Health IT

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the uptake of
 technology related to 
healthcare information.
02 ” 

Supervised By:

“ Danilo G. Morgia ” 
“Academic Rank e.g.
Lecturer/Assistant Professor/
Associate Professor/
Submitted By:
Group 6

Sayma Alam 19-40376-1

Khandoker Alvee Rahman 19-41492-3

S.M Hosney Arafat Rizon 20-43019-1

MD. Sadatur Rahman 16-32606-2

Fahad Hossain 20-42234-1

Importance of Health Information Technology (Health IT)

Acknowledgement of Health Information Technology (Health IT) Process

Benefits of Health IT in Improving Patient Care

Enhancing the Quality of Healthcare Data through Health IT

Challenges in Adoption and Implementation of Health IT Systems

Executive summary
Advantages of Healthcare Information Technology

Population Health Management

Steps to Encourage Adoption of Healthcare Information Technology

Transformational Potential of Healthcare Technology

Overcoming Challenges in Healthcare Technology Adoption

Body of the report
 The organization is committed to promoting the adoption of healthcare
information technology (IT) to enhance patient outcomes and healthcare

 Healthcare IT has the potential to improve patient safety, reduce costs,

and increase the quality of care.

 However, healthcare IT adoption remains relatively low, especially in

resource-constrained settings.

 Steps need to be taken to prioritize healthcare IT and ensure its

accessibility and affordability for all individuals.
Health IT The use of technologies like electronic health records,
telemedicine, medical applications and digital tools to facilitate
healthcare delivery are commonly referred to as eHealth Information
Technology. The aim is to improve the quality, security and efficacy of
healthcare conveyance by using software, hardware and
communication technologies that allow for storage, sharing and
analysis of health information. . Health IT is becoming more crucial as
healthcare professionals, decision-makers, and patients become
aware of the potential advantages of digital tools in healthcare,
including better patient outcomes, increased utilization of healthcare
services, and reduced expenditures on healthcare. Health IT also
plays a critical role in supporting public health initiatives, such as
disease surveillance, outbreak management, and emergency
response. With its adoption fueled by a combination of governmental
initiatives, market forces, and patient demand, health IT has emerged
as a critical element of contemporary healthcare.

Patients can access

their medical
04 ADVANTAGES records, increasing
their understanding
OF IT IN HEALTH of their diseases and
motivating them to
SECTOR actively participate
in shared decision-
- Improved efficiency and productivity in healthcare processes

- Enhanced care coordination and communication among healthcare providers

- Empowerment of patients through access to their health information

- Increased patient engagement and involvement in their own care

- Reduction of medical errors and improved patient safety

- Better management and organization of health information and medical records

- Facilitation of telemedicine and remote healthcare services

- Timely access to critical patient data for better decision-making

- Support for data-driven research and evidence-based medicine

- Cost savings through streamlined processes and reduced paperwork

- Enhanced security and privacy measures for health information.

This report aims to examine the factors that hinder the uptake of technology in healthcare and
identify strategies to encourage its adoption. The slow uptake of technology in healthcare is a
complex issue with multiple factors.

1.Resistance to change:

2.High implementation costs:

3.Lack of technical expertise:

4.Privacy and security concerns:

The use of technology in healthcare raises concerns about privacy and security, particularly in
relation to patient data. Different healthcare systems and technologies may not be able to
communicate with each other effectively, leading to fragmented care. This report focuses on the
uptake of technology related to healthcare information, including electronic health records,
telemedicine, and mobile health apps.

Literature Review:
Health IT has emerged as a critical tool in healthcare management, with significant potential to
improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. According to a review by Adler-Milstein
and colleagues (2017), Health IT can the delivery of healthcare can be made more effective and
efficient ,facilitate better communication and coordination among healthcare providers, and
support better decision-making by clinicians. Another review by Lau and colleagues (2020)
highlighted the potential of Health IT to improve medication management, enhance patient
engagement, and improve care delivery in remote or underserved areas.
Additionally, a study by Cresswell and colleagues (2013) found that the adoption of electronic
health records (EHRs) was associated with improved patient safety and reduced medical errors.
However, the authors also noted that the successful implementation of Health IT requires
significant investment, effective change management, and a focus on user-centered design.
Overall, these studies highlight the potential benefits and challenges associated with Health IT,
underscoring the importance of careful planning and ongoing evaluation to optimize its impact on
healthcare delivery. This article discusses the impression of health information technology (HIT)
on quality improvement in healthcare. This article argue that the adoption of HIT can lead to
improved patient safety, reduced medical errors, and more efficient care delivery.

