Personnel Planning and Recruiting

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Aprilia Ardyanti (12010122410001)
Innany M. M. (12010122410008)
Rusdiana (12010122410023)
Discussion 03 Internal Source of Candidates

04 Employee Engagement
01 Workforce Planning and
05 Outside Sources of Candidates
02 Effective Recruiting
Recruit a More Diverse
06 Workforce

07 Employers Develop and Use

Application Forms
Workforce Planning and Forecasting

Workforce (or employment or personnel) planning

is the process of deciding what positions the firm
will have to fill, and how to fill them.
Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand)

Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis

Study of a firm’s past A forecasting technique for

employment needs over the determining future staff needs
past few years. by using rations between, for
example, sales volume and
number of employees needed.

The Scatter Plot

A graphical method used to
help identify the relationship

between two variables.
Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates
System Manual and Replacement Chart
Can create your own personnel skills, inventory, and development record form.
For each current employee, list the person’s skills, education, company-sponsored courses taken,
career and development interest, languages, desired assignments, and other relevant experiences.
Personnel replacement charts are another options, particularly for the firm’s top positions. This chart
shows the performance and promotability for each position’s potential replacement.
Computerized Skills Inventory
Computerize this information using various packaged software system

Markov Analysis
To forecast availability of internal job candidates.
Markov analysis involves creating a matrix that shows the probabilities that employees in the chain of
feeder positions for key job..
Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates


Depend first on the

manager’s own
Succession Planning

02 Asses and
01 Develop
inside choose
Identify key
position candidates
Effective Recruiting is The Recruiting Yield Pyramid
Important The historical arithmetic
relationship between recruitment
leads and invitees, invitees and
interviews, interviews and offers
Employee Recruiting made, and offers made and offers
Finding and/or
attracting applicants for
the employer’s open
Add Text
Internal Sources of candidates

Know better about Inbreeding
strengths and Waste of Time

External hires tend

to come in at higher
salaries than do
those promoted
Finding Internal Candidates

Publicizing an open job

already familiar to employees (often by
with how you do Job Posting literally posting it on
things. bulletin boards) and
On the other listing its attributes, like
hand, employees qualifications, supervisor,
who you let go working schedule, and
may return with pay rate.
Former Employees
Employee Engagement Guide for Managers
Promotion from Within
Internal recruiting can improves employee engagement.

shifted from appointed single strong internal

supplying person “to provide recruiting and
hardware to support to all promotion from within
consulting (business units)”
Job posting : JCATS
Outside Source of Candidates
Informal Recruiting and Recruiting via the Internet
the Hidden Job Market

★ Employers
encounter the right PRO CONS
● Responses Quicker ● Inadvertently
● Less Cost exclude more older
● Comprehensive applicants
● Internet Overload

Often a good source for local

blue-collar help, clerical
employees, and lower-level
administrative employees.

Experienced advertisers use the

guide AIDA (attention, interest,
desire, action) to construct ads.

Public Agency Non-Profit Agency Private Agency

Recruitment Process Outsources Temporary Workers and Alternative
Special vendors that handle all or
most of an employer’s recruiting Temporary employees are examples of
needs. alternative staffing—basically, the use of
nontraditional recruitment sources. Other
alternative staffing arrangements include
“in-house temporary employees” and
“contract technical employees”
01 02 03
Offshoring Jobs Outsourcing Executive
Offshoring means Jobsmeans
Outsorcing Recruiters
Executive Recruiters
having outside vendors having outside vendors (also known as
or employees abroad supply services that the headhunters) are special
supply services that company’s own employment agencies
the company’s own employes previously did employers retain to seek
employees previously in-house. out top-management
did in-house. talent for their clients.
Improving Performance
HR Tools for Line Managers and
Small Businesses

Recruiting Referrals and

101 Walk-Ins

Walk-Ins Recruiting
Improving Performance
HR Tools for Line Managers and
Small Businesses

College Internship

Telecommuter Military Personel

Improving Performance
HR as a Profit Center One problem raising recruiting costs is that
more applicants is not always better.
GE medical hires about 500 technical workers a
year to design sophisticated medical devices such
Cutting as CT scanners. It has cut its hiring costs by 17%,
Recruitment reduced time to fill positions by 20% to 30%, and
Cost cut in half the percentage of new hires who don’t
work out. GE Medical’s HR team accomplished this
in part by applying its purchasing techniques to its
dealings with recruiters.
Recruit a More Diverse Workforce

Recruiting Recruiting
Single Minorities
1 2 3 4 5

Recruiting Older The

Woman Workers Disabled
Developing and Using Application Forms
Purpose of Application Forms
1 2
You can make judgments on You can draw
substantive matters. conclusions about the
applicant’s previous
progress and growth.

3 4
You can draw tentative You may be able to use the
conclusions about the data in the application to
applicant’s stability based on predict which candidates
previous work record. will succeed on the job.
Developing and Using Application Forms

Application Using Mandatory

Guidelines Application Arbitration
Forms to
Predict Job
Thank You

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