Eng10 Transitional Words

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You are entitled of your own opinion. Expressing your belief

according to your conviction is okay as long as you based it on
facts. Let’s see how well you give your reaction on situation given in

Your father decided to ground you of going out with friends for a
month because of the house rule you broke.

Your school decided to have a double shifting schedule, and

you belong to the morning shift that means your class will be
from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM only.

Because of COVID-19 crisis, the Department of Education offers

you to choose from online class or modular class.
Transitional words are words and phrases that provide you
a connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.

-Transitions help you to make your piece of writing flow


-They can turn your disconnected pieces of ideas into a

unified whole, and prevent you from getting lost in the
Transitional Words Uses Examples

on the contrary for you to show The idea of attending the play
however contrast between of Romeo and Juliet is nice.
ideas However, the lengthy play can
notwithstanding be so time consuming.

after for you to denote Stephen went to pick up Irene

at last time before he stopped by at Mang
Inasal for lunch.
furthermore for you to add to I admire King Jordan
besides the previous point because he is a great long-
moreover of your essay distance runner.
Furthermore, he is a
dedicated family man.
likewise for you to show At St. Rita School for the
similarly similarity or deaf, a private school, there is
in like fashion comparison a dress code that mandates
between your ideas how the students are to dress.
The boys must wear a pair of
pants and shirts. Similarly,
the strict dress code requires
skirts and blouses for girls.
although for you to concede a Although Steven was
at least point in the essay extremely tired, he
at any rate washed the dishes.
indeed for you to emphasize a God is so good. Indeed,
above all point He is faithful.
in fact for you to repeat Lisa decided not to go
in other words information to the market. In fact,
to put it another   she told me, “No, way.”
as a result for you to show The weather is so rainy and
so that consequence or a windy today; as a result,
consequently result street dancing is canceled.

for instance for you to Some things need to be

for example illustrate your done to improve the
to illustrate point or to make company. For instance, we
  you provide with can begin by organizing
examples the files.
rather than for you to show He prefers to play
in spite of contrasts or basketball rather than
in contrast to differences attending the conference.
finally for you to sum up After so much time
therefore your points waiting in the long line,
consequently   the boys finally got their

without a doubt for you to state The judge, without a

certainly obvious truth or doubt, thinks that capital
of course show opposition punishment is wrong.
• The transitional words indicate that the most important
details are integrated in a meaningful way.
• The task of expressing your ideas requires you to focus
on the main idea, focus on keywords, and ignore
unnecessary details.
Read and answer the following items. Choose and write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1.Philippine coins are used by coin collectors for fun or for profit.
____________________, coins have many uses.
A. consequently B. however
C. on the contrary D. therefore
2. The show is not over __________ the actors take their final bows at
the end.
A. eventually B. next
C. now D. until
3. That house felt very creepy inside; meanwhile, it was sunny
outside. Does the word meanwhile show a _____?
A. comparison B. contrasts or differences
C. repeat informationD. time relationship
4. All these words show effect or result, except one.
A. in spite of B. that is why
C. therefore D. thus
5. Karen’s cat, Kitty is so unlike Doopy. Doopy likes to
nap a lot and Kitty likes to play a lot. The word unlike
shows _____.
A. add information B. conclusion
C. contrast or difference D. repeat information
Complete the sentences with appropriate transitional words.
Choose your answer from the choices below.
 earlier similarly in comparison during in other
words ever since although however

1.The art exhibit was shown __________ this month.

2.Everyone hid out in the hall ___________ the hurricane
hoping they would
be safe.
Complete the sentences with appropriate transitional words. Choose
your answer from the choices below.
 earlier similarly in comparison during in other words ever
since although however
3. Jannie has not eaten at Mc Donald’s ________ the start of the
quarantine period.
4. Bob loves to go to parties. _________, Sheila loves to stay at home
with her family.
5. I feel that our last Student Council meeting did not go well.
__________, it was a mess
Compose your own sentences using transitional words or expressions. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. eventually __________________________________________

2. consequently __________________________________________

3. for the mean time__________________________________________

4. therefore __________________________________________

5. on the contrary __________________________________________

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