It in health IT (Information Technology) focuses

on exploring and understanding the subjective
Qualitative Methodology experiences, perceptions, and behaviors of
06 individuals or groups related to the use,
implementation, and impact of information
technology in healthcare settings.

Quantitative research in health IT (Information

Quantitative Methodology
Technology) involves the collection and analysis of
numerical data to examine relationships, patterns,
and trends related to the use, effectiveness, and
impact of information technology in healthcare.

We be analyze Successful case studies of healthcare IT adoption to identify the factors that facilitated their
adoption, the benefits and challenges of using technology in healthcare, and the strategies used to encourage its
adoption. We select Case studies based on their relevance to the objectives of this report, and analyze using a
qualitative approach.
We develop to encourage the uptake of healthcare IT Based on the analysis of the literature review, data
collection, and case studies, strategies. These strategies will be based on the identified challenges and
opportunities of healthcare IT adoption, and will be designed to address the barriers to adoption and promote its
The adoption of healthcare IT presents both opportunities and challenges, which can be thoroughly examined by
using a mixed-method approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. While the development of
strategies will offer practical recommendations for healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients, the analysis
of case studies will offer insights into effective strategies to promote their adoption.
opportunities in encouraging the uptake of technology related to healthcare information, and to
develop strategies to encourage its adoption. for achieve this we conduct a comprehensive
review of relevant literature to gather information on the current state of healthcare IT adoption
We searched the factors that hinder or facilitate its uptake, and successful case studies of
healthcare IT adoption. Relevant databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google
Scholar we used a snowball approach to identify additional sources.
we collect Data through online survey with healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients. we
designed The survey to gather information on the challenges and opportunities of healthcare IT
adoption, the benefits and challenges of using technology in healthcare, and strategies to
encourage its adoption. We conduct The survey using online platforms, such as google form
Survey Monkey and Zoom .
We collect data and analyze using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data
from surveys will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data from interviews
will be analyzed using content analysis. The analysis will identify common themes and patterns
in the data, and provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of healthcare IT adoption.

