Task C Inquiry Sequence
Task C Inquiry Sequence
Task C Inquiry Sequence
Indigenous Significance
Concept map
Concept: Significance Topic: Indigenous Country/Place
Inquiry Model
Interactive Inquiry (Kershaw, 2007) Students are:
• Actively engaged
• Engage
• Actively contributing
• Explicit Exploration • Interacting with others
Formative Summative
whispers a soft
and heartfelt
message about
the basic cultural
principle that • Engaging for students
informs all
Aboriginal and • Begins to build the foundation of
Torres Strait the unit
#1 Engage
Islander Nations
throughout • Opportunity to ask questions and
Australia.” have discussions
• Builds meaning
• Connects to inquiry questions
“The Land
Own Us”
#2 Explicit
(Image) https://www.nyandaculturaltours.com.au/school-tours/
• (add video)
#3 Apply
• Collaborative exploration
• Share a computer to explore the Scootle
resource about country
• Identify the local Mob/languages
• Draw/communicate how significant
country and land was to Indigenous
What does country
mean to you? Has
your perspective
#4 Enhance
• Students will share their group’s work
• Opportunity for discussion and critical thinking before the next
• Students will then break out, and work individually on what
has significance to them
#5 Create and
• Students will work individually to complete
their presentations
• Once completed, they will present their
work to the class
#6 Reflect
• Students will use the flashcards
in their groups to provide
feedback to each other
Butcher paper
Flash cards
Adding more color
Maybe speak to the
to your concept map
viewers more
could provide
clearer analysis