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Principle of

Principles of
-Good outfit should have
proportion, balance, harmony,
emphasis, and rhythm to
It is how the space of a
shape interacts with the
overall figure. Can be
symmetrical (equally divided)
or asymmetrical ( divided
The design involves the
relationship of one part to
another. Uneven space
relationships are more
interesting than even ones.
Harmony or unity
Is the pleasing arrangement
of all parts of a garment.
The colors, lines, shapes and
textures look like they
belong together.
•Is a sense of movement and is
necessary to create interest.
•Done bIs the flow of the lines,
shape, space and texture of a
•y the repetition of lines, shapes
and color to create direction.
The focal point or center
of interest of a garment. It
can be accomplished with
lines, design details, color,
texture, trims or
Group activities
select one principles of the
design from the given topic
and draw your desire
fashion style make a
simple description and
present it infont.
Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs
improvement (1)

Following directions All directions were You followed some You followed some None of the
followed direction directions directions were

Use of creativity You use your own You used your own You used some You did not use
imagination and ideas most of the imagination your own idea
ideas time

Behavior in class You were respectful You behave well for You mis behave You were not
and well behave most of the class during most of time respectful and
behaved poorly

Effort put into the You took your time You work hard for a You put a small You rushed through
activity and work hard on little of time effort and did not work
the activity hard.
Download or cut some photos of garments or fashion
clothes from any available magazines or newspaper then
get 2 example each from the given principles of design
• proportion
• Symmetrical balance
• Asymmetrical balance
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• rhythym
Thank you
for your

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