Item 5 Item 1
20% 20%

09 Analysis and
Item 4
Item 2
of the Data

Item 3
Analysis and Interpretation of the Data
According to the information that was supplied, a sizeable percentage of the population that was
questioned, particularly 66.7%, makes infrequent use of healthcare services. It appears from this
that a significant proportion of individuals, while maybe being in need of medical care, do not
seek out medical treatment. People may avoid medical services for a variety of reasons,
including a lack of health insurance coverage, financial restraints, or a lack of trust in the medical
professionals who offer care. It is essential to recognize that these reasons may exist. To obtain
a deeper understanding of the factors that are driving this trend, additional research is required.
The data also shows that just 25%
of people use healthcare services
on a regular basis. This suggests
that these individuals may only
visit a doctor when they consider it
to be very necessary or when they
have a particular health concern.
Although it is possible that this
group of people also faces
challenges in gaining access to
healthcare services, members of
this group are more likely to make
their health a priority when they
believe doing so is essential.
Analysis and Interpretation of the Data
According to the information given,
58.3% of the people who were
surveyed have never used any kind
of health device. This means that a
lot of people aren't using
technology in their health care,
even though it might be available to
them. People may not use
healthcare technology for a number
of reasons, such as a lack of
access or knowledge, a dislike of
technology, or a preference for
traditional ways of healthcare.
The data also shows that 33.3% of
people only use healthcare
technology sometimes. This means
that they may only use it when they
feel it's important or have a specific
health concern. This group of
people may also have trouble
getting to healthcare technology,
but they are more likely to use it
when they think it is important.
Analysis and Interpretation of the Data
According to the information given, 66.7% of
the people surveyed think it is important for
patients to have access to their health records.
This shows that a lot of people think it's
important for patients to have access to health
information and think it can improve the care
patients get. Access to health information can
give patients the tools they need to take an
active part in managing their health, make
informed decisions about their care, and help
them communicate better with their doctors.
The information also shows that 25% of people
think it is less important for patients to have
access to health information. People may feel
this way for a number of reasons, such as
worries about privacy or not knowing what the
benefits of giving patients access to health
information are. To figure out why this trend is
happening, more research would have to be
Findings of study
According to the results of the study, there is a compelling argument for the necessity of
promoting the adoption of technology that is related to healthcare information. According to the
findings of the study, which questioned a large and representative sample of the general public,
58.3 percent of respondents had never made use of any kind of healthcare technology. This
underscores the necessity of addressing hurdles to accessing and using healthcare technology,
such as a lack of access or understanding, uneasiness with technology, or a desire for more
traditional methods of providing treatment.
According to the findings of the study, 33.3% of people only use healthcare technology
infrequently, while just 8.3% utilize it on a regular basis. This shows that there is a segment of
the community that is comfortable and familiar with using technology in healthcare, but that the
majority of people are not utilizing technology in healthcare to the utmost extent that it is capable
On the other hand, the research discovered that a sizeable majority of the general public,
particularly 66.7%, believes that it is essential for patients to have access to the information that
pertains to their own health. This shows the potential benefits of patient access to health
information, such as empowering individuals to take an active role in managing their health and
enhancing communication with healthcare practitioners. In addition, this illustrates the potential
benefits of patient access to health information
Findings of study
According to the findings of the study, there are a few different approaches that should be taken
in order to promote the utilization of technology that is related to healthcare information. Among
these are the easing of access to various forms of technology, the provision of instruction and
assistance to patients in their use of various forms of technology, and the promotion of the
advantages of patient access to various forms of health information. By incorporating technology
into their practice and encouraging patients to use technology to manage their health, healthcare
practitioners have a significant opportunity to play a pivotal part in the process of fostering the
widespread use of technology.
In addition, politicians have the potential to assist the use of technology by making investments
in technological infrastructure, promoting the interoperability of healthcare systems, and enacting
regulations that provide incentives for the adoption of technology in healthcare.
The findings of the study indicate, in general, how important it is to promote the adoption of
technology that is related to healthcare information in order to improve the outcomes for patients,
to promote patient participation, and to better the overall quality of treatment that patients
Recommendations for future research
d Any device that electronically stores, retrieves, manipulates, sends, or receives digital information falls
under the umbrella of information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is used in healthcare
through the usage of health information technology (HIT). It consists of a variety of technologies that are
employed to acquire, transmit, display, or save patient data electronically. HIT also refers to the use of
computerized systems to make health information available to individuals, healthcare professionals,
insurance providers, and other governmental entities. HIT usage reduces medical errors, costs, and
administrative burdens.
Additionally, it raises the caliber and effectiveness of healthcare and give patients and medical
professionals greater control over their treatment .
Recommendations for future research
HIT encompasses a wide range of goods, systems, and services, including electronic health records (EHRs), mobile
and remote health technology, cloud-based services, medical equipment, telephone monitoring tools, assistant and
sensor technologies, and other information technology applications in healthcare. These technologies can assist
