Literature Review Summary
Literature Review Summary
Literature Review Summary
Literature Review
This step will help you work out the structure of your literature review
and (if applicable) show how your own research will contribute to
existing knowledge.
Example of trends and gaps
In reviewing the literature on social media and body image, you note
• Most research has focused on young women.
• There is an increasing interest in the visual aspects of social media.
• But there is still a lack of research on highly visual platforms like
Instagram and Snapchat – this is a gap that you could address in your
own research.
Process of conducting a literature Cont..
Body image issues have been widely associated with social media usage, particularly in young
women. Previous study by Grace,(2008) concluded that exposure to mass media is linked to body
image among women. However, in an era of rapidly changing digital technologies, the mass
media is no longer adequate for understanding how people engage with images, and the
findings of older studies like this one may not be generalizable to younger generations.
According to Bontle (2018), reveals that the interactive aspects of social media may influence its
impact on body image, and mentions that young women are among the most active social media
users. Several empirical studies have focused on Facebook usage in adolescent girls (Tiggerman,
2013;Gray, 2018) and in young adult women (Smith, 2020; John, 2017), while a systematic review
by Holland (2020) confirmed a relationship between social networking and body image for both
women and men. Across these studies, there is consistent evidence that body image issues are
influenced not by social media usage in general, but by engagement with the visual and
interactive aspects of these platforms. Nonetheless, there is a lack of research on more highly
visual social media (HVSM) such as Instagram and Snapchat that have gained more recent
popularity among younger generations.