Oral Final Defense

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Raymundo B Cole Jr
Randy B Simbajon
Jolina Canoy
Benjie Barriga


“Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) includes computers, the Internet, and
electronic delivery systems such as radios,
televisions, and projectors among others, and
is widely used in today’s education field. .
According to Kent and Facer (2004)
Theoretical Framework

Educational technology is a multidisciplinary activity that is currently enjoying a

period of growth. The notion of educational technology as an applied educational
science was given a great boost by the foundation of the Institute of Educational
Technology in the early days of the development. This theory states that through
experiences and guidelines it can help the young researches like us to know the
importance of technology and this theory is connected to our topic since it is like
gaining knowledge and skills through experiences. Just like what the Grade 12 ICT
Students in Francisco Laya Memorial Integrated School they guide and gave them a
chance to experience on how to use the technology since technology this day will
make the works easy.

•Profile of the •-Gathering of Data: •The Level of

Respondents QN & QL Methods Knowledge and
•Types of Computer Survey Skills of the
application used Interview students in
•Frequency of • Analysis and information
computer exposure interpretation of communication and
•Level of the data technology are
students’ •Statistical analysis determined
knowledge in ICT Mean
•Level of the Frequency
students’ skill in ICT Percentage
This study aimed to determine the skills and knowledge of the students in
oriented module in algebra to students’ thinking skills, problem solving skills and

Specifically this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

Age 1.3. Grade Level

2. What types of computer application software the respondents are exposed


3.. How often do the respondents utilize computer in their daily school
related task?

4. What is the level of knowledge of the student-respondents on ICT?

5. What is the level of skill that the student-respondents in using ICT?


The following people may benefit from this research. This study also would like to

provide information and awareness to all who are directly involved in the field of

teaching-learning by integrating ICT in the classroom and so with the learners.

Specifically, it aimed to provide relevant information and feedback to encourage the

following sectors:
* Students
* Teachers
* Parents
* Future Researchers

This study focused on investigating the level of

knowledge and skills on information and Communication
Technology among junior high school students. This
comprised the equal number of student-representative
from different grade level in JHS, from grade 7 to grade 10
of Francisco LL. Laya Memorial Integrated School for the
school year 2022-2023. There were 40 student-responded
in this present study participated by 10 students per grade
Map of Francisco laya memorial integrated school

Francisco Lluch Laya Memorial Integrated School


The researchers utilized a descriptive survey

design. Applying qualitative and quantitative
methods. The goal of this study is to look at the
knowledge and skills on information and
communication technology among junior high
school students in Francisco Laya Memorial
Integrated School.

A letter of permission was made and was duly approved by the research adviser and
school head in order to float the instruments, conduct interview, and permission to
include the grades of the respondents for the purpose of the study.
The researcher administered the survey questionnaire to the Selected 40 students
from grade 7 to grade 10 students. Asked the respondent to fill in the forms and returns it
to the researcher for checking if they actually answer it truthfully. After the respondent
answering the questionnaire, the researcher collected and gathered all the
questionnaires to analysis.
Statistical Analysis Tools
The data of the variables in this study was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean,
frequency, percentage and standard deviation.
Mean-This tool was used to describe the average expressed in the distribution of the collected
survey data as centrality of the number responded by the respondents.
Frequency-This tool was used to assess and describe the occurrence of the number of cases in
the categorized scaling of responses shown in the distribution of the survey data.

Percentage- This tool was used to describe the number as a result, expressed in percent (%) in
the distribution of the collected survey data
Standard Deviation-This tool will be used to establish the dispersion of the score from the
arithmetic mean of the distribution of the distribution.
1. The Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Age, Sex, and Grade Level

Table 1 shows the age and gender of the respondents in the respective Grade levels. Four (4) Grade levels

comprised Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. The profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and grade level was gathered

and analyzed to describe the respondents accurately.