people in obtaining health information, sharing it, and applying it in many contexts.
Cress well and Sheikh said that HIT tools are used all over the hospital system. Because these tools have been shown
to be useful, it seems like they will always be used. But it's not clear how the pros and cons of using IT in healthcare
companies in the coming years will weigh against each other. So, technology projection methods have been
suggested as a way to help with planning and the successful use of these technologies. With these tools, healthcare
groups and people who make policy can think about problems that might come up in the future. Because information
technology is changing so quickly, policymakers will have to take into account the expected benefits and difficulties of
HIT when making decisions.
There are two ways to predict the future, according to the literature: forecasting and vision. Forecasting is figuring out
what will happen in the short, medium, and long term in a certain area of research. It usually conclude with with a list of
possible futures, but that doesn't mean you have to believe in the statement or that the future can be predicted in
general. Traditional methods of forecasting are not good for planning the future, so systematic methods, like a future
study, can be used to look into the future and find the right trends and goals.
Foresight, strategic foresight, prospective study, predictive study, or futurology are all words that can be used to
describe a study of the future. Foresight is often used to make plans for how technology will change in the long and
middle term. Martin said that "foresight is NOT the same as forecasting. It is a process, not a technique."
Recommendations for future research
Foresight studies are done to learn more so that choices can be made today based on the best
information we have. It is more than a prognosis or prediction, and it has the potential to help people
deal with uncertainty by having a lot of people connect with each other. Technology foresight is the
process of figuring out what important technologies a country or business needs to develop in order to
make the future they want. It is also seen as one of the most important parts of developing new
technologies. This process gives results that can be used to set up plans and infrastructure for
technology. Technology foresight also helps both public and private businesses with innovation, the
transfer and management of technology, and being competitive. Today, people all over the world accept
technology forecasting. The Delphi methodology (a means of getting a group of experts to agree on
something by sending them a series of questionnaires and providing them feedback), expert panels,
literature reviews, scenario creation, and determining which technologies are significant or critical are
the most crucial foresight techniques. The book Health Care Informatics: An Interdisciplinary Approach
was written in 2002 by Engelhard and Nelson. In it, they talked about how future studies in HIT could be
used. In 2013, a book called Health Informatics: An Inter-professional Approach24 focused on using
future studies to look at the future of health information systems. These books stressed how important it
is to look into the future when planning and building health information systems for the future. The
literature review shows that many studies have used different ways to look into the future of HIT. But
only a small number of studies have used methods of forecasting. The goal of this study was to look at
the research on HIT forecasting from around the world to learn more about how HIT forecasting is done.
In conclusion, technology is rapidly changing the healthcare industry, with the potential to
revolutionize healthcare delivery, management, and monitoring. The adoption of healthcare
information technology is essential to realizing the benefits that technology can bring to patients,
healthcare providers, and the healthcare system as a whole. By investing in digital infrastructure,
training healthcare providers, implementing policies and regulations, fostering collaboration,
prioritizing patient education, and monitoring technology use, we can improve patient outcomes,
increase efficiency, and lower healthcare costs.
As patients and healthcare professionals continue to demand more from the healthcare system,
it is crucial for healthcare organizations and policymakers to prioritize the adoption and
deployment of healthcare technology. When used effectively, technology can play a critical role in
creating a more effective and efficient healthcare system that delivers better supervision to
patients while also enhancing the general wellbeing of our neighborhoods.
1. "The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age"
by Robert Wachter
2. "Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide" by Marion J. Ball,
Charlotte Weaver, and Joan Kiel
3. "Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performance, and Pitfalls" by
Ronald C. Merrell
4. "Health Informatics: Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology
Professionals" by Robert E. Hoyt and Ann K. Yoshihashi
5. "Digital Health: Scaling Healthcare to the World" by Paul Sonnier
6. "The Role of Technology in Clinical Neuropsychology" by Shane S. Bush and Thomas
D. Marcotte
7. "Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician
and HIT Pro Certifications" by Kathleen McCormick and Brian Gugerty
8. "The Big Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry"
by Laura Madsen
9. "Healthcare Analytics for Quality and Performance Improvement" by Trevor Strome
10. "Wearable Technology in Medicine and Health Care" by Raymond Tong
11. "e-Health Two-Sided Markets: Implementation and Business Models" by Beatriz López,
Carlos Juiz, and Josep Lluís Falcó
12. "Healthcare Information Systems: Challenges of the New Millennium" by Michael E.
Whitman and Katherine M. Schenk
13. "Healthcare Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice" by Kathleen
M. LaTour and Shirley Eichenwald Maki
14. "Designing Usable Electronic Medical Records: Achieving Meaningful Use" by Jerry
Osheroff, MD, MPH, and Kerry Willis, PhD
15. "Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice" by Eta S. Berner and Robert
A. Miller
16. "Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics: Research and Practices" edited by
Joseph Tan
17. "The Internet of Things in Healthcare: Potential Applications and Challenges" by
Maryam Satari and Reza Nourjou
18. "Handbook of Research on Advancements in Health Informatics and Electronic
Healthcare Applications" edited by Joseph Tan
19. "Healthcare Information Systems, Second Edition" by Joseph K. H. Tan
20. "The New World of Healthcare: How AI and Data Science are Transforming Clinical
Decision-Making and Patient Care" by Joe Brassica and Kherson Shotorbani.
Thank You

We want to improve healthcare

outcomes and patient
experiences through the
effective use of information

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