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“Action research relates to identification of problem, collecting
data, applying the data to the problem and evaluating results.”

Action research attempts to meet the dual goals of making action

more effective and building a body of scientific knowledge
around that action.

The action research model focuses on planned change as a cyclical

process in which initial research about the organization provides
information to guide subsequent action. Then the results of the
action are assessed to provide further information to guide further
action, and so on.

1) ENTRY( Problem identification )= This stage usually begins when

a key executive in the organization or someone with power and
influence senses that the organization has one or more problems that
might be solved with the help of OD practitioner . Contact between the
consultant and client is what initiates the entry phase . After the
contract ,the consultant and the client begin the process of exploring
with one another the possibilities of a working relationship.
2) CONTRACTING (Consultation with a behavioral science
expert):=During the initial contact, the OD practitioner and
the client carefully assess each other. The practitioner has his
or her own normative , development theory or frame of
reference and must be conscious of those assumptions and
values . Sharing them with the client from the beginning
establishes an open and collaborative atmosphere.
3) DIAGNOSIS( Data gathering and preliminary diagnosis):=
This step is usually completed by the OD practitioner, often in
conjunction with organization members, It involves gathering
appropriate information and analyzing it to determine the
underlying causes of organizational problems.
4) FEEDBACK ( Feedback to a key client or
group ):=Because action research is a collaborative activity,
the diagnostic data are fed back to the client, usually in a
group or work-team meetings. The feedback step, in which
members are given the information gathered by the OD
practitioner, helps them determine the strengths and
weaknesses of the organization or the department under study.
5) PLANNING CHANGE( Joint action planning):= Next the
OD practitioner and the client members jointly agree on
further action to be taken. This is the beginning of the moving
process (described in lewin ’s change model). At this stage, the
specific action to be taken depends on the culture, technology,
and environment of the organization; the diagnosis of the
problem; and the time and expense of the intervention .
6) INTERVENTION ( Action):=This stage involves the actual
change from one organizational state to another . It may
include installing new methods and procedures, reorganizing
structures and work designs, and reinforcing new behaviors.
Such actions typically cannot be implemented immediately but
require a transition period as the organization moves from the
present to a desired future state.
7) EVALUATION( Data gathering after action): Because
action research is a cyclical process, data must also be
gathered after the action has been taken to measure and
determine the effects of the action and to feed the results back
to the organization. This , in turn may lead to re- diagnosis and
new action.
1) Organizational values and leadership: Management must
place high values on the employees, groups and their
performance . Organization should be viewed as a place
people learn and achieve personal growth. When individual
growth organizations automatically achieve growth.
2) Awareness about organizational development programme:
Organization development is generally considered as a long
term continuous process . It aims at modifying individual
behaviour , group dynamics thus classifying OD as a
behaviour science . There is a need for more detailed ,
published cases of OD efforts and use of OD processes in
conjunction with other improvement strategies.
3) Certification of OD practioners: Many organizations conduct
various development programmes like seminars , conferences ,
workshops and role play. There are no. of organizations with full OD
orientation in india but there is no organization that accredits the skill
4) Mergers , Acquisitions and Alliances: Organizations have to adopt
strategies of mergers , acquisitions and alliances to be able to face
competition in the world.
5) Sense of community feeling: Organizational development heavily
depends upon the behaviour of people in the organization. What is
required that the people have a common objective and try channelize
their energies , skills for the achievement of the same OD future is
very bright , having great challenges for the OD practitioners.

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