The respondents in Grade 7 were all between the ages of 12 and 14, with seven females and three males

making up 10, with a 100% total percentage. While Grade 8 has six males and four females with a total of 10

respondents, and their ages are 12-14 with eight respondents and 15-18 with two respondents with 80% percentage

in 12-14 while 20% in 15- 18 ages. On the other hand, Grade 9 had five males and five females with a total of 10, and

their ages were 12-14 with four respondents and 15-18 with six respondents, with 40% percentage 12-14 while 60%

in 15- 18 ages. Lastly, Grade 10 respondents had six females and four males for their gender, with a total of 10, and

their ages were 15-18, with a 100% total percentage.

The Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Age, Sex, and Grade Level

Age Range Frequency %
levels Male Female

24-26 0 0 0 0%
21-23 0 0 0 0%
18-20 0 0 0 0%
15-18 0 0 0 0%
12-15 3 7 10 100%
24-26 0 0 0 0
21-23 0 0 0 0%
8 18-20 0 0 0 0%
15-18 2 0 2 20%
12-15 4 4 8 80%
The Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Age, Sex, and Grade Level

Age Range Frequency %
levels Male Female

24-26 0 0 0 0%
21-23 0 0 0 0%
18-20 0 0 0 0%
15-18 3 3 6 60%
12-15 2 2 4 40%
24-26 0 0 0 0%
21-23 0 0 0 0%
10 18-20 0 0 0 0%
15-18 4 6 10 100%
12-15 0 0 0 0%
2 .The Types of Computer Application Software and Devices the
Respondents are Mostly Exposed to

Table 2 presents what devices the respondents can utilize while accomplishing their school tasks. It
shows that most respondents use a cell phone when completing their studies, with 80% of the respondents
using it. While 18% of the respondents were exposed to a desktop or computer and 2 % to a laptop. The
result implies that most of our respondents use cell phones, desktops/computers, and laptops to accomplish
their tasks.

Table 3 reveals the frequency and percentage of the types of application software the respondents are
exposed to utilize during class activities. The respondents commonly use five software applications; the first is
Microsoft word, with a percentage of 63%. The second 23% are the other applications; the third is Microsoft power
point and publisher with 7% of the total percentage.
The result implies that most of our respondents are more exposed to MS Word than other application
software since most of our respondents are more capable of using MS word. The teacher also commonly
introduces it when the task is all about encoding. Some of our respondents use Google when answering their daily
tasks since it is faster than any other application.
The Types of Computer Application Software and Devices the Respondents
are Mostly Exposed to

Devices frequency % Rank

Cellphone 32 80% 1st
Laptop 1 2% 3rd
Desktop 7 18% 2nd
Tablet 0 0% -
Others 0 0% -
Total 40 100% -
Application software frequency % Rank
MS Word 25 63% 1st
MS Excel 0 0% 4th
MS Ppt 3 7% 3rd
Publisher 3 7% 3rd
Others 9 23% 2nd
Total 40 100% -
3 . The Frequency of the Respondents to Utilize Computer in their Daily
School Related Task

Table 4 presents the time consumed by the respondents’ utilizing computers/devices in their daily school-related tasks. It

shows that the Grade 7 respondents, with a percentage of 30 %, have yet to use or almost never used computers/gadgets in their

school-related studies. In comparison, two respondents (20%) rarely used them, and two respondents sometimes/occasionally

used them. Meanwhile, seven Grade 8 respondents, with a percentage of 70%, rarely used computers/devices, two respondents,

with 20% of the total rate, sometimes/occasionally utilized it, and one respondent, with 10%, almost never used it. On the other

hand, four and two respondents of Grade 9 utilized the computer or any gadgets every time and sometimes consecutively, with

