Exchange Infrastructure (Xi) : Process Integration

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Direct connection wired 1:1 Highly complex for managing and maintaining Costly Inefficient in data handling and transferring

SAP Exchange infrastructure

Its an integration technology for sap and non sap application Drive overall integrated business process using centralized knowledge Highly dynamic Reduced cost Easy in managing secure Pre-delivered Integration Content Openness and Interoperability A2A and B2B integration solution


System landscape directory


It have three dimensions:

1. 2. 3.

The transport dimension The technical dimension The solution dimension

Two main areas of content:



software catalog: component information System catalog :landscape description

System catalog use two views

1. 2.

Logical view () Physical view (web AS ABAP, JAVA, third party)

Integration Builder

Common tool framework for design and configuration time activities It is an java application Provide user interface at client side Provide services at server side

Integration Repository

Design time activities are executed here Allow to use visual editors to create object Objects are created using web standard languagesuch as BPEL,WSDL,XSD

Software Component, Interfaces

In IR we define the message and interface for an scenario separately for inbound and outbound component Mapping program are then created to transform message

Software component and name space

SWCV is the primary container of all development object in IR it is first imported in from SLD and can be edited to add name space and specifying possibility of importing IDOC and RFC interfaces Namespaces are unique identifier for related IR object Several namespaces can be provided to same SWCV Naming convention :

URI URN urn:sap_com:xi:demo

Interface objects

Data type:

Basic entity to define the structure of XML equivalent Provided by data type editor Nesting and exporting is possible structure created can be reused Bases on the data type defined in data dictionary

Message type The message type reference one single data type Its name in IR respond to the instantiated XML Based on the data type defined in xsd It describe the actual payload


Used to describe interface independent of platform and programming language Highest level of representation of XML data type it has two attribute

Mode (synchronous and asynchronous ) Direction (inbound and outbound)

Interface with out any direction are called abstract used in BPM WDSL file describe the interface The SAP standard interfaces are defined as message for the purpose of message mapping and interfaces for the porpose of implementing scenarios


Pointer to a specific element with in the message for future reference Encapsulate access to data contained in the pay load and header of a message It is useful in case when the xpath is complex to enter at design/configuration time Implementing steps

Create context objects Use them in message interface


Proxy is basically a system or computer that break the connection between sender and user, and a tool to develop a firewall It allow to expose arbitrary application functionality via web services It separate business application logic from integration logic of XI Generated by WSDL description of interface object ie message interfaces are the basis of proxy generation Have the same attribute as message interface and are also called executable interface

There are ABAO and JAVA proxies ABAP proxies are created in transaction SPROXY executed on application server Proxies for java application are created by right clicking the on the interface in IR and choosing java proxy generation


Transformation from one message structure to another Transformation rules are defined by mapping program

Message mapping

We graphically defined mapping rules between source and target message using message editors Simply performed by drag and drop technique and tha java code is internally generated Testing facility is also provided

Interface mapping

Representation of the mapping at the interface level assign mapping program(s) between source and target mapping types:

Message mapping XSLT mapping Custom Java mapping ABAP mapping

Mapping programs can be combined in a sequence N:M interface mapping possible (with BPM only!) For synchronous interfaces, a request and response mapping can be provided

Business scenario

It describe a complete business process from the XI point of view

Focus on the complete message exchange

They are used as the input for xi configuration Business process can be incorporated in business scenario


Its main goal is for customer to configure the sender receiver relationship The IR is initially delivered without content It serve as a data provider for integration server Main task in IR

Collaboration profile logical routing Collaboration Agreement

Collaboration profile object

Party :

A unit involves in cross system process Always assigned a name, alternative identifier can also be assigned


Address business system and process as sender and receiver, it also serve as grouping of interfaces for message exchange according to particular task areas Three types (business service, system, and process ) Contain info about interfaces and communication channel

communication channel

Specify transport mechanism for a message Must be assigned to an services Two configuration (sender and receiver communication channel ) Contain specific info about the message protocall

Routing rules


It has two parts Receiver determination

Assign one or more receiver to a sender Can specify one or more receiver partiesor services Condition can also be defined (content of the message)


Interface determination

Assign one or more inbound interfaces Assign an interface mapping

Collaboration agreement

Define which communication channel will be used Contain additional security setting

In outbound processing you can use security settings to do the following: Sign a message Guarantee the integrity of the data In inbound processing you can use security settings to do the following: Check the signature of an inbound message Check the integrity of the data Authorize the sender of a message

Value mapping

It provide specific value transformation This function is inserted in IR but its table is maintained in ID Two possible ways of displaying;

Agencies Group

In ID menu : tools->value

Cache update

Configuration-time objects are cached at the ABAP layer on the Integration Server to improve runtime performance. The cache is updated when the change list is activated. In IR updates can be viewed by selecting Environment -> cache notifications


When the msg is received at the IS. It is examined and all configuration are executed message is passed through a series of processing steps called XI pipeline

Reciver identification Interface determination Message split Message mapping Technical routing Call adapter

Refreshing of cache can be done using sxi_cache

Runtime workbench

It is the tool of monitoring XI centrally through a java based interface Monitoring of all component, process, message, end to end monitoring, performance monitoring and cache monitoring Configuration of alerts is done It integrate with CCMS For monitoring we can use the transaction sxi_moni Message can also be sent irrespective of the component Filtering of messages is possible

Adapter Framework

It connect application other than sap Based on j2ee architecture Configuration of adapter is done in central directory Sap also provide PCK for small partners communicating in native XI format Metadata and mapping are stored in IR It uses dual connectivity strategy It reduces TOC

Server Administration

The XI takes advantage of both the Java and ABAP stacks of the SAP Web Application Server Administration task are performed at transaction sxmb_adm Administrative tasks include managing and tuning the queues for message processing; scheduling archiving and delete jobs; and making error analysis Tracing and logging is also performed The Integration Builder has its own administration page; it includes functionality for managing and deleting object locks in the Integration Repository and the Integration Directory Condition and action for trouble shooting can also be defined

Security(user management)

User are classified as dialog user or active user You use the user administration tools to assign the required authorizations to administrators and end users using user accounts The User Management Engine (UME) provides a centralized user management for all Java applications

Security (message level)

It refers to the encryption of XI payload It is enabled by using digital signature Security policies are configured in IB For non repudiation the messages are archived which can monitored using RWB

Security (network and communication)

Depending on the security needs, a dedicated Integration Server for intra-enterprise communication can be added in the server LAN zone. The encryption of http data is performed by SSL Communication between sap component is secured by SNC which provide authentication data integrity and privacy


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