Marketing of Services
Marketing of Services
Marketing of Services
Marketing Mix includes 7Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process
and Physical Evidence).
Types of Service Micro environment
Marketing Macro Environment
Elements of
Elements of
Environmental Environmental scanning refers to a careful and systematic
analysis of the elements of the business environment and then
Scanning formulating strategies based on the findings of the analysis.
It helps in self-discovery (identification of own strengths,
weaknesses, core competencies etc.)
It enables identification of opportunities and threats
It gives us information, direction and helps us in preparation of
Importance of action plans and
Scanning channelization of resources
It makes us proactive and well equipped to respond to changes
or situations
It prepares us to respond to or tackle competitive moves
Role of
Services in
Increasing affordability or purchasing power
Increasing demand for convenience
Demanding professional or work life
Focus on leisure and spending quality time
Reasons for the Higher percentage of women in the workforce
growth of the Greater life expectancy
service sector Greater complexity of products
Increasing complexity of life
Social and environmental awareness
Scarcity of resources and time
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The survey estimates nominal
GDP growth of 15.4% and real GDP growth of 11% in 2021-
22. In 2020-21, GDP declined by 23.9% in the first quarter and
by 7.5% in the second quarter. Overall, GDP is expected to
Services sector decline by 7.7% in 2020-21 as compared to the growth of 4.2%
in 2019-20.
in India Inflation: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) based inflation was
6.6% in 2020-21 (April- December). The inflation mainly due
to food inflation which increased from 6.7% in 2019-20 to
9.1% in 2020-21 (April-December).
In 2020-21, the service sector is estimated to contract by 8.8%
(with trade and hospitality contracting the most (21.4%)) as
compared to 5.5% growth in 2019-20. Software services was
the only sub-sector with positive growth (3.6%) in the period of
April-September 2020.
While the pandemic led to a global slowdown in trade, the
Indian service sector export remained resilient. The net services
export receipts in first half of 2020-21 was USD 41.67 billion,
which is 3% higher than the service export receipts in first half
of 2019-20 (USD 40.47 billion).
Services Place
DIMENSIONS Reliability
OF SERVICE Responsiveness
QUALITY Assurance
Providing service as promised
Generation of Ideas
Testing the concept
NEW SERVICE Business analysis and design
Test Marketing
Infrastructure Development
Service Launch
Identifying processes:
Identification of the customer segment
DEVLOPING Mapping the customer’s view
INNOVATION functions that are new to the firm and do change the
service/good offered on the market and do require structurally
new technological, human or organizational capabilities of the
service organization.”
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a structured approach
to defining customer needs or requirements and translating
QUALITY them into specific plans to produce products to meet those