big writing Zhazira AKK-203 (Автосохраненный)
big writing Zhazira AKK-203 (Автосохраненный)
big writing Zhazira AKK-203 (Автосохраненный)
Peer Correction in
Collaborative Learning Teams
Zhazira Muktar
Writing is an important part of literacy
development and an essential skill for life
outside the classroom. As a result, many
English classes emphasize improving students’
writing abilities. This applies especially to courses
that seek to prepare international students for
admission to tertiary study programs in
Anglophone countries. How can our students ever
improve the quality and accuracy of their writing
unless we, their teachers, correct their language
Why hands-on is good, big is
beautiful, and
silence is golden
6. It harnesses the power of peer 8. It yields durable output that provides the
feedback, teacher with data on how the students
which has a strong influence on learner are thinking about their language use and
engagement and motivation. that of their peers. This yields actionable
pedagogical insights into their learning
7. It places each learner in the role of 9. Because students write more slowly
proofreader and editor of the written than they speak, Big Paper slows down
work of their peers, which attunes their thinking, giving them time to
them to notice the specific accuracies reflect and plan what they will write and
or inaccuracies of their own writing and encouraging them to consider the views
to acquire the habit of applying critical of others.
thinking to what they read and write.