New Beginnings 2 - Kashmir War
New Beginnings 2 - Kashmir War
New Beginnings 2 - Kashmir War
• Kashmir was important for Pakistan as three of its great rivers flow through Kashmir- Indus,
Jhelum and Chenab. Pakistan saw it vital to be part of it due to its economic, political and
security reasons.
• India believed that handing over Kashmir to Pakistan may make Pakistan stronger and more
independent which would be a threat to their security and against their wishes.
• In 1947 the Hindu Maharaja started a campaign to get Muslims out of Kashmir.
• Ian Stephens, editor of the Calcutta Statemen newspaper, writes in 1947 about the
extermination of Muslims from one area of Kashmir in the following words:
• In October thousands of armed Muslim tribesmen from Poonch in Jammu province called for
jihad and marched to support the Kashmiri Muslims. They defeated the Maharaja’s troops,
but in turn of military support, Maharaja pledged the allegiance to India. Indian troops then
entered Srinagar, the Kashmir’s capital and took over. A war broke out which continued for
a year almost before United Nation’s Representatives were called in, in January 1948 to
ensure ceasefire. Pakistan and India had been fighting over this issue since then and matter
has not been resolved yet.
• The Kashmir issue is a long-standing
dispute between Pakistan and India.
There have been several wars over
this issue.
• Another common issue is the
exchange of fire on LOC (Line of
Control)and working boundary
between Pakistan, India and Kashmir
which mainly targets the urban