Risk Identification Tool
Risk Identification Tool
Risk Identification Tool
LEARNING CYCLE- (Identify facts, assumptions)
Identifying risk is the process of understanding what potential events might hurt
or enhance a particular project.
• Brainstorming
• Interviewing
• SWOT analysis
BRAINSTORMING (less structured)
is a technique by which group attempts to generate ideas or find a solution for a
specific problem by amassing ideas spontaneously and without judgement.
an experienced facilitator should run the brainstorming session.
identification of many risks, team must be available, highly creative, encourages
teamwork and if not adequately executed, it can lead to “chaos”
Brainstorming Process:
-Define the scope
-Get a facilitator
-Get a list of participants
-Conduct brainstorming sessions
-consolidate responses
-fill up the list with the identified risks
used in problem solving sessions to encourage creative thinking
individual brainstorming
get the info in advance
mix of the individual and group participation
fast and effective
lessens the “chaos” of brainstorming
each member of the group writes down his/her ideas, which are then discussed and
prioritized one by one by the group.
DELPHI TECHNIQUE- (a group of experts)
is used to derive a consensus among a panel of experts who make predictions about future
developments. (Interview SME’s)
• a facilitator uses a questionnaire to get ideas about important risks
• responses are summarized & recirculated to experts for further comment
Helps reduce bias & having I person have undue influence on the outcome
provides independent and anonymous input regarding future events
used when there may be conflicts or when brainstorming is not recommended
Used to get comments from competitors
slow process
uses repeated rounds of questioning and written responses and avoids the biasing effects possible in
oral methods, such as brainstorming
is a fact-finding technique for collecting information in face-to-face, phone, e-
mail, or instant-messaging discussions.
interviewing people with similar project experience is an important tool for
identifying potential risks
CHECKLIST- (structured tools)
can be developed based on historical information and knowledge that has been
accumulated from previous similar business and from other sources of
SWOT Analysis
a method used for controlling areas of planning and risk and highlight areas of the
project that could be maximized to benefit of the whole project or individual areas where
some competitive advantage may be gained.
it is used to evaluate particular activities of the project in order to optimize their potential
as well as to evaluate risks
normally performed during the initial project start-up phase so that the elements of the
analysis can form the basis of the project plan
also can be used later in the project
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) can also be used during risk
helps identify the broad negative and positive risks that apply to a project
CAUSE & EFFECT- (a.k.a
Graphically illustrates the relationship between a given outcome and all the
factors that influence this outcome.
specify the effect to be analysed. The effect can be positive (objectives) or
negative (problems). Place it in a box on the right side of the diagram
List the major categories of the factors that influence the effect being studied.
• The “4 Ms” (Methods, Manpower, Materials, Machinery) or the:
• “4 Ps” (Policies, Procedures, People, Plant) are commonly used as a starting point
PAST PROJECT- (lesson learned from
Nominall Group Technique (NGT)
-Things your company does -Things your company -Undeserved markets -Emerging competitors
well lacks for specific
-Changing regulatory
-Qualities that separate you -Things your competitors -Few competitors in
from your competitors do better than you your area -Negative press/ media
-Internal resources such as -Resource limitation -Emerging need for
skilled, knowledgeable staff. your products or -Changing customer
-Unclear unique selling services attitudes toward your
-Tangible assets such as proposiition company
intellectual property, capital, -Press/media coverage
proprietary technologies etc. of your company