consumers may categorize products based on their price, quality, brand, or functionality, which can help them make decisions about which
products to purchase.
● For example: Vehicles are categorized into cars, light trucks, heavy duty trucks, sporty mid sized, hybrid and so on.
● Additionally, categorizing products can help consumers identify which products are similar or complementary to their existing products or
needs, which can lead to more informed purchasing decisions.
Need for Objectification (passive, external)
● Reflects needs for observable cues or symbols that enable people to infer what they feel and know.
● In many instances, clothing plays an important role in presenting the subtle meaning of a desired image and consumer lifestyle.
● The need for objectification can drive consumer motivation when consumers are drawn to products or services that are associated with traits
they consider desirable or aspirational.
● For example, a consumer may be motivated to purchase a luxury car because they associate it with success, power, and status. By owning the
luxury car, they feel that they are projecting those desirable traits to the world.
Cognitive Growth Motives
Need for Autonomy (active, internal)
● People often seek variety and difference out of a need for stimulation.
● Such variety-seeking behaviour may be a prime reason for brand switching and some so-called impulse purchasing.
● Individuals experiencing rapid change generally become satiated and desire stability, whereas individuals in stable environments become bored
and desire change.
● The need for stimulation can drive consumer motivation when consumers are seeking excitement or novelty in their consumption experiences.
For example, a consumer may be drawn to a new product or service that offers a unique or thrilling experience. This could include trying a new
type of food, using a new piece of technology, or engaging in an adventurous activity .
Teleological Need (passive, internal)
● Consumers are pattern matchers who have images of desired outcomes or end states with which they compare their current situation.
● Teleological needs refer to the consumer's need for a specific outcome or result when purchasing a product or service.
● An example of teleological needs in consumer motivation can be seen when a consumer purchases a weight loss product with the expectation
that it will lead to weight loss.
● The consumer's motivation to purchase the product is driven by the desire to achieve the specific outcome of losing weight, and the product is
seen as a means to an end.
● The consumer believes that the product will help them achieve their teleological goal of weight loss .
Utilitarian Need (passive, external)
● These theories view the consumer as a problem solver who approaches situations as opportunities to acquire useful information or new
● A consumer watching a situation comedy on television not only is being entertained but is learning clothing styles, lifestyle options, and so
● Likewise, consumers may approach ads and salespeople as a source of learning for future decisions as well as for the current one.
Affective Preservation Motives
Need for Tension Reduction (active, internal)
● People encounter situations in their daily lives that create
uncomfortable levels of stress
● In order to effectively manage tension and stress, people are
motivated to seek ways to reduce arousal
● Recreational products and activities are often promoted in terms
of tension relief
Need for Tension Reduction (active,
● This motive can drive consumers to seek out products such
as relaxation apps, spa treatments, or comfort foods that
provide a sense of relaxation and comfort
● This motive deals with the need to express one’s identity to others.
● People feel the need to let others know who and what they are by their
actions, which include the purchase and use of goods.
● The purchase of many products, such as clothing and automobiles, allows
consumers to express an identity to others because the products have
symbolic meanings.
● For example, Nepali handmade products, such as handicrafts, clothing, or
jewelry, can appeal to consumers who are seeking to express their
individuality and personal style. These products are often made using
traditional techniques and materials, and can showcase Nepali culture and
Need for Ego Defense (passive, internal)
● People are often motivated to act in certain ways because they were
rewarded for behaving that way in similar situations in the past.
● This is the basis for operant learning.
● Products designed to be used in public situations (clothing, furniture, and
artwork) are frequently sold on the basis of the amount and type of
reinforcement that will be received.
● Handmade Lokta paper(Nepali Paper) products, which are made using
traditional techniques and can appeal to consumers who value
sustainability and environmental consciousness.
Example(Need for Reinforcement)
Affective Growth Motives
Need for Assertion (active, internal)
● Many people are competitive achievers who seek success, admiration, and
● Important to them are power, accomplishment, and esteem.
● Handmade silver jewelry, which can showcase unique designs and
craftsmanship and can appeal to consumers who value creativity and self-
Example(Need for Affiliation)
Need for Affiliation (active, external)
● The need for identification results in the consumer’s playing various roles.
● A person may play the role of college student, bookstore employee,
fiancée, and many others.
● One gains pleasure from adding new, satisfying roles and by increasing
the significance of roles already adopted.
● Nepali cultural clothing, such as Dhaka topi or Dhaka saree, which can
symbolize traditional values and can appeal to consumers who value
cultural identity and heritage.
Example (Need for Identification)
Cross-Stitch Nepal
Need for Modeling (passive, external)
● Manifest motive
● Latent motive
○ Projective Technique
○ Laddering Technique
Marketing strategies based on multiple motives
Motivation and Consumer Involvement
● Involvement is a motivational state caused by consumer
perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or
● The dominant aspects have been a key focus for so long for
these consumers that they tend to be brought to mind when
stimuli and decisions are encountered
Marketing Strategies Based on Regulatory
● Promotion-focused individuals tend to possess more
independent self-concepts
● Prevention-focused individuals tend to possess more
interdependent self-concepts