40% of the total percentage each. While only two respondents, 20%, rarely used the computer in their studies. Of the Grade 10

respondents, only four respondents, 40% of the total percentage, sometimes/occasionally used the computer. In comparison,

three respondents each almost every time and almost never utilized a computer for their school-related tasks with 30% of the total

percentage each.
The Frequency of the Respondents to Utilize Computer in their Daily School Related Task
Table 4
Distribution of the Time Consumed by the Respondents in Utilizing Computer/Devices in their Daily School-Related
Time consumed Description Frequency %
More than 6 hours Every time 1 10%
5-6 hours Almost every time 2 20%
7 3-4 hours Sometimes/occasionally 2 20%
1-2 hours Rarely 2 20%
0 - 50 minutes Almost never 3 30%
More than 6 hours Every time 0 0%
5-6 hours Almost every time 0 0%
8 3-4 hours Sometimes/occasionally 2 20%
1-2 hours Rarely 7 70%
0 - 50 minutes Almost never 1 10%
The Frequency of the Respondents to Utilize Computer in their Daily School Related Task
Table 4
Distribution of the Time Consumed by the Respondents in Utilizing Computer/Devices in their Daily School-Related

More than 6 hours Every time 4 40%

5-6 hours Almost every time 0 0%
9 3-4 hours Sometimes/occasionally 4 40%
1-2 hours Rarely 2 20%
0 - 50 minutes Almost never 0 0%
More than 6 hours Every time 0 0%
5-6 hours Almost every time 3 30%
10 3-4 hours Sometimes/occasionally 4 40%
1-2 hours Rarely 0 0%
0 - 50 minutes Almost never 3 30%
4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT
Grade 7

Table 5 presents the descriptive statistics distribution on the level of knowledge of the grade 7 student-

respondents on ICT. It has five levels with their corresponding description: 1 is very poor, 2 is Poor, 3 is

fair, 4 is good, and 5 is very good.As revealed in Table 5, the Grade 7 respondents got a total mean of 2.76

about their level of knowledge in ICT. Based on the interviews done by the researchers, the respondents

have yet to discuss any subject that talks about information communication and technology; they can only

know about computers when one of the teachers brings them to the computer laboratory. Specifically, they

are not familiar with information communication and technology.

4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT Grade 7
Table 5
Descriptive Statistics Distribution on the level of Knowledge of the Grade 7 Student-Respondents on ICT
Survey - items Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5
1.) I know about computer folder as storage. 2 4 0 2 2 10 2.8 Fair

2.) I know the capacity of the CD and DVD as storage

2 1 5 1 1 10 2.8 Fair
3.) I know how to convert image into a JPEG or GIF or PNG
1 2 7 0 0 10 2.6 Fair

4.) I know the main brain of the computer. 1 6 1 2 0 10 2.4 Poor

5.) I know the main function of server in a networked

1 7 1 1 0 10 2.4 Poor
6.) I know what is WAV AIFF examples of. 3 4 3 0 0 10 2 Poor

7.) I know which one is not a Web search engine. 2 3 1 3 1 10 2.8 Fair

8.) I know what an output device is. 1 1 2 5 1 10 3.3 Fair

9.) I know the meaning of URL. 1 0 1 7 1 10 3.7 Good

10.) I know how to compose email and its e-mail etiquette. 2 2 3 1 2 10 2.9 Fair
4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT
Grade 8

Table 6 Ten questions were administered to the respondents to gather data on their level of knowledge in

ICT. The table above shows how far the knowledge of Grade 8 respondents is in ICT. Their knowledge

will be determined according to their means, where 1 with the lowest level (Very poor), 2 with the second

lowest level (Poor), 3 with middle level (Fair) and a description of fair,4 with the highest level (Good) and

lastly 5 with the highest level (Very Good).

It shows in the table that the level of knowledge of the Grade 8 students was Poor since the total

mean is 2.26. The reason is that they do not have any subject that discusses information communication

and technology, and they are not exposed to the use of computers.
4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT Grade 8
Table 6
Descriptive Statistics Distribution on the level of Knowledge of the Grade 8 Student-Respondents on ICT
Survey - items Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5
1.) I know about computer folder as storage. 0 3 3 4 0 10 3.1 Fair

2.) I know the capacity of the CD and DVD as storage

4 4 1 1 0 10 1.9 Poor
3.) I know how to convert image into a JPEG or GIF or
7 0 0 0 3 10 2.2 Poor
PNG file.
4.) I know the main brain of the computer. 8 0 0 0 2 10 1.8 Poor
5.) I know the main function of server in a networked
6 3 0 0 1 10 1.7 Poor

6.) I know what is WAV AIFF examples of. 7 2 0 0 1 10 1.6 Poor

7.) I know which one is not a Web search engine. 5 1 3 0 1 10 2.3 Poor

8.) I know what an output device is. 3 2 3 1 1 10 2.5 Poor

9.) I know the meaning of URL. 5 1 2 0 2 10 2.3 Poor

10.) I know how to compose email and its e-mail

1 1 4 1 3 10 3.3 Fair
4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT Grade 9

Table 7 presents the level of knowledge of Grade 9 in ICT. It shows that their level of knowledge is Poor since

the total mean of Grade 9 respondents is 2.35. Based on the interview done by the researcher, the respondents are

unfamiliar with information communication and technology. They can only learn about the computer when one of the

teachers brings them to a laboratory.

4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT Grade 9
Table 7
Descriptive Statistics Distribution on the level of Knowledge of the Grade 9 Student-Respondents on ICT
Survey - items Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5
1.) I know about computer folder as storage. 2 2 3 1 2 10 3.1 Fair

2.) I know the capacity of the CD and DVD as storage device. 3 3 3 0 1 10 2.3 Poor

3.) I know how to convert image into a JPEG or GIF or PNG

2 1 4 2 1 10 2.9 Fair
4.) I know the main brain of the computer. 1 3 0 2 4 10 3.5 Good

5.) I know the main function of server in a networked

6 3 1 0 0 10 1.3 Very poor

6.) I know what is WAV AIFF examples of. 7 1 0 2 0 10 1.7 Fair

7.) I know which one is not a Web search engine. 9 1 0 0 0 10 1.1 Very poor

8.) I know what an output device is. 4 3 2 1 0 10 2 Poor

9.) I know the meaning of URL. 1 1 5 2 1 10 3.1 Fair

10.) I know how to compose email and its e-mail etiquette. 4 2 1 1 2 10 2.5 Fair
4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT
Grade 10

Table 8 presents the level of knowledge of Grade 10 students in ICT. It shows that their level of knowledge is

fair since the total mean is 2.88. Based on the interview, they are unfamiliar with ICT and can only be exposed to

computers when their teacher brings them to the computer laboratory.

4 . The Level of Knowledge of the Respondents on ICT Grade 10
Table 8
Descriptive Statistics Distribution on the level of Knowledge of the Grade 10 Student-Respondents on ICT
Survey - items Total Mean Description
1 2 3 4 5
1.) I know about computer folder as storage. 3 1 2 2 2 10 2.9 Fair

2.) I know the capacity of the CD and DVD as storage device. 4 1 0 3 2 10 2.8 Fair
3.) I know how to convert image into a JPEG or GIF or PNG
4 1 2 2 1 10 2.5 Fair
4.) I know the main brain of the computer. 2 3 0 4 1 10 2.9 Fair

5.) I know the main function of server in a networked

2 2 3 1 2 10 2.9 Fair

6.) I know what is WAV AIFF examples of. 1 1 4 2 2 10 3.3 Fair

7.) I know which one is not a Web search engine. 4 3 2 1 0 10 2 Poor

8.) I know what an output device is. 2 2 3 2 1 10 2.8 Fair

9.) I know the meaning of URL. 2 4 0 1 3 10 2.9 Fair
10.) I know how to compose email and its e-mail etiquette. 1 0 2 4 3 10 3.8 Good
4 . The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT
Grade 7

Table 9 presents the Level of Skills of Grade 7 in terms of ICT skills is Intermediate since their mean is

2.21, and with the highest mean of 2.8 with the number 12-14 items, the mean description in advance

since it is above 2.5. Most of grade 7 already know how to use the computer even though no one

teaches them.
The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 7
Table 9
Descriptive statistics distribution on the level of ICT skill of the Grade 7 student-respondents using ICT
Computer and ICT skills Mean Description
1 2 3
1.   Identify a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
2.    Install a software 6 2 2 1.4 Basic
3.    Name a folder 2 2 6 2.4 Intermediate
4.    Empty the recycle bin 1 1 8 2.7 Advanced
5.    Connect to wi-fi or Bluetooth 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
6.    Set a website as the home page 7 2 1 1.4 Basic
7.    Website basics 7 1 2 1.5 Basic
8.    Have safe and responsible online behavior 6 2 2 1.6 Basic
9.    Protect private data 5 3 2 1.6 Basic
10. Create a password 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
11. Open an attachment 1 1 8 2.7 Advanced
12. Know how to use social network 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
13. Create a personal profile on a social network 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
14. Interact with other users on an online forum 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
15. Search and collect information 4 2 4 2 Intermediate
4 . The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 8

Table 10 presents the Level of their skills is Intermediate since there is a mean of 2.22,

and with the highest mean of 2.8 with the number 12-14 items, the mean description is

advanced since it is above 2.5. Most grade 8 are already know how to use the

computer even though no one teaches them.

The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 8
Table 10
Descriptive statistics distribution on the level of ICT skill of the Grade 8 student-respondents using ICT
Computer and ICT skills Mean Description
1 2 3
1.   Identify a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
2.    Install a software 4 3 3 1.9 Basic
3.    Name a folder 2 2 6 2.4 Intermediate
4.    Empty the recycle bin 0 0 10 3 Advanced
5.    Connect to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth 1 1 8 2.7 Intermediate
6.    Set a website as the home page 8 1 1 1.3 Basic
7.    Website basics 7 2 1 1.2 Basic
8.    Have safe and responsible online behavior 6 2 2 2.2 Basic
9.    Protect private data 6 4 0 1.4 Basic
10. Create a password 0 0 10 3 Advanced
11. Open an attachment 0 0 10 3 Advanced
12. Know how to use social network 0 0 10 3 Advanced
13. Create a personal profile on a social network 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
14. Interact with other users on an online forum 4 2 4 2 Advanced
15. Search and collect information 6 2 2 1.6 Intermediate
4 . The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 9

Table 11 presents the Level of their skills is Intermediate since there mean is 2.46 and with the

highest mean of 2.8 with the number 12-14 items, they mean description is advance since it is above

2.5. Most of the grade 9 are already knows how to use computer even though no one teach them.
The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 9
Table 11
Descriptive statistics distribution on the level of ICT skill of the Grade 9 student-respondents using ICT
Computer and ICT skills Mean Description
1 2 3
1.   Identify a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
2.    Install a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
3.    Name a folder 2 1 7 2.7 Advanced
4.    Empty the recycle bin 0 0 10 3 Advanced
5.    Connect to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth 1 1 8 2.7 Intermediate
6.    Set a website as the home page 1 7 2 2.1 Basic
7.    Website basics 0 2 8 2.8 Basic
8.    Have safe and responsible online behavior 2 2 6 2.4 Basic
9.    Protect private data 6 2 2 1.6 Basic
10. Create a password 0 0 10 3 Advanced
11. Open an attachment 0 0 10 3 Advanced
12. Know how to use social network 0 0 10 3 Advanced
13. Create a personal profile on a social network 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
14. Interact with other users on an online forum 4 2 4 2 Advanced
15. Search and collect information 6 2 2 1.6 Intermediate
4 . The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT
Grade 10

Table 12 presents the Level of their skills is Intermediate since there mean is 2.46 and with the

highest mean of 2.8 with the number 12-14 items, they mean description is advance since it is above

2.5. Most of the grade 10 are already knows how to use computer even though no one teach them.
The Level of Skills of the Respondents on ICT Grade 10
Table 12
Descriptive statistics distribution on the level of ICT skill of the Grade 10 student-respondents using ICT
Computer and ICT skills Mean Description
1 2 3
1.   Identify a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
2.    Install a software 2 4 4 2.2 Intermediate
3.    Name a folder 2 1 7 2.7 Advanced
4.    Empty the recycle bin 0 0 10 3 Advanced
5.    Connect to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth 1 1 8 2.7 Intermediate
6.    Set a website as the home page 1 7 2 2.1 Basic
7.    Website basics 0 2 8 2.8 Basic
8.    Have safe and responsible online behavior 2 2 6 2.4 Basic
9.    Protect private data 6 2 2 1.6 Basic
10. Create a password 0 0 10 3 Advanced
11. Open an attachment 0 0 10 3 Advanced
12. Know how to use social network 0 0 10 3 Advanced
13. Create a personal profile on a social network 1 0 9 2.8 Advanced
14. Interact with other users on an online forum 4 2 4 2 Advanced
15. Search and collect information 2 2 6 1.6 Intermediate

This study investigates the level of knowledge and skills in information and communication technology (ICT)

among junior high school students in Francisco Lluch Laya Memorial Integrated School. This research is quantitative

and qualitative research Started September 2022.

The researchers utilize a descriptive survey and interview design. Applying qualitative and quantitative methods.

The goal of this study is to look at the knowledge and skills on information and communication technology among

junior high school students in Francisco Laya Memorial Integrated School.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion
are drawn:

This concludes that Microsoft word is the highest application software that
been used by the students in doing their school related activities with percentage
of 63% 1st rank since most of the students second with a 23% the others ;3rd are
Microsoft power point and publisher since there got 7% percentage because 3
students each choose this 2. This concludes that 80% of the respondents choose
cellphone, the second with a 18% percentage of and the third one is the laptop
with a 2% percentage.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion
are drawn:
This concludes that Grade 7 respondents, with a percentage of 30 %, have yet to use or almost
never used computers/gadgets in their school-related studies. In comparison, two respondents
(20%) rarely used them, and two respondents sometimes/occasionally used them.
Grade 8 respondents, with a percentage of 70%, rarely used computers/devices, two
respondents, with 20% of the total rate, sometimes/occasionally utilized it, and one respondent,
with 10%, almost never used it.
Grade 9 utilized the computer or any gadgets every time and sometimes consecutively, with
40% of the total percentage each. While only two respondents, 20%, rarely used the computer in
their studies.
Grade 10 respondents, only four respondents, 40% of the total percentage,
sometimes/occasionally used the computer. In comparison, three respondents each almost every
time and almost never utilized a computer for their school-related tasks with 30% of the total
percentage each
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion
are drawn:

The level of knowledge is fair since the total mean of grade 7

respondents is 2.76, the Grade 8 students was Poor since the total mean
is 2.26. Their level of knowledge is Poor since the total mean of grade 9
respondents is 2.35, Their level of knowledge is fair since the total mean
of grade 10 respondents is 2.88,
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion
are drawn:

The Level of skills of Grade 7 in terms of ICT skills is Intermediate since their
mean is 2.21, Grade 8 has a level of skill of Intermediate since there is a mean of
2.22, The Level of skills of grade 9is Intermediate since there mean is 2.46 The
Level of their skills of grade 10 is Intermediate since there mean is 2.46

 The study recommends for other researchers who wish to do a similar study to engage other factors, which are not tackled in
the study but studying on how far the knowledge and skills of junior high school students. In the view of the findings and
conclusion of the study, the following recommendations were drawn For the Teacher therefore, the researchers recommend
teaching Computer tools and software among junior high school students

 To the Future Researchers. That they may be able to conduct a thorough study to strengthen the present findings and come
up with more improvement in terms of lessons and learning enough for students to enhance the required skills and knowledge
needed for their future career

 To the Educators. That they may be able to propose more hands-on program on Information communication technology
to monitor the level of knowledge and skills that Students in Junior High School gained every quarter.
Thank